Action adventure Games #3

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Action adventure Games:
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Devil Inside, The screenshotDevil Inside, The 2000
With polygon based characters and movement reminiscent of his earlier Alone in the Dark series, designer Hubert Chardot (along with the design team at GameSquad) presents the survival horror game The Devil Inside. This adventure takes place as part of a live Halloween 2001 television show on WWWL@, home of...

Devil's Tuning Fork screenshotDevil's Tuning Fork 2009

Die By The Sword screenshotDie By The Sword 1998
What do you get when you cross an irate grumpy Scottish swordsman who has lost his woman with a third-person medieval fantasy adventure? You get Die by the Sword. A level fighting game, Die by the Sword combines a variety of settings, action-based puzzles, witty one-liners, swordplay, and a host of...

Dino Crisis screenshotDino Crisis 2000
Dr. Edward Kirk is supposed to be dead. Three years ago while working to establish a new type of energy technology code-named Third Energy, an experiment went awry and terminated the brilliant scientist's life -- or so it was thought. It was recently learned, however, that Dr. Kirk is very...

Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3 screenshotDisney/Pixar Toy Story 3 2010
Based on the Pixar film three-quel and produced by Disney Interactive Studios, Toy Story 3 is a 3D adventure that sets high-spirited action and mini-games in the world of the film series. The game's "Adventure Mode" follows the story of the movie, with players guiding Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and their...

Dizzy: Bubble Dizzy screenshotDizzy: Bubble Dizzy 1993
Bubble Dizzy eschews the usual arcade adventure format of Dizzy games, instead being a simple action game. You must guide Dizzy through the underwater worlds, collecting pearls as you go. Dizzy starts at the bottom of the sea, and you have to get him to the top. You do this by...

Dizzy: Fantastic Adventure of Dizzy screenshotDizzy: Fantastic Adventure of Dizzy 1994
The evil wizard Zaks has cast a spell on the peaceful Yolkfolk, and while many fell under his spell, others have other problems to deal with, including Dizzy, who saw his girlfriend Daisy kidnapped and taken hostage by Zaks, and it's up to him to restore the Yolkfolk to normal...

Dizzy: Fantasy World of Dizzy screenshotDizzy: Fantasy World of Dizzy 1991
Dizzy's third adventure sees the introduction of the Yolkfolk, including Daisy, who has got lost in the fantasy world of the title. Dizzy sets off to rescue her, braving dragons, rats and alligators along the way. The lands are littered with coins, and as well as completing the main task...

Dizzy: Prince of Yolkfolk screenshotDizzy: Prince of Yolkfolk 1993
Rockwart the Troll has cast a spell on Daisy, leaving her asleep for 100 years. Dizzy sets off to put this right in a compact and concise arcade adventure following the conventions of the Dizzy series. You start the game trapped underground, thanks to the results of an errant spell,...

Drakan: Order of the Flame screenshotDrakan: Order of the Flame 1999
Drakan: Order of the Flame is best described by one word: Breathtaking. Upon hearing of the concept for Drakan, I couldn't wait to try it. When the demo was released, I downloaded it immediately and awaited the full release. I was not disappointed in the least! As a fan of the...

Duke Nukem Forever screenshotDuke Nukem Forever 2011
In the realm where puerile plotlines and locker-room humor meet hardcore shooter action, Duke is king, and after a decade-long hiatus, the king returns in Duke Nukem Forever. With development completed by Gearbox Software for a 2011 release, the game incorporates many contemporary first-person shooter features, but the destructible surroundings,...

Earth Invasion screenshotEarth Invasion 1993
With Earth Invasion, users can experience Windows as an arcade platform running high-speed action with true color and superior graphics quality at a value unsurpassed by other entertainment products. "Many consumers are migrating to PCs from Nintendo, Sega, and other game machines and they now expect similar or better quality entertainment...

Ecco the Dolphin screenshotEcco the Dolphin 1992
In a time where Sonic ran the industry and Sega's advertisements were brazen, clever, and humorous, Ecco: the Dolphin was released. A unique and innovative title that didn't really seem to fit into all the hype and commotion that Sega was trying to accumulate. Unfortunately, a lot of people passed...

Ecco The Dolphin (Windows 95) screenshotEcco The Dolphin (Windows 95) 1995
Travel through time along with Ecco the dolphin, in the only game that could call itself a "dolphin simulator". Indeed, you can do pretty much everything a typical dolphin does, including eating fish, surfacing in order to breathe, using your biological sonar and of course, jumping out of the water...

Ecstatica 2 screenshotEcstatica 2 1996
In the original Ecstatica, the hero managed to defeat the recently unleashed Devil and his creatures in the small village of Tirich and rescue Ecstatica, the witch-in-training responsible for the whole mess. The two of them journey back to the hero's land only to find that the forces of darkness have...

Elfland screenshotElfland 1992
In the two volumes of Elfland you play as an Elf fighting off the evil trolls that have invaded your homeland. In volume one make the perilous journey to Gorgimer's Castle to get a potion that will help against the trolls. Gorgimer the Alchemist isn't friendly to strangers so...

Enemy Zero screenshotEnemy Zero 1998
Despite playing a series of mediocre to just plain exploitative Sega CD games, I was actually eager to go out and purchase a little FMV title for the Playstation called, simply, "D." D was an interactive horror tale by Kenji Eno; another Japanese game producer who wishes he was making...

Enter the Matrix screenshotEnter the Matrix 2003
The first game inspired by The Matrix series of films features an original storyline with characters and choreography from the second movie, The Matrix: Reloaded. Players assume the role of either Niobe, a ship captain played by Jada Pinkett Smith in the film, or Ghost, a weapons expert and love...

Evil Days of Luckless John screenshotEvil Days of Luckless John 2006
Classic adventure game fans often criticize the modern state of the adventure genre of becoming uninspired and tasteless, to the extent that even the noblest efforts to recreate the sheer beauty and humor of these classic adventure games have translated to bitter gaming experiences. Evil Days of Luckless John is...

Father World screenshotFather World 1994
Father World is an action game with adventure elements. Peace in a megalopolis is threatened by a mysterious demon and his cyborg minions. A lone hero agrees to do what the authorities can't: single-handedly avert the threat. The game is very similar to Another World visually, though it contains by...

Flashback CD version screenshotFlashback CD version 1993
The game roars onto the screen with an explosive introduction. A man (you) screams away from captors and his stolen craft is shot down overtop of a jungle. The game picks up right there, fresh after the crash. You find yourself tangled in a web of confusion and action as you...

Fox Hunt screenshotFox Hunt 1996
Jack Fremont is an ordinary guy with just one unique talent: his knowledge of TV shows. Otherwise, his life isn't going too well, and he is about to be evicted from his place. However, one day, bragging about his encyclopedic abilities, Jack is confronted by two CIA agents who tell...

Garshasp: The Monster Slayer screenshotGarshasp: The Monster Slayer 2011

Giddy 3: The Retro Eggsperience screenshotGiddy 3: The Retro Eggsperience 2000
Giddy 3 is a freeware clone of Dizzy and its sequels. Intended as parody of that classic series, it also stars an anthropomorphic egg that must collect objects in order to solve puzzles. At the left side of the top of the screen there is the counter for lives and...

Gobliiins screenshotGobliiins 1991
A voodoo doll has turned King Angoulafre mad. You control a team of three Goblins - Oups, Ignatius and Asgard (Hooter, Dwayne, and BoBo in the US release), who must find four magic components to track down Niak the Wizard, who is the only one who can put things right....

Gobliins 2 screenshotGobliins 2 1992
The second in the series of adventure-puzzle games. In this installation, you only have two imps to control instead of three. Someone has kidnapped the prince and it's up to you and two hilarious sidekicks, Winkle and Fingus, to rescue him. Winkle is a reckless jokester, while Fingus is careful and...

Goblins 3 screenshotGoblins 3 1993
The third in the series of the weird adventure-puzzle games. This time you only have one Goblin to control. This was predictable just by the name of the game (the word 'Goblins' lost another 'i'). This time we control Blount, a lonely goblin travelling through the country of Foliander. Almost at...

Gold of the Aztecs screenshotGold of the Aztecs 1990
You are Vietnam war veteran Bret Conrad, who becomes an adventurer. Go everywhere on the world, find gold, walk in to the jungle... One day, you receive an old map about the lost city of Quetzacotl, and its cache of gold. You prepare your bag, gun, knife and let's...

Golden Compass, The screenshotGolden Compass, The 2007
Based on Philip Pullman's best-selling novel and New Line Cinema's theatrical interpretation, The Golden Compass follows the story of 11-year-old Lyra Belacqua, who leaves behind the familiar trappings of her boarding school to embark on an epic adventure to save her uncle and her closest friend. One is imprisoned, the...

Goody Remake screenshotGoody Remake 2005
Goody Remake, as the name implies, is a modern Windows-based remake of Opera Soft's classic Spanish action game of the same name. From my review of Goody elsewhere on this site: "Goody is a fun 2D action/adventure platformer from Spanish developer Opera Soft. You play a small thief bent on...

Action adventure Games:
01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08 


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