Galaxytrek Download (1983 Adventure Game)

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Take control of the USS Columbia in an attempt to stop a group of warships from attacking Federation Headquarters. Galaxy Trek is a space battle game where your only goal is to destroy all the warships. The game uses ASCII graphics and can be played using RGB, Mono, or Composite graphics.

Your ship control is limited to navigating between a set of quadrants by setting a course and a speed for each jump. If you enter a sector with an enemy, or enemies, you can engage them in battle using phasers or torpedoes. You have a limited supply of energy for your phasers and shields, so you'll need to stop at a space station to resupply now and then during your battles.

You have a limited time to take out those warships, so get moving!

Ascii game, seek and destroy the fleet of Megaton warships before they conquer the United Federation of Planets.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.39 MB).


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