Adventure Games #41

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Third Courier, The screenshotThird Courier, The 1989
The Third Courier is set in the era of the 'cold war', and the action takes place in Germany. The player is an American spy, and his mission is to recover stolen NATO defense plans. You start off in your apartment, which contains a computer, bugging equipment and an answerphone, as...

Thirty Flights of Loving screenshotThirty Flights of Loving 2012

This is Spinal Tap screenshotThis is Spinal Tap 1994
This is the 1994 CD-ROM release of the classic rock comedy This is Spinal Tap. It was made by the Voyager Company who are famous for converting feature length movies to CD-ROM format and even predated DVDs by including extra features as well. The main disc of the set allows...

Three Weeks in Paradise screenshotThree Weeks in Paradise 2005
Three Weeks in Paradise is a superb PC remake of a classic Spectrum ZX action/adventure game of the same name from Mikro-Gen. Your goal as the bumbling hero Wally Week is to rescue several family members who have been caught by cannibals. To do this, you must collect various items...

Time and Magik Trilogy, The (a.k.a. Lords of Time, Red Moon, The Price of Magik) screenshotTime and Magik Trilogy, The (a.k.a. Lords of Time, Red Moon, The Price of Magik) 1988
A trilogy of interactive fiction games involving wizards and time travel, given the Time & Magik name when compiled as a three-in-one compilation containing enhanced versions. This includes Lords of Time (1983), Red Moon (1985), and The Price of Magik (1986). ...

Time Gentlemen, Please! screenshotTime Gentlemen, Please! 2009

Time Machine, The New Adventures of the screenshotTime Machine, The New Adventures of the 2000
DreamCatcher is well known for fantasy games that, essentially, create entirely new worlds. Beyond Atlantis takes you through the mysteries of ancient civilizations (though entirely fictional) and The Sacred Amulet brings the legend of the Aztecs to a whole new level. The New Adventures of the Time Machine follows the same...

Time Paradox screenshotTime Paradox 1996
This is (perhaps the only) point 'n click adventure game by Flair software in which the player gets to control a female character who travels back in time on a mission to see the magician, Merlin. Having been sent back to the times of Cavemen and Dinosaurs, Kingdoms and Knights,...

Time Quest screenshotTime Quest 1991
Anyone who has played one of the many Legend Entertainment Company's adventure games from the early part of the decade (1990's) will be familiar with the style of TimeQuest. The unique design has a distinctive interface and is made up of a windows type environment. The tool of choice to...

Time Stand Still screenshotTime Stand Still 2006
As computers improve in processing power and speed, many gamers tend to gravitate toward more sophisticated and complex titles. These games offer real-time 3D and photorealistic graphics that put you in the middle of the action, binaural sounds that sear right through your brain, and enough blood, guts, and action...

Timelapse screenshotTimelapse 1996
Timelapse is the basic Myst-clone. It starts with you receiving an urgent message from an archeologist friend working in the Easter Islands on a ancient link to lost civilizations. You arrive at his dig site to find him missing. You are the only person who can find him and your...

Timeline screenshotTimeline 2000
Timeline, created by Timeline Computer Entertainment, a software company founded by best selling author Michael Crichton, is based loosely on his book of the same name. The story has been changed so much, though, that playing the game doesn't take away from the book and offers more than a simple...

TimeScape: Journey to Pompeii screenshotTimeScape: Journey to Pompeii 2000
You play as Adrian Blake, surrounded by a raging war he is trapped in a mountain cave. The goddess Ishtar offers to save him in exchange for his love. Adrian refuses her offer. Once he returns home and discovers that his fiancee, Sophia is missing, Adrian searches ancient scrolls to...

Tiny Bang Story, The screenshotTiny Bang Story, The 2011

Titanic: Adventure Out of Time screenshotTitanic: Adventure Out of Time 1997
If you are looking for a totally immersive game experience, you have to look no further than Titanic: Adventure Out of Time by Cyberflix. The game takes place totally in the first person, with your character being that of a secret agent trying to undo the mistakes he made in...

To the Moon screenshotTo the Moon 2011

Tomb of Zojir: Last Half of Darkness screenshotTomb of Zojir: Last Half of Darkness 2009

Tombs and Treasure screenshotTombs and Treasure 1988
I bought Tombs & Treasure and was quite excited. Why, you ask? Well, as a kid one of my favorite trips was the one my family took to the Mayan ruins in the Yucatan. This game just so happens to take place in one of the sites I visited, Chichen...

Tommy screenshotTommy 1996
See and hear Tommy as never before. Pete Townshend and The Who's earliest years to Woodstock, from the 1989 reunion tour to the 1993 smash-hot Broadway play and beyond. Find out why Pete Townshend and The Who shocked one generation and inspired the next. Check out Pete Townshend's original lyrics...

Tommy's Manor screenshotTommy's Manor 1989
Tommy's Manor is a shareware text adventure game that is a version of an earlier called Stoneville Manor. The plot is that Old Mr Tommy has died. He was very wealthy and left all his money to whoever could find and open his secret safe. As the adventurer the player must...

Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths screenshotTony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths 2002
For ten years, diminutive private detective Tony Tough has been chasing down the mystery behind stolen Halloween candy. Now his purple companion, a tapir named Pentagruel, has apparently been kidnapped by the psychopathic candy-stealer, and it's up to you to help solve the case in Tony Tough and the Night...

Toonstruck screenshotToonstruck 1995
When the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit? came out, people were amazed at how well live action and animation could be combined. The game ToonStruck uses this combination to tell the story of Drew Blanc, (coincidentally Christopher Lloyd from Roger Rabbit), an overworked cartoonist in need of a vacation. While...

Torin's Passage screenshotTorin's Passage 1995
Torin is a young boy who lives in a little country house on a planet called Strata with his parents and with his purple cat-like friend Boogle. One day he returns home, only to find out his parents were imprisoned in a magical spell. Apparently, the spell was cast by...

Total Distortion screenshotTotal Distortion 1995
In an attempt to inspire your creativity, you decide to leave Earth and teleport to the Distortion Dimension in search of new material. After all, you are a talented music video director! The problem is that in order to get back, you'll need to raise one million dollars in cash....

Touche screenshotTouche 1995
Geoffroi Le Brun, ensign in His Majesty's musketeers, arrives in the middle of the night in 16th century Rouen, France, to start his new posting at the musketeer headquarters. At the moment he arrives, the unfortunate Comte d'Itee, William de Peuple, is attacked by bandits and his precious will is...

Tracer Sanction, The screenshotTracer Sanction, The 1984
As an interplanetary secret agent, you must roam the galaxy in your extremely fuel-conscious space ship (only 500 gallons to the nearest planet). Heaven knows what sort of engine your ship possesses, but as stars scroll past your cockpit you can hear what sounds like a very unhealthy motor-scooter in...

Traitor's Gate screenshotTraitor's Gate 1999
Traitor's Gate is a game best suited for gamers who possess that rare quality -- a wealth of patience! Personally, it felt some of the puzzles in the game had been painstakingly constructed to go beyond "difficult" and approached "insane challenge" level. My first, foremost and most functional recommendation is...

Traitor's Gate 2: Cypher screenshotTraitor's Gate 2: Cypher 2003
Traitors Gate 2 presents a future where the world economy is threatened by a computer virus that could shut down all entertainment, security systems, and most of the military. Players, as agent Raven, must find the secret lab where the virus has been developed, copy the virus, destroy the lab,...

Transylvania screenshotTransylvania 1986
This old classic was released by Penguin/Polarware in 1984 for Apple II, 8-bit Atari, and PC (both 4-color and 16-color versions). In 1997 the former owner of Polarware has given permission to publish Transylvania as freeware. The gameplay is totally text-based. Today, Transylvania has probably no other game value than...

Transylvania 2: The Crimson Crown screenshotTransylvania 2: The Crimson Crown 1986
In Transylvania we rescued Princess Sabrina, and met Crown Prince Erik. They return upon news of the King John the Good's death, and learn the crown has vanished. The Vampire Lord Drakul tries to uncover its secrets to become King, and threatens its land. As their guide, they accompany you...

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