This is the first Family Feud computer game based on the successful television game show. A few years later, Softie developed The All New Family Feud with more advanced graphics and music.
Two families compete against each other or against a computer family, 5 people per family. Just like in the tv show, there are 3 Rounds ending in a timed Bonus "Fast-Money" Round. Randomly generated questions are asked, and the object is to figure out the most popular answers from the 100 people poled. Each member of the family contributes during the Rounds, and two people play in the Bonus Round.
If you've ever watched daytime television in the US, chances are you've run across a game show called Family Feud. It pits teams of five family members against one another trying to guess the most popular answers to a series of innocuous questions which are based on survey results (similar to Card Sharks).
The family playing the board is given up to three incorrect guesses to match all of the survey's responses. Points are awarded based on the number of people who responded with each answer. The excitement peaks when the family with most points selects two members of the family to play a fast money game against the clock. Softie's computer version is quite faithful to the original show, although replay value is questionable because I always seem to get the same questions each time. The excitement of seeing family members help each other on the show is, naturally, missing in the computer version, but with hundreds of questions and fun endgame, Family Feud will keep trivia fans happy. Fans of the TV original will probably be disappointed, though. In 1989 Softie released a sequel, All New Family Feud, which features (very ugly) extended EGA graphics but many more questions than the first game.
Family Feud is modeled after the successful TV show that was first aired in 1970. It's still on the air today, hosted by none other then Richard Karn (better known as Al, Tim 'The tool man' Taylor's sidekick on 'Home Improvement') and appears to be quite popular. The concept is well-known and copied by many TV-shows in other countries as well (for instance '5 tegen 5' in the Netherlands). Basically, there are two teams (both families consisting of a father, a mother, a brother and a sister who compete against each other in four rounds (father vs. father etc.). You can play against the computer or against a friend (hotseat).
For every round there's a question that's based on a survey, like "Name a vegetable you can marinate" (I don't know if they actually did field research for the game but that's another story...). Depending on the number of people that gave the same answer as you do, you're rewarded with points. If you make a mistake, the other team gets to play. If they mess up, you win the round after all. Winner is the team with the most points.
That's all fairly simple and Family Feud delivers a good simulation of the TV-game, but there are some strings attached: in order to answer the questions you really ought to have a solid understanding of English. How many people can name all the different vegetables in another language AND know how to spell them properly? This makes the game very difficult for many non-native English speakers. It's still fun though, but prepare yourself to miss a few question purely because you didn't know how to spell cauliflower...
How to run this game on modern Windows PC?
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