Tonka Search & Rescue Download (1997 Educational Game)

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Get ready for adventure as you take command in Hasbro Interactive's offering of Tonka Search and Rescue. Take charge of exciting missions over land, sea and air as you command a variety of vehicles including helpcopters, fire engies and rescue boats. Head to the Print Center and help Tonka Joe make medals, decals, stickers and awards for your valiant efforts. Featuring 22 Tonka vehicles and 12 different rescue missions. Paint repair and print your customized vehicles and learn about the vehicles with on-screen guides.

From rescuing to repairing, Search & Rescue has a variety of missions and activities to choose from. You start out in the Dispatch Center, where you can choose what you would like to do. Going into the Garage, you are faced with various Tonka vehicles that can be repaired using the Tonka Cool Tools(TM). These vehicles can then be used in the various missions and activities.

Once your vehicles are ready to go, you can either go through the training academy, or just right into the missions themselves. The missions are in 3 different locations - The Docks, the Zoo, and Flood missions. Use a variety of vehicles such as helicopters, fire engines, bulldozers, and rescue boats to complete the missions.

Also included is a print center, where you can print various stickers, awards, and even an entire play set.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems.


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