Multimedia Dinosaurs Download (1999 Educational Game)

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Multimedia Dinosaurs is an educational dinosaur game, with flash animation, colorful graphics and lots of dinosaur illustrations. The menu of the game has three sections: Dinorama, Dinosaur Database and Dinosaur Silhouettes. Dinorama is a cartoon area where you can watch flash animated cartoons of a dinosaur's life. There are 18 cartoons in total, two for each dinosaur featured.

Dinosaur Database has three educational sections in it. The Gallery section is a giant collection of 48 colorful illustrations. It lets you view one up close when you click on it on the right side. This is the educational section about those dinosaurs. The Names section has a list of 50 dinosaur names that can help you locate the dinosaur that you are trying to find in the gallery section, and lists two new dinosaurs that were not shown in the gallery. The choose section has four dinosaur fact groups that help you identify a dinosaur by its size, how it ate, what time period it lived in and what continent it lived on.

Dinosaur Silhouettes is a game in which you have to identify a dinosaur that has been completely blackened. The game does not have different difficulty levels, continually goes on and there is no highscore.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems.


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