Board Games #5

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Mr. BigShot screenshotMr. BigShot 2001

MULE screenshotMULE 1985
M.U.L.E. is about four hopeful explorers trying to make a fortune on a virgin planet. This is done by producing various goods (Food, Energy, Smithore, Crystite). Each of these goods have their uses: if you don't have enough food, you will have less time during your turn. If you don't...

My Chess screenshotMy Chess 1984
MYCHESS is one of the oldest chess games ever made. It was developed by David Kittinger (the man behind the famous Chessmaster games) in 1979, although the DOS version was published in 1984. The game is black and white (CGA 640x200) and doesn't have mouse support, so the standard chess notations...

Noughts and Crosses screenshotNoughts and Crosses 1993
Noughts and Crosses is a variant of the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Whereas normal Tic-Tac-Toe is played in a 3x3 grid, this one is played in a grid 62 tiles wide and tall. The object of the game is to line up five pieces in a row before your computer opponent...

Ogre screenshotOgre 1986
A direct computer conversion of Steve Jackson's board game of supertanks going against superinfantry with superhowitzers. Plays exactly like the board game. ...

Othello (1982) screenshotOthello (1982) 1982
This is ancient board game of Othello (another name is Reversi). You must capture opponent's pieces, placing your stones on board. Any opponent's stones directly between your new stone and any of your old ones became captured and reversed to your color. You can play with friend or with computer. This is...

Othello (1988) screenshotOthello (1988) 1988
Commercial Othello simulator with ASCII graphics. The objective, as always in a Othello game, is to capture more opponent pieces than the other player. There aren't a lot of options to configure the game. The player can select only, if he wants to play versus the computer or versus another player,...

Pente screenshotPente 1986
Take turns trying to place five stones in a row or, if that fails, capture five pairs of your opponents stones between your stones in the board game Pente. While Pente plays mostly like a clone of Gomoku or Five-In-A-Row the main difference would have to be the capturing and...

Power: The Game screenshotPower: The Game 1995
POWER from IBM is an interesting boardgame-style turn-based wargame that challenges your strategic skills against your opponents in an abstract race to rule the world. The objective of the game is to defeat your opponents in a tactical war by capturing their Flag. Upon capturing an opponent's Flag, your opponent...

Proto Type screenshotProto Type 1989
This touch-typing tutorial includes a few games to help players practice when they're not taking lessons. The first, "Touch Typing Tests," simply involves typing sentences quickly. The second, "Tic-Tac-Toe," gives the player a Tic-Tac-Toe board. Each turn, he or she selects a square and is given a sentence to type....

Quink screenshotQuink 1984
Quink is a puzzle game for one or two players. In each round of the game, eight names, places, or objects will appear on the screen that will be associated in some way. Out of the eight items, two to six will not be related to the others. The player...

Rails screenshotRails 2004
Rails is a faithful PC adaptation of the Eurorails board game from Mayfair Games, designed by Darwin Bromley. Description from "Eurorails is another entry in the Mayfair crayon rail games, like Empire Builder and India Rails. Its puzzle-piece board forms a map of Europe broken down into dots. Players...

Rayman Raving Rabbids screenshotRayman Raving Rabbids 2006
Ubisoft's limbless mascot returns for his most unusual adventure yet, one that involves saving the world from a wacky warren of demonic bunnies. Players will control a revamped Rayman who wears outlandish outfits from different eras, including a purple afro and '70s-style threads, to further enhance his powers. The character...

Rayman: Raving Rabbids 2 screenshotRayman: Raving Rabbids 2 2008
Those rambunctious rabbits are back and ready for world domination in this follow-up to 2006's madcap, mini-game abundant original. The Rabbids now have a home base on Earth and plan on learning the idiosyncrasies of human behavior to more easily infiltrate our population. Once again Rayman vows to stop them,...

Renju screenshotRenju 1994
PC translation of the popular board game you may know as Pentem, where the objective is to place 5 consecutive stones in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line. Includes 1 or two player gameplay and numerous single player options such as 10 difficulty settings, the choice to see the computer's thought...

Rings of the Magi: Grand Master Edition screenshotRings of the Magi: Grand Master Edition 1995
Rings of the Magi: Grand Master Edition is a game that combines science fiction and fantasy genres with a good, old fashioned puzzle game. That is the premise of the game, but it is a puzzler more than anything else. With beautiful graphics and sweet sounds, Rings of the Magi: Grand Master Edition...

Risk screenshotRisk 1989
Parker Brothers' classic board game of world conquest returns to the PC platform with four play options and three difficulty settings. Up to six players, computer or human, alternate turns acquiring and defending 42 territories spread across six continents. The object is simple: eliminate all opponents by occupying every territory...

Risk screenshotRisk 1986
Risk is a turn-based strategy game based on the board game of the same name. The players participate in a virtual world conquest: each player chooses a country to control, with the goal of engaging in war against the other countries, eventually dominating the whole world. The players are able...

Risk (1991) screenshotRisk (1991) 1991
Parker Brothers' classic board game of world conquest makes its official Windows debut with four play options and three difficulty settings. Up to six players, computer or human, alternate turns acquiring and defending 42 territories spread across six continents. The object is simple: eliminate all opponents by occupying every territory...

Risk 2 screenshotRisk 2 2000
Developer Deep Red has crafted a sequel to the classic Risk game that adds many enhancements to the original. Along with multiple viewing options, a global 3D tactical overview, cinematic battle sequences, challenging AI, a variety of multi-player options and much more, Risk II offers players the chance to play...

Rock it screenshotRock it 2002
Rock It is a great coffee break gem based onthe mini game 'Chaos Garden' in Sonic Advance, a Gameboy Advance game. Using the arrow keys and spacebar, your goal is to get as high a score as possible by playing a fast-paced rock-paper-scissors game. The graphics are charming, with the...

RollOver screenshotRollOver 1997
A download-only computer dice game for 2 players. It bears some similarity to Yahtzee, in that each player rolls their set of 5 dice, trying to create the best hand possible. The twist, however, is that if you fail to improve your "hand", your turn is "a bust". It involves...

San Juan screenshotSan Juan 2004
San Juan is a competently coded PC conversion of the card game of the same name, which is in turn based on Puerto Rico board game. The description at explains the basics: "The pack of 110 cards consists of production buildings (indigo, sugar, tobacco, coffee, and silver) and "violet"...

Sargon 3 screenshotSargon 3 1983
The Sargon series were the connisseur's chess games at the time. This edition includes variable move times, ranging from 5 seconds to infinity. Moves can be undone and you can swap sides during the game. The search feature displays its calculations as you play, which can be useful to learn...

Sargon 4 screenshotSargon 4 1989
A FULLY updated version of the first three Sargon games; now in color! 3D is also included along with numerous graphic inhancements and added classic games from the past. ...

Sargon V screenshotSargon V 1991
A solid Chess-Sim - great presentation, strong level of playing - a bit too strong in my opinion - even the first level is hard to beat. Anyway - I doubt I need to tell you the rules of chess - you should have heard about it - if not...

Satori screenshotSatori 1990
With obvious influences from the classic Pipe Dream game, Satori is an old DOS game in EGA graphics and with no sound. It was created back in 1991 so keep your expectations low in regards to visual appeal. You basically are to build the longest possible pipe using 60 different...

Scrabble screenshotScrabble 1996
Many unfairly criticize board game translations because they are not as fun as playing the actual game with a group of friends. And that may be true in many cases; computers can't replicate the same level of interaction you get from a group of people. Yet critics often fail to...

Scrabble Complete screenshotScrabble Complete 2002
In much the same way as their 2002 version of Monopoly put a new spin on that traditional board game, Infogrames's release of Scrabble Crossword Game Complete brings new features to the venerable and popular word game. Play against the computer opponent Professor Maven, solitaire (single player), or join up...

Sea Battle screenshotSea Battle 1992
This game is a pretty standard variant of the classic Sea Battle game that you've probably played before on paper. The difference in this computer game interpretation is that once you enter your name as a player, and receive your personal card that holds some statistics, you can immediately start...

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