Board Games #3

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Clue screenshotClue 1996
The board game Clue has been around for decades. It's a classic and has been delighting would-be sleuths and detectives for years. The object is to move around the board trying to figure out who did what, where they did it and with what murder weapon. While the objective is...

Clue: Murder at Boddy Mansion screenshotClue: Murder at Boddy Mansion 1998
Remember those days of sitting around a table, playing the game of Clue and trying to guess who did it? Well, the experience has been updated for the modern age with the release of Hasbro Interactive's digital version. The characters now walk, move and talk in 3D rendered graphics. In...

Combat Chess screenshotCombat Chess 1997
Medieval dragons and colorfully attired rooks, knights, bishops, kings and queens bring chess to life as they engage in mortal combat on the 64-square battlefield with more than 600 animations in Combat Chess. If non-combat chess is preferred, normal 2D and 3D perspectives are also available using a standard Staunton...

Computer Dots screenshotComputer Dots 1984
Computer Dots is a fun little would-be coffee-break game. Basically a PC version of the game "Dots", the game was written in 1984, and is somewhat of a jewel for that fact alone. For those as of yet uninitiated, here's the game in a nutshell as written in the games'...

Conquest screenshotConquest 1992
Conquest is a Risk clone which uses the same game rules as the original game. The player places his/her army on the given map and must conquer the majority of the lands to win. Attacks can be made to adjacent lands and are made in turns. Once a battle is...

Crazy Nick's Software Picks screenshotCrazy Nick's Software Picks 1993
Crazy Nick's Software Picks was a series of games inspired by or culled from popular Sierra titles. Includes: King Graham's Board Game Challenge Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Game Pack (Not Pictured) Leisure Suit Larry Casino Parlor Games with Laura Bow Parlor Games with Leisure Suit Larry Robin Hood's Game of Skill and Chance ...

Crystal Ball screenshotCrystal Ball 1988
Crystal Ball is a shareware program that makes predictions about the future! This game features two modes. In the first mode, you may select from a list of predefined questions to see what the crystal ball thinks will happen. Political elections, the future of science, and advances in health and...

Cyrus screenshotCyrus 1985
One of the world's first chess games designed for experts, Cyrus is also unfortunately one of the least known due to limited distribution. The IBM version can be played from a isometric 3-D perspective, or a traditional boring 2-D overhead view. There is a clock, which can be turned on or off....

Davidic Matchup screenshotDavidic Matchup 1994
Davidic Matchup is a Concentration game, focusing on the teaching of David, from the Bible. Gameplay is similar to Concentration, where you find matching pairs of cards that are facedown. The cards are related to stories of David. 1-3 players can play and the winner is the one who matches the...

DeLuxe Roulette screenshotDeLuxe Roulette 1996

Deluxe Trivial Pursuit screenshotDeluxe Trivial Pursuit 1992
Deluxe Trivial Pursuit is an improved new version of the classic Trivial Pursuit. Over 3,000 new questions, SVGA 256-color graphics, music and sound effects, a fully animated quizmaster and more. ...

Diam screenshotDiam 2004
Diam is a cool Flash version of a neat abstract board game for 2-4 players that makes an ingenious use of the third dimension (i.e. height). The goal of the game is to place 2 pawns of identical color on 2 diametrically opposed spaces - and at the same height....

Diplomacy screenshotDiplomacy 2005
This historically themed turn-based strategy contest from the makers of Europa Universalis is based on the Avalon Hill board game of the same name. As the title implies, the game revolves around negotiations and agreements, instead of battlefield tactics or military might. The ability to craft beneficial bargains almost always...

Disney's Activity Center: Disney / Pixar Toy Story 2 screenshotDisney's Activity Center: Disney / Pixar Toy Story 2 1999
Based on situations and humor in the movie Graphics: Just like the movie and the scene where Buzz pulls Woody out of the old TV is a great transition scene. Sound: The music is good, if somewhat forgettable. The voices are obviously not Tim Allen's nor Tom Hanks but it's still easy...

Dogs of War screenshotDogs of War 1997
Hot seat multiplayer games seem to be a relic of the past. Most of the games nowadays being real time, you can play over LAN or the internet, but that's just not as much fun as playing a cool game while sitting in the same room. So when you've had...

Dvonner screenshotDvonner 2005
Dvonner is a great Windows game that features tough AI opponent for the game of Dvonn, a fun and unique tile-stacking abstract board game invented by Kris Burn in 2001. From the official site: "DVONN is a stacking game. It is played on an elongated hexagonal board, with 23 white,...

Ed Chess screenshotEd Chess 1994
A very basic chess game. Play against the AI, another person, or have the computer play itself. ...

Expert Chess screenshotExpert Chess 1994
Typical Chess single-player game with 2D/3D view, 6 types of piece set, 5 kinds of boards, 5 background music themes. Using windows the game provides Clock, Statistics, Move List. Human player can manually choose the computer opponent, defining its skill from Novice to Expert, search depth of its moves and...

Fearsome Floors (a.k.a. Finster Flure) screenshotFearsome Floors (a.k.a. Finster Flure) 2005
Fearsome Floors is an accurate Macromedia Flash conversion of a neat German board game of the same name (called Finster Flure in German). The goal is to get the yellow smilies (i.e. your opponents' playing tokens) eaten by the monster, while making sure all of the green smilies (i.e. your...

FormulaPC (a.k.a. Formula Dé) screenshotFormulaPC (a.k.a. Formula Dé) 2002
FormulaPC is an excellent fanmade PC version of Formula Dé, a unique board game from EuroGames that captures the spirit of Formula One racing in a whole new way: on the tabletop. Like its board game original, FormulaPC allows up to 5 computer or human players (each controlling an F1...

Fritz 9: Play Chess screenshotFritz 9: Play Chess 2005
Offering serious instruction for serious players, Fritz 9 Play Chess gives strategy enthusiasts unlimited hours of training and game play. A searchable database covering four centuries of chess is included, as well as a position explainer, training videos, game analysis, and six strength levels that will give an edge to...

Full Metal Planete screenshotFull Metal Planete 1990
Tie-in of the rather unknown but truly brilliant board game of the same name. Up to four players land on a planet with their motherships, trying to gather as much ore as possible within 24 game rounds. This almost sounds like a happy, idyllic round of pick-the-flowers... if it wasn't for...

Funball screenshotFunball 1995
Funball is a checkers-like game for two players. The goal is for a player to get a ball onto the opponent's base, while stopping the opponent from doing the same. Each player controls one color of balls--either red or green. Like checkers, the game board is an eight-by-eight grid. Unlike checkers's...

Game of Life screenshotGame of Life 1998
The CD-ROM Game of LIFE is a pleasant combination of the familiar board game, and fantastic animations and sound. Even if you have never played the game before, you can pick up the concept in no time and be enjoying this title. While many board game to PC conversions really offer...

Goats and Tigers (a.k.a. Bagha Chal) screenshotGoats and Tigers (a.k.a. Bagha Chal) 2004
Goats and Tigers is a solid PC implementation of "Bagha Chal," a little-known board game popular in Nepal and Tibet. I have been looking high and low for a PC version of this very interesting game for months after I returned from my trip to Nepal with a nice bronze...

Grossology screenshotGrossology 1997
After signing a document held by a man who is mostly nose you will meet your guide Ginger Vitis. Soon appear the nine teachers of Grossology all with blunt paranomasic names. These tutors are masters of the art of "Stealth Learning," In other words they mask biology in children's love...

Head Rush screenshotHead Rush 1998
HeadRush is the latest effort from the wildly successful team who created the game You Don't Know Jack: Jellyvision and Berkeley Systems. HeadRush is an accelerated version of the original You Don't Know Jack franchise, with updated sound and graphics. First, let me tell you what's the same in HeadRush. You'll...

Hero Quest screenshotHero Quest 1991
The famous fantasy-themed board game was converted into an isometric-viewed role playing game in which the evil Wizard Morcar must be defeated. You take control of a wizard, a dwarf, a barbarian and an elf, each with different strengths and weaknesses, who each start the 14 missions from opposite sides...

HeroQuest screenshotHeroQuest 2004
HeroQuest is a superb fanmade PC version of Milton Bradley and Games Workshop's popular but now out-of-print boardgame of the same name. In this turn-based board game in a fantasy setting, you can play with 1 to 4 players in hotseat mode (i.e. the same computer). Designed primarily with kids...

Hexxagon screenshotHexxagon 1993
Hexxagon is a board-game. You have a table which contains a hexagon fields, 58 in total, and each player/computer starts with having three of them. You can move one or two fields in any direction. If you move one, you get the new one and the one you have filled...

Board Games:
01  02  03  04  05  06  07 


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