Electric Crayon: At the Zoo Download (1992 Educational Game)

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This computer coloring book is another part in the Electric Crayon series and it has 30 pictures of different Zoo inhabitants to color.

Pictures could be colored from a palette of 16 colors. A mix button would "mix" the current color with the 15 other colors and give a total of 256 colors. Choosing a color and clicking in the picture do a color fill in the area clicked. The finished, or in progress, coloring was automatically saved to disk. Player may also remove all colors applied previously to start coloring from the very beginning.

Each picture has an educational description.

Pictures could be printed with, or without, a monthly calendar, description, message, banner, etc.

At the Zoo and Dinos are Forever are two more entries in Brian Rice's prolific Electric Crayon series. Like other entries, these programs are electronic coloring books that feature lots of attractive pictures for kids to draw in, a nice mouse-driven interface, and even educational value: kids will learn about different types of animals and dinosaurs respectively in these two programs. You can also ask the program to color the pictures (randomly) for you, print the finished page (although not by anything more modern than dot-matrix printers), and call up the help menu. All in all, nice - albeit simplistic - coloring programs to bring out the artist in your kids. Recommended.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.54 MB).


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