Simulation Games #3

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Airlines screenshotAirlines 1994
Here you have an typical mid-nineties economic simulation which, you guessed it, simulates a airline company. At the start of the game you own 100% of a stock corporation with a few million dollars capital. With this money you buy airplanes, which differ in statistics like range, price or room. On...

Airstrike USA screenshotAirstrike USA 1990
Airstrike USA is an arcade action flight game, where you fly the ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter) on various missions around the world. Missions include destroying enemy submarines, radars, aircraft, bases etc. In the game you watch your ATF from behind with an very simplified instrument panel at the bottom of...

AIV Network$ screenshotAIV Network$ 1995
Dwight Owen Barnes (played by James Coburn), the longtime Chief Executive Officer of the "A-IV Group", a multinational corporation with diversified assets and interests throughout the world, has just mysteriously disappeared in his private jet. As news reports of the disappearance break, stock in the company falls sharply, and you...

Alarm for Cobra 11: Nitro screenshotAlarm for Cobra 11: Nitro 2006

Alien Force screenshotAlien Force 1990
Alien Force places you in control of a space ship on a mission to destroy all enemy ships. Destroy every ship on a level and you go up to the next level with more difficult enemies. The action is showed from top-down, and you move around on a...

Alpha Storm screenshotAlpha Storm 1997
Alpha Storm is a spaceship simulator and a first person shooter. You can travel through star systems. Encounter enemy fleets and battle them with the ship's weapons/devices, or by shooting the enemy ships shields down and teleporting there to kill the crew by your own. If you're not lucky, they...

Alter Ego: Female screenshotAlter Ego: Female 1986
Alter Ego is a "life simulator" that presents you with a series of life experiences that take you from infancy through old age. You can live out your own life, or the life of someone else, possibly someone you wish you could be. You can live out fantasies without risk,...

Alter Ego: Male screenshotAlter Ego: Male 1986
Alter Ego is a difficult game to classify. In fact, it can be argued that Alter Ego is not really a game but a questionnaire masquerading as a game. You live an alternate life by answering a series of questions, making the kinds of decisions you might have to in...

American Civil War: From Sumter To Appomattox screenshotAmerican Civil War: From Sumter To Appomattox 1996
American Civil War: Sumter to Appomattox is a historical war game centered around the Civil War. The game plays out on a strategic level with an emphasis on the logistics of troop movements, economic consequences of various actions, foreign affairs and the quality of military leadership offered by the...

American McGee presents SCRAPLAND screenshotAmerican McGee presents SCRAPLAND 2004
In the role of wayward robot named D-Tritus, players visit the asteroid space station Chimera, a place diversely populated by other automatons and full of both danger and opportunity. Futuristic, flying vehicles are a focus of the game, and D-Tritus will win, build, borrow, and steal progressively faster, more powerful...

Andretti Racing '98 screenshotAndretti Racing '98 1997
Andretti Racing is a detailed Indy racing simulation that puts players behind the wheel of a mean machine. Sixteen tracks are available for play, featuring some of the finest competition the sport has to offer. High speed thrills are part of the simulation and the game benefits from the support...

Antz Extreme Racing screenshotAntz Extreme Racing 2002
Based on the characters and locales from DreamWorks' 1998 computer animated movie, Antz Extreme Racing features a mix of driving, running, boarding, and flying as players embark on a championship series spanning the four seasons of summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Six playable characters include Z, Princess Bala, General Mandible,...

Apache Air Assault screenshotApache Air Assault 2010

Apache Longbow screenshotApache Longbow 1995
Take command of your own U.S. Army AH-64D Apache Longbow, and use the mechanical menace to take out tanks, enemy aircraft, and other destructible items in simulated environments. Complete with realistic Apache weapon systems such as specialized black box avionics and radar guided infrared missile defenses, the game includes training...

Apache Strike screenshotApache Strike 1989
The year is 1997. You're piloting an AH-64 Apache helicopter through enemy city streets on search and destroy mission. Your target: the Strategic Defense Computer (SDC). You must weave your way in and out of skyscraper corridors. That's the easy part; but enemy helicopters and tanks dog your path --...

Apollo 18 screenshotApollo 18 1988
Apollo 18: Mission to the Moon simulates a fictional mission to the Moon in the early 1980's, following on from the last real flight (Apollo 17) before NASA cancelled the program. One of the game's key features is digitised speech, which sounds crackly like a real mission controller would. Telemetry...

AquaNox screenshotAquaNox 2001
AquaNox is a 3D combat sim set deep beneath the ocean surface on a distant-future Earth. Though sharing basic commonalities with more conventional flight and space combat simulations, AquaNox takes place in a strange environment best accessible through more speculative imagination. Instead of fighter jets blasting through the clouds above...

Archimedean Dynasty screenshotArchimedean Dynasty 1996
If one were to rate Archimedean Dynasty based solely on the merits of its story, then it might not get that great a review. The story is of a future where mankind fouled up (yet again) with a nuclear war and sent countless souls either beneath the ocean waves or...

Armored Fist screenshotArmored Fist 1994
Armored Fist offers realistic armored warfare in numerous tactical theaters. The player can choose from an extensive line-up of modern-day armored vehicles utilized by U.S. forces, in addition to those commonly used by Soviet troops. The game was one of the earliest tank sims to offer a mission editor with...

Armored Fist 2 screenshotArmored Fist 2 1997
Armored Fist 2 could have been a great game. The premise is sound: engage in warfare using the M1A2 Abrams tank class, a powerful beast capable of causing destruction over a mile away. Unfortunately, because of an inadequate game engine and poor execution, it falls woefully short of its potential. If...

Armored Fist 3 screenshotArmored Fist 3 1999
The evolution of tank games since Combat on the Atari 2600 is quite evident in Armored Fist 3. While Combat was a two-dimensional moving shooter, Armored Fist 3 is a full-on tank simulation. If you think all you have to do is point and shoot, you're in for a big...

ATF: Advanced Tactical Fighters screenshotATF: Advanced Tactical Fighters 1996
This gold edition of Advanced Tactical Fighters contains the original game and the add-on Nato Fighters. The sequel to USNF, ATF was the first game made by Jane's Combat Simulations (part of EA). The game used the same engine as USNF, with updated aircraft shapes and terrain. Every aircraft from USNF...

Audiosurf screenshotAudiosurf 2008

Autobahn Racing screenshotAutobahn Racing 2001
Rip up the roads of Germany at speeds of up to 180 mph in Autobahn Racing. You and up to eight friends may select from 16 cars, and go head-to-head in a variety of nighttime traffic settings. ...

AV8B Harrier Assault screenshotAV8B Harrier Assault 1992
This game puts you behind the controls of the AV8B Harrier aircraft. You must plan a strategic assault upon the enemy island of East Timor which is heavily defended. As well as allowing you to fly the Harrier, you can also plan attacks with your ground and naval forces. If you...

B-17 Flying Fortress screenshotB-17 Flying Fortress 1992
B-17 Flying Fortress has the distinction of being the only game of its kind. While there are scores of other sims allowing us to fly nimble fighter aircraft, B-17 Flying Fortress gives us the chance to fly one of the most famous bombers of World War II, the B-17 Flying...

B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th screenshotB-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th 2000
Like the original B-17 Flying Fortress, B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th offers gamers a sophisticated flight sim with a strong emphasis on realism and historical accuracy. Players join an elite WWII squadron based upon the United States Army Air Corp 8th Bomber Command, which was the division responsible for...

B-17 Gunner: Air War Over Germany screenshotB-17 Gunner: Air War Over Germany 2001
Man the guns that protect the famous flying fortress in B-17 Gunner: Air War Over Germany. Taking up position at one of the game's six .50-caliber machine guns, the player fends off attacks from the German Luftwaffe while soaring miles above the ground on special raids and bombing runs. Damage...

B-24 screenshotB-24 1987
A simulation of WW2 air-warfare in which the player flies a B-24 as part of the 460th Bomber Group missions to Ploesti in Romania. The game operates on several levels, and the player will be required to act as a pilot, copilot, navigator, engineer and bombardier at different stages of...

Babyz screenshotBabyz 1999
Babyz is a very cute game that is sure to be a hit. Upon seeing the Babyz website, I was eager to check this program out. It is like having a virtual baby and includes nursing a sick baby back to health, changing diapers, cleaning up after it, playing with...

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