It's nice to see game companies trying to push the edge of the computer game industry by trying new approaches and putting new spins on old stories that have been exploited through movies and books. Unfortunately, in the case of Interplay's release of Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster, the experiment falls short of the mark. The game contains little that can be favorably compared to Mary Shelley's original other than the names and location of the major characters. Speaking of characters, actor Tim Curry's portrayal of the mad scientist, Dr. Frankenstein, is the single positive highlight of the game. His demented cackling and enthusiastic appearances are all too few and far between but the game isn't really about him. Your character, of course, is the monster who wakes up in Dr. Frankenstein's lab and it doesn't take long to realize that what the good doctor has been working hard at cooking up is you! You're alive! From that point, the name of the game becomes all too obvious as you begin your search for who you are, why you died, why you've been brought back to life and most importantly, a way to stop the doctor from continuing his grizzly experiments, all from the perspective of the monster.
Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster takes a turn toward tedium fairly early on in the game. There are many puzzles of varying degrees of difficulty, some laughably easy, others diabolically hard (nearly impossible without some sort of hint or guide). Dr. Frankenstein's home is indeed his castle. But you soon discover that it's more like a house of horrors as you wander from place to place, looking at grisly, gory and strange objects that range from body parts to plants. The whole purpose of your excursion is to escape but you realize that the good doctor and his ghastly experiments must be stopped first. Your search and discovery mission is at the core of the game and it's here the game unleashes it's most grievous fault. There is very little interaction with any characters encountered in the game, especially Frankenstein, and that coupled with a seemingly endless task of exploring every deep, dark corner of the place is enough to drive you mad. What makes matters worse is the unwelcome requirement to go over the same territory over and over again until you find the right piece of a given puzzle. There is no respite from this continuous wandering and by game's end you're basically sick of the place.
The concept of the game is first rate but the first person perspective loses it's luster as the experience turns into little more than a scavenger hunt for hints. Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster does have an eerie atmosphere and creepy environment as well as a fairly smooth interface. Unfortunately, there's just not enough meat on these old Frankenstein bones to capture the imagination and brush away the cobwebs of lethargy that accompany the player throughout the adventure.
Graphics: Sufficiently realistic to render an appropriately grim and sinister environment but lacks the pizzazz to call it great.
Sound: Tim Curry's lines are especially good as he infuses just that dab of starry-eyed madness which only he can do so well. The monster's voice can grate over time. The ambient sounds are adequate as is the music score.
Enjoyment: Unfortunately it's a graphic adventure that comes up short in the area of adventure. Even with the superb performance of Tim Curry, the on-screen action is plodding, methodical and eventually wearying. Just not enough diversity in the story. Tedious.
Replay Value: Watching Curry would be the only real reason for replaying this one.
This interactive movie puts a new twist on the Frankenstein tale: you are the monster! You have been falsely accused of murder and executed. However, the scientist Dr. Frankenstein (played by Tim Curry) has found a way to bring you back to life. You wake up in his laboratory, and your goal is to find out what exactly happened to you and what role Frankenstein played in your resurrection. Will you be able to return back to your former self?
The game plays entirely from first-person perspective. You wander around the huge laboratory, looking for clues and solving puzzles. Sometimes events will happen in the game, triggered by careful research of Frankenstein's notes and other clues. The game features live actors filmed over pre-rendered backgrounds.
How to run this game on modern Windows PC?
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