Adventure Games #39

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Star Trek: 25th Anniversary screenshotStar Trek: 25th Anniversary 1992
In Star Trek: 25th Anniversary players take on the role of Captain Kirk who must lead the U.S.S. Enterprise and its crew through eight space and land missions. During gameplay users can access photon torpedoes, control phasers, shields, and communications. Some of the voice talents featured in the game include...

Star Trek: Borg screenshotStar Trek: Borg 1996
Star Trek: Borg is mostly about the Borg, but it's also about Q, that supposedly omnipotent superbeing who has served as a guide, aide and gadfly to some of Starfleet's captains. Q is the one who is guiding you through your journey to Wolf 359, and humanity's conflict with the Borg....

Star Trek: Captain's Chair screenshotStar Trek: Captain's Chair 1997
Star Trek: Captain's Chair is a simply amazing game. The amount of detail and information contained within are almost on a par with some of the previously released Technical Manuals. To top it off, in contrast with the flat, two-dimensional pictures that are usually a staple of the technical manuals,...

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger screenshotStar Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger 1996
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Harbinger is an uninspiring attempt to bring the experience of the television hit series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine onto the computer screen. Its poor production and gameplay make playing this title at most a mediocre gaming experience. Unless you are a diehard Star Trek...

Star Trek: First Contact screenshotStar Trek: First Contact 1988
Evidence of a new and unknown civilization has been found. The ultimate goal for your starship and crew is to avoid Klingon suspicion and make First Contact. In the process of contacting this new civilization, you must carry diplomats to the planet of Gothica to ensure the Federation makes a...

Star Trek: Judgment Rites screenshotStar Trek: Judgment Rites 1993
"Space... The Final Frontier." Star Trek: Judgment Rites Limited CD-ROM Collector's Edition almost seemed like a last-ditched effort by Interplay's attempt at banking from the success of the Star Trek universe. However, that didn't seem to be the impression from the opinions of devoted Trek fans. Judgment Rites was already...

Star Trek: Klingon screenshotStar Trek: Klingon 1995
Simon and Schuster's Star Trek: Klingon deals heavily with Klingon culture. It is nice to see Gowron back again, as he makes for the perfect Klingon mentor. The game is actually quite addictive despite its poorly implemented graphics and game engine, which can be quite frustrating at times. The Immersion Studies...

Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative screenshotStar Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative 1985
This is an interactive fiction game based on the Star Trek Universe. The game features dialog and input boxes in addition to the traditional single command-line IF interface. Your mission is to solve the Kobayashi Alternative Command Performance Evaluation. You play as Captain Kirk and command your crew through numerous...

Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity screenshotStar Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity 1995
Generally considered by the gaming community as one of the first Star Trek titles to "get it right," Star Trek: The Next Generation -- A Final Unity combines quality voice acting from original cast members with tightly meshed QuickTime movies to advance the story. Solving the mystery of A Final...

Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy screenshotStar Trek: The Promethean Prophecy 1986
The Enterprise came under sudden attack, sustaining major damage to virtually all decks. Leaking coolants contaminated the entire stock of raw protein substance, the base material of all the galley's synthesized foods. Chief Engineer Scott estimates that repairs to our warp engines will take eight or nine constant days at...

Star Trek: The Rebel Universe screenshotStar Trek: The Rebel Universe 1988
The first Star Trek game to feature full-color graphics and digitized portraits of the U.S.S. Enterprise's key officers, Star Trek: The Rebel Universe is a point-and-click adventure set in a quarantined region of space, where Klingons are believed to be turning Federation starships against Starfleet Command. You'll control Captain James...

Star Warped screenshotStar Warped 1997
"Be seduced by the power of the Dork Side," reads the cover of Star Warped. For a diehard Star Wars follower and a fan of satire in general, this game represents the best of both worlds. From Mad Magazine parodies, to Hardware Wars and Weird Al's "Yoda" song; no Star...

Star Wars: Yoda Stories screenshotStar Wars: Yoda Stories 1997
Star Wars: Yoda Stories is a fun little game which runs windowed on your desktop as you control Luke Skywalker, Rebel swashbuckler extraordinaire. The game starts innocently enough as you land on Dagobah to find everyone's favorite green Muppet (with the possible exception of Kermit), Yoda. From there, the game is...

StarBlade screenshotStarBlade 1990
StarBlade is an epic space-opera, set in the vastness of the Orion galazy, the year 3001. The human race has been decimated to a series of small hi-tech colonies by the ruthless, insectile Cephalhydras. To finally wipe out humanity, Cephalhydras geneticist have produced Genolyn, a hideously mutated Queen brood-mother, who...

Starcross screenshotStarcross 1982
The year is 2186. Humanity has established colonies on the moon, Mars, and several of the larger asteroids. Earth's sky is dotted with space habitats, and the spaceways are always busy. As usual, there is the urgent need for energy to power this advanced civilization; one of the primary sources...

Starfight VI: Gatekeepers screenshotStarfight VI: Gatekeepers 2000
StarFight VI: Gatekeepers is an incredible spaceflight adventure game that saw over 15 months in development. Aside from the amazing fact that this game is freeware, StarFight VI also ranks as one of the largest freeware games ever made despite some cheesy names and cartoon characters. The compressed file comes...

Stargate Adventure screenshotStargate Adventure 2005
Stargate Adventure is a fun fanmade adventure game based on Stargate SG-1 TV series. Despite some awkward sentences due to the fact that the designer is not a native English speaker, plenty of neat how-does-this-alien-artifact-work puzzles and cool storyline more than outweigh this downside. The game lets you switch between...

Starship Titanic screenshotStarship Titanic 1998
While watching one of the countless documentaries on the sinking of the Titanic, I learned a very curious fact: the ship that was considered unsinkable went down thanks to a series of small gashes that totaled just over 20 square feet in area. Just like its namesake, Starship Titanic also sinks...

Stationfall screenshotStationfall 1987
After the fall of the Second Galactic Union in 1716 GY, a ten-thousand-year dark age settled upon the galaxy. Interstellar travel was nonexistent, and many star systems descended into a near-barbaric state, buring coal and gas for energy, and growing food directly from exposed topsoil. In 11,203 GY, a treaty...

Stephen King's "The Mist" screenshotStephen King's "The Mist" 1985
This adventure is adapted from the 150-page novella "The Mist" by Stephen King. While you are on a routine visit to the supermarket, a sinister, thick mist rolls into town, swallowing up everything in its path and trapping you. Can you escape amidst the ensuing panic, and make it out of...

Still Life screenshotStill Life 2005
Still Life is a 3D point-and-click adventure that garners its "M" rating due to its gruesome subject matter. Players take the role of a gifted young FBI detective named Victoria McPherson, who is assigned to a difficult case in modern Chicago involving the apparent serial killings of (at least) five...

Still Life 2 screenshotStill Life 2 2009
This 2009 sequel continues Microids' modern horror-story adventure of the original Still Life and its predecessor, Post Mortem. Players resume the role of FBI agent Victoria McPherson on the disturbing trail of the gruesome East Coast Killer, a serial murderer on the loose. Victoria is in contact with a television...

Stowaway! Stephen Biesty's Incredible Cross-Sections screenshotStowaway! Stephen Biesty's Incredible Cross-Sections 1994
The classic children's game based on Stephen Biesty's Man-Of-War Cross-Sections book. Stephen Biesty's Amazing Journey of Discovery Through an 18th-Century Warship. Step into the midst of battle on the high seas! Explore every deck, cabin, nook, and cranny of this amazing 18th-century warship in your search for the hidden stowaway....

Strange Odyssey screenshotStrange Odyssey 1981
Strange Odyssey is the sixth game of the Scott Adams text adventures series, marketed by Scott's company, Adventure International. It is an old-style text adventure sporting a two word parser and split screen interface. You play a space traveller whose space ship breaks down while orbiting a remote asteroid. Starting with...

Stroke of Fate, A: Operation Bunker screenshotStroke of Fate, A: Operation Bunker 2009

Stroke of Fate, A: Operation Valkyrie screenshotStroke of Fate, A: Operation Valkyrie 2009

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Episode 1 - Homestar Ruiner screenshotStrong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Episode 1 - Homestar Ruiner 2008
The people responsible for the latter-day adventures of Sam & Max head down the episodic graphic adventure path once again, this time with five planned episodes based on the popular Internet cartoon "Homestar Runner." Episode One -- "Homestar Ruiner" finds the wisecracking Strong Bad performing his typically daily routine of...

Stupid Invaders screenshotStupid Invaders 2001
The prospect of a sci-fi comedy adventure game is intriguing, especially when the tag line on the box states "Stupid Idiots Need Your Help!" Perhaps, though, in this case the statement should be considered a warning, not a cry for help. Stupid Invaders is, unfortunately, built on a foundation of...

Sub Mission screenshotSub Mission 1987
An evil alien warlord has kidnapped two Earthlings, Peter and Sigourney. He agrees to free them only on one condition: somebody must defeat him in a dangerous game that consists of piloting submarines with a remote control. Who is brave enough to stand up to this challenge? And who can...

Super Spy screenshotSuper Spy 1996
You play as "Superspy" Michael Andrews and your mission is to stop terrorists killing thousands of people. They got in the possession of a secret chemical weapon, code-named Omega, which was supposed to be shot into space because of its dangerousness. Once your partner, now your foe, Kane...

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