Shenanigans Download (1984 Adventure Game)

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In Shenanigans you will be looking for the Leprechaun's proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The adventure begins of all places in your own modest bedroom apartment. From that point you will need to roam the streets and interact with other people during your adventure. Explore woods, caves, and of course encounter a leprechaun along the way. But remember the prize is that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

This graphical interactive fiction game uses standard single letter direction N,S,E,W for movement. You can also SAVE your current location on cassette for restarting later. The command parser is a standard verb noun type (Go Door).

In mid-1980s, a small company called Mark Data Products released 6 parser-based graphic adventure games similar to early Polarware and Scott Adams titles. While the games are reasonably successful on Tandy's CoCo computer, the IBM PC versions did not achieve the same level of success. While the graphics are quite good at the time, the parser is quite primitive - only simple verb+noun constructs such as GET HAT are understood, and some verbs that are common in IF games such as SEARCH are not always recognized. Fortunately, the games make up for primitive parser with well-written plot, fun characters, and some clever puzzles.

The plot of Shenanigans: "Countless legends tell of a magnificent Pot of Gold and enormous wealth hidden by leprechauns at the end of the rainbow. Many have attempted to find the marvelous treasure but success has eluded tham and it remains hidden to this day. Because you are a dedicated adventurer, eager to face danger and challenges for great rewards, you have determined to search for that fabled Pot of Gold and succeeded where others have failed."

Thanks to the generosity of Bob Withers, co-creator of these old games who put both the games and their source codes up on his website for free download, you can now experience a forgotten past of the early days of adventure gaming. All are recommended, but if you want the best of the bunch, I highly recommend my personal favorites: Trekboer and Calixto Island.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.40 MB).


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