RON2: Vengeance of The Chicken Download (2001 Adventure Game)

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The Reality on The Norm (RON) games are a series of short games started by some AGS developers. The idea behinds them is that of sharing characters and setting to create a world that seems more alive than others. A character you meet in one game as an NPC may very well go on a quest him/herself in another chapter, and vice versa. These games are very short, and offer perhaps an hour or less of gameplay. But it's the continuance of the series, and the fact that new games should get released on a rather fast basis, that makes this series unique. Since the games are designed by different designers, they differ a bit in style from chapter to chapter. However, as they share the same backgrounds, characters and overall atmosphere, you'll feel at home in all RON games once you've played one.

RON2: Vengeance of The Chicken features a quite uncommon protagonist - A large chicken. A hired assassin has murdered his brother, and he vows revenge-by tracking the assassin down and kill him. Quite a Shakespearian theme to this game-indeed, Macbeth would be proud ;) The game succeeds quite well in being humorous, and is a tad longer than its predecessor.

Music is, apart from a very short Reality on the Norm theme song, all unoriginal. They're all MIDI, and they all sound quite neutral. They shouldn't annoy you.

If you download this game, or any other RON game, you should be aware that you're not getting a lot of gameplay for it. You will, however, be adopting a small fun game that has lots of brothers in the pipeline, and a rather alive atmosphere. And well... it's fun playing a short adventure game which you know you'll certainly finish. Recommended!


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