Brain Games For Windows Download (1992 Board Game)

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Brain Games For Windows contains seven puzzle games bundled together. The games included are: Achi - You play against the CPU. The game is similar to Tic-Tac-Toe; however, if a stalemate occurs, each player can move one of their tiles and possibly get a game-winning line. Bastille - The object of the game is to remove buttons from the game board. You do so by moving one button over another; you can only jump over one button at a time, and the place where you land has to be empty. The game includes five different button patterns, each one more difficult than the last. Battle Sat - Originally released as a standalone game, this is a Battleship clone where you must shoot down your opponents Satellites before he shoots down your own. The game plays exactly like Battleship - you select points in a grid and fire at them. If you land a hit, the point will turn red, and you'll have a clue as to where the enemy's Satellites are located. The player who destroys the enemy's Satellites first wins. Double Block - This is a simple Memory game. You have to uncover tiles and match them before your opponent does so you can win the game. You can change the opponent's skill level and the colors used in the grid; a single player mode is also available. Jumper - A simple puzzle game, you have to move the red blocks on the right side to the left side of the screen. The blocks will only move if there is an empty space next to it, or if you've moved a block right next to it. Knight - The object of the game is to swap the position of the Red Knights (on top) with the Blue Knights (below) in 16 moves by using nothing but knight moves. Tic-Tac-Toe - The classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Place Xs or Os in a line across, down or diagonally before your opponent does the same.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems.


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