Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy combines both good and bad elements of game design. While children learn the basic points of math, including addition, subtraction, geometry, numbers and logic, some may find a few of the games frustrating, exacerbated by potentially annoying aspects. The title covers a wide range of math topics, and many of the games seem less like learning and more like play, always a good sign in a game aimed at holding children's attention.
Unfortunately, the character antics can be very distracting. While funny or charming in small doses, extended gameplay destroys the effect of the initially cute character quirks. As an example, the worst offender, Teemto in the Digotto game, has only two or three sayings, which are repeated endlessly. Even if young players find him amusing, adults will not and the effect will be similar to a grating toy noise that plays excessively. Not all characters are this bad, as some have a bigger vocabulary, and are less tiresome.
Most of the games are fun to play, and are reminiscent of popular arcade or board games such as chess, Trivial Pursuit and so forth. Dueling Dice, though, has a great deal of luck associated with it, and may frustrate younger players when luck turns against them.
The reward game, which involves picking up junk for Watto, is one of the best in the game and is amazingly fun, as it teaches math by having the player follow the rules given on the screen. The player, for example, must take junk designated by numbers determined by an equation, as the junk tumbles through space. More like an arcade game than any other in the collection, players will enjoy simply zipping about blasting asteroids and picking up debris and goodies until their fuel runs out or they're hit by too many objects.
Despite the annoying characters, most kids will find Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game Galaxy to be an interesting and fun addition to their library. While parents will find ideas on how to reinforce the math activities taught by the game helpful, most will want to be out of earshot the longer the game is played.
Graphics: Modeled in 3D, most of the characters are extremely realistic and resemble the characters used in
Sound: Most of the character voices are exceptionally well done, though the music and background sounds can occasionally make the characters hard to hear. The repetitive nature of the dialogue, however, is distracting and can become annoying.
Enjoyment: Most kids will enjoy the games immensely, though Dueling Dice may frustrate younger players.
Replay Value: Each game is different and, for the most part, extremely enjoyable. Potentially decent replay simply due to the way in which subject matter is presented.
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