Skate or Die Download (1988 Sports Game)

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Skate or Die incorporates five distinct styles of skating, which can be attempted individually or in turn. You skate around a menu room to choose which one to attempt. Before taking off you can visit Rodney's skate shop to buy equipment.

The first event is freestyle, in which your aim is to score as many points as possible in 10 attempts. Judges determine how much style and skill you have shown. The High Jump uses the same equipment, only this time your task is to jump as high as possible at the end of the ramp.

The downhill events are overhead-view races. In the Downhill Race you simply try to complete the course within 90 seconds. In the Downhill Jam you try to outperform a human or computer opponent whilst dodging or jumping hazards. You can use attacking moves to either remove hazards or knock your opponent over.

The pool joust is more of a one-on-one beat em up using a stick, set within a pit to skate around.

Skate-or-DIE!! That's right, the arcade classic you spent your millions on, quater by quater! It features three different types of graphics: CGA, EGA, and Tandy along with the choices of joystick or keyboard control. Challenge your skills on the freestyle ramp. See how fast you can go in the downhill race. Beat up on another mohawked e-rad, smash cans, SKATE OR DIE in the downhill jam, or break into the local pool and shove the (padded for safety) jousting stick up a fellow skater's bum. It's all there just like it was in the arcade. The graphics are what is to be expected from an old DOS game but it's still very playable and just as fun as it was when you had to stand in line to play it.

Concerned about installation? Don't be! Just point, click, choose your graphics mode, and askating you go!

Skate or die is a package of skating games packed in one game. You can choose from different skating games wich you can practice or compete. It has almost the same idea as Ski or die.

Skate or Die and Ski or Die are collections of cool mini-action games with tournament mode, not unlike Epyx' "Games" series. Each of these games features 6 mini-games, ranging from the well-known (skate & ski racing) to some pleasant surprises (skating ring competition & snowball fights). They're both fun and addictive, with excellent controls, although not up to par with Epyx games.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (2.80 MB).


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