Total Distortion Download (1995 Adventure Game)

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In an attempt to inspire your creativity, you decide to leave Earth and teleport to the Distortion Dimension in search of new material. After all, you are a talented music video director! The problem is that in order to get back, you'll need to raise one million dollars in cash. In order to raise that hefty sum, you'll have to create new videos and sell them back to the producers down on Earth! Hey, no one said being an interstellar director was easy... Part 3D adventure game, part video directing simulation, Total Distortion features fifty original tunes, various mini-games, several puzzles and five difficulty levels. You'll also have to deal with starvation, exhaustion and evil guitar warriors. Direct that money-making video or die trying!

From the initial concept to the game-over sequences, this is one of the strangest titles you're likely to see. As a penniless music-video producer stranded in a bizarre alien dimension, your job is to videotape as many unearthly happenings as you can and, using your Personal Media Tower's built-in video/audio editing station, sell rock videos to the finicky producers back on Earth. Yeah, okay, why not. Central to this task is the creation of music videos custom-made for the personal preferences of each bonehead music-biz exec on the other end of the interdimensional videophone--which, short "editing demo" aside, proves to be a fairly involved task, requiring the splicing together of vast video and audio clip libraries, plus whatever alien footage the player has managed to procure.

The ultimate goal of the game is to return to Earth with wealth, fame, or a combination of the two, depending upon which path you choose--but the real point of Total Distortion is to wander about and have nonlinear fun, creating strange drinks and sandwiches from blocks of unsynthesized Food Goo, browsing a library of odd books (everything from slider-puzzles which may yield game clues to guided tours of San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district), and enduring the MTV-flavored weirdness (the player's first of many possible deaths results in a "video," cheerfully sung by his slayer, with lyrics like "You are dead, you are so, so dead..."). Very late-80's and too strange not to check out. Have a few stiff drinks first.

This game is an expansive adventure, music video generator, and business sim all-in-one. The storyline goes as follows: You've spent every last penny of your money buying an expensive music video production tower and having it blasted off into another dimension. In order to complete the game you must earn enough money (minimum of $1 million) to blast your tower back home. To earn money you must make music videos. Dozens of songs and video clips are provided for you, and you must construct a "bonzai" video that one of three music TV producers would like and strike deals with them. But sometimes the clips and songs given don't cut it, and you must venture out into the world and film different clips yourself. Every once in a while you must have a duel to the death with a guitar monster. You also must recruit singers for your videos to improve your song quality, singers such as Johnny Fang and Edgar Death. All in all its a very large game with weeks of playing time.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems.


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