Millionaire Release 2 Download (1987 Simulation Game)

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In Release 2 of Millionaire: The Stock Market Simulation, where margin and short sales are added to gameplay, you are starting a session at U.S. stock market with Net Worth equal to $10,000. Three companies from Automobile, Computer, Oil & Gas, Aerospace, and Food Industries are present on this market. Stock prices are changing each week due to economical, political, or social situation. You should in turns examine the news and trends, and buy or sell a certain quantity of stocks, increasing your Net Worth. Based on Net Worth, you'll be classified by one of the five ranks: Novice, Investor, Speculator, Professional, or Broker. The higher rank you have, more Investment Opportunities you use. The goal is to finish the session with as greater Net Worth as possible, but you should remember that the highest rank is Millionaire.

The game is available for one or several players. Each session is saved in progress and may be restored later. A number of adjustments such as different rates (Loan interest, Cash interest, Commission, Tax) or visuals may be adjusted.

Well, this is a real stock market simulation. And a good one, it's very realistic and it could be one of the more addicting stock market games. Although it seems very simple and uninteresting, well, that's not true at all. The number of stocks aren't very high, there are about 20 stocks you can trade in.

Last game in Jim Zuber/Blue Chip's superb line of business simulations, Millionaire Release 2 is the second and far superior release of Millionaire, a great stock market simulation. Although at first glance the game seems very limited given that you can only trade in 15 stocks (all "blue chip" stocks to boot, e.g. Boeing, GM, HP and so on), Millionaire Release 2 is actually a very well-designed and versatile simulation that offers a good range of realistic options. For example, the game gives you 5 difficulty levels to choose from: at "Novice" level, you can buy stocks but not on margin; "Investor" lets you buy stocks on margin; "Speculator" lets you use margin as well as call options; "Professional" adds put options into the mix; and finally "Broker" allows you to do everything a savvy investor can do: buy stocks on margin, use call and put options, and sell short. The game even allows you to change some macroeconomic variables (that you can't control in real life), including tax rate, commission rate, and interest rate on loans. The game is turn-based, with each turn representing one week. During a turn you can buy and sell stocks, read the news, read stock descriptions, look up time-series graphs of individual stocks, industry, overall stock market, and your personal net worth, and look up stock option prices.

Although the number of stocks could be higher, Millionaire Release 2 is nevertheless a fun and reasonably realistic stock market simulation that includes realistic factors that not many other simulations do, such as short selling and stock options. Overall, a well-rounded simulation that fans of the genre should enjoy. Highly recommended!

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.41 MB).


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