Simulation Games #27

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Shuttle screenshotShuttle 1992
An old, but very realistic space shuttle simulator. The package contains, in addition to two game disks, a very thick manual and a large sheet (A2 size, maybe) displaying the cockpit instruments of the shuttle. To successfully fly the missions, the player must learn a great number of dials and...

Silent Hunter 2 screenshotSilent Hunter 2 2001
One of the most important, less celebrated factors of World War II was the line of ships that traveled across the Atlantic, allowing the United States to keep troops and supplies flowing to Great Britain and the Soviet Union. These supply ships were in constant danger of being gunned out...

Silent Hunter: Commander's Edition screenshotSilent Hunter: Commander's Edition 1997
Silent Hunter: Commander's Edition gives players a chance to control a US submarine in WWII and engage both the Imperial Japanese Navy and the civilian ships. Over 40 ships, military and civilian, are accurately depicted, as are 15 zones of areas like the Solomons and the Sea of Japan. Gameplay...

Silent Service screenshotSilent Service 1985
You are now a member of the Silent Service, the US Navy Submarine command. For a long while after Pearl Harbor, you are the only forces capable of striking back at the Japanese in the Pacific. Take one of the "fleet boats" and go on extended patrols of up to...

Silent Service 2 screenshotSilent Service 2 1990
World War II is raging. The US has suffered an attack at Pearl Harbor, and most of its battleships are lost. The few remaining US carriers are fighting a desperate war against the Japanese surface fleets. But the US has a secret weapon: sleek, silent, deadly... you are a Submarine...

Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer II screenshotSilent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer II 1996
It's puzzling that Sierra is known by so many for its cute quest/fantasy titles filled with loads of swords, sorcery, and love stories. Well, put all of that completely out of your head--Silent Thunder is a wicked, clean, no-B.S. combat sim with enough options and realism to hold the serious...

Sim Ant screenshotSim Ant 1991
If you've ever suffered through an ant infestation problem or been besieged by the little critters on a family picnic, then SimAnt will probably strike a nerve. Even if your entire experience with the species has been limited to eradicating them accidentally by stepping on them (very difficult in a...

Sim City screenshotSim City 1989
Sim City Classic is a game that, like Doom, Pong and so many other break-through games, opened the floodgates for a host of spin-offs from not only Maxis, the company which created it, but lots of competitors as well. Does it hold up well over time, though? The answer to that...

Sim City 2000 screenshotSim City 2000 1993
You are placed in charge of a patch of land upon which you build the city of your dreams. Some items are "zoned" for specific use, while others are defined by the player. This is an open-ended simulation game that does not have a specific "win" condition, though specialized scenarios...

Sim Farm screenshotSim Farm 1993
SimFarm is a complex simulation and a bit more difficult to learn than SimCity. There is a lot more to this game than planting crops and watching them grow. Crops are very difficult to take care of. First a field must be set up. Then you need to buy a...

Sim Theme Park (a.k.a. Theme Park World) screenshotSim Theme Park (a.k.a. Theme Park World) 1999
The smell of popcorn and cotton candy, the clowns juggling, the children screaming with joy as the rides go around -- and you! That's right, you can be the proprietor of your very own amusement park with SimTheme Park from Electronic Arts and Bullfrog. Think SimCity meets Disneyland, but now...

SimCity 3000 screenshotSimCity 3000 2000
SimCity 3000 is better than SimCity 2000 but not by as much as I expected it to be. A reference card is included which points out the differences between the two games but they are so few that anyone who has played SimCity 2000 can easily pick up and play...

SimCity 4 screenshotSimCity 4 2003
Megalomaniacs love to play god. The SimCity series makes ruling a world fun, even for people not obsessed with delusions of grandeur. The genius of SimCity, however, has always involved what you, as the mayor/god, can't control. Any buffoon can destroy a city with the help of tornados, Godzilla, or...

SimCity Classic screenshotSimCity Classic 1992
SimCity Classic encourages the player to build a city over a period of generations. The game's main appeal centers on the experience of being mayor and molding your city as it grows. You have approval ratings and budget issues to worry about. How much should you tax your people? The...

SimCoaster (a.k.a. Theme Park Inc) screenshotSimCoaster (a.k.a. Theme Park Inc) 2001
SimCoaster offers the amusement park enthusiast a chance to manage a theme park from the ground up and while the concept is admirable, execution is not problem-free. Although filled with a mix of goal-inspired tasks, challenges, coasters, carnival rides, and people management, the game never achieves that feeling of true...

SimCopter screenshotSimCopter 1996
Do you remember playing any of the SimCity games, and while playing, you saw little helicopters buzzing around the map, giving out information. If you've ever thought it'd be neat to fly in those little choppers, then Sim Copter will give you the chance to do so. Sim Copter is...

SimEarth screenshotSimEarth 1990
SimEarth is a very complex game. This is the type of game that really needs a large screen monitor. That is because in order to monitor the planet it is useful to be able to view a variety of maps, charts, and graphs at once. The first thing you will...

SimFarm for Windows screenshotSimFarm for Windows 1994
For those tired of building cities, or those who have always been interested in rural life, comes SimFarm. This game places you in control of a piece of land and a dream. How large a farm do you want? Do you want to feed the locals, or people across the...

SimHealth screenshotSimHealth 1994
Created by the same folks who make SimCity 2000, SimEarth, SimLife, SimAnt, SimHealth, and SimFarm, this program takes you deep inside the nuts and bolts of a modern office building - which is a lot more fun than it sounds. Constructing and running your own skyscraper, you get...

SimIsle for Windows 95 screenshotSimIsle for Windows 95 1995
Unlike SimEarth, SimTower, or SimCity, SimIsle -- subtitled "Missions in the Rainforest" -- allows you to take over the development of any number of islands in a long chain. Many of them have missions. Five small islands comprise a tutorial that teaches the things you need to know to play...

SimLife screenshotSimLife 1992
While earlier Maxis games involved developing ant colonies, buildings, or planets, SimLife is directed at creating and sustaining plants and animals. As in previous Maxis titles, SimLife features both a macro and micro approach to its subject matter. Not only will you be challenged to build an ecosystem by adjusting...

SimLife for Windows screenshotSimLife for Windows 1992
While earlier Maxis games involved developing ant colonies, buildings, or planets, SimLife is directed at creating and sustaining plants and animals. As in previous Maxis titles, SimLife features both a macro and micro approach to its subject matter. Not only will you be challenged to build an ecosystem by adjusting...

SimPark screenshotSimPark 1996
Sim Park is a fun game. Although it says ages 8+ (making it seem like a kids game) older audiences will also find it to be quite enjoyable. It is interesting to see how all the different types of animals interact with each other, as well as the people that...

Sims 3, The screenshotSims 3, The 2009
Though it's the first game in the franchise to be developed independently of creator and sim game guru Will Wright, the Sims 3 still retains the same soap-opera-style addictiveness as its predecessors. Once again you are an observer of the trials and tribulations of quirky computer people, but this time...

Sims, The screenshotSims, The 2000
Often folks turn to computer games for some much-needed escapism from real world concerns. With The Sims, players immerse themselves in a simulation that is not hugely unlike...the real world! The key here, though, is that players take on the role of director as they play a part in the...

Sims, The: Castaway Stories screenshotSims, The: Castaway Stories 2008
Sims: Castaway Stories lets gamers experience the traditional challenge of developing characters with the added twist of doing so while stranded on an uncharted tropical island. The linear Story Mode takes players through 24 chapters as they help their Sims adjust to a new way of life. Along the way...

Sims, The: Pet Stories screenshotSims, The: Pet Stories 2007
The Sims: Pet Stories follows the same laptop-friendly formula as Life Stories, and players may work their way through the storyline or create their own world in "Classic" mode. Gamers must train and care for their pet as they grow and age. Challenges and goal achievements including competing in a...

SimSafari screenshotSimSafari 1998
SimSafari allows kids aged eight and up to design their own safari park, importing animals and plants to an area and setting up tourist facilities to accommodate paying guests. Kids can use advisors to help them and there is a "helpful hints" section in the guide that gives advice on what...

SimSheep 2 screenshotSimSheep 2 2000
Simsheep 2 is a humorous 'virtual pet' simulation in the same vein as Tamagotchi or Creatures series. You are put in control of every facet of a sheep's life, from simple things like finding him food and friends, to more interesting aspects such as deciding whether to make him good...

SimTower screenshotSimTower 1994
Playing SimTower, you are put in charge of the development of a mixed use skyscraper. You'll place a lobby, a garage, stores, office suites, condominiums, hotel rooms, and various support facilities in your building. You'll also build stairs, escalators, and the most important part of the simulation (according to developer...

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