Role playing Games #19

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Spirit Engine, The screenshotSpirit Engine, The 2003
The Spirit Engine is a superb freeware RPG/strategy game from Mark Pay of Natomic Studios. The game not only raises the bar for freeware games, but also introduces a unique (although not quite innovative) style of gameplay that fans of console-style RPGs will find refreshing. Similar to Square's much-overlooked Romancing...

Spirit of Adventure screenshotSpirit of Adventure 1991
In a medieaval fantasy world, strange drugs appear that create an addiction among the population. It appears that they are all coming from one central point that is controlled by a mysterious stranger. The player controls a group of heroes in this role-playing game as he tries to find out...

Spirit of The Excalibur screenshotSpirit of The Excalibur 1990
A spiritual descendant of War in Middle Earth, Spirit of Excalibur uses the same engine to tell the tale of what befell Camelot after the death of King Arthur. You play the role of the regent who holds the throne while chaos spreads through Britain. The game is broken into...

Spiritual Warfare screenshotSpiritual Warfare 1991
Spiritual Warfare is a Zelda-like clone where you play as a soldier of God, fighting the forces of darkness in various parts of a modern city to find the armor of God, each one guarded by increasingly difficult demon bosses. When you are dire need, an angel may come down...

Spore screenshotSpore 2008
Creating a creature in Spore for the first time is an amazing experience. Character customization tools surpass those of any previous game, and set new standards for years to come. The individual parts from which a creature can be constructed are many and varied, and each is adjustable in size,...

Star Command screenshotStar Command 1988
Star Command, which is essentially Doug Wood's version of his Phantasie series in space, is an unfinished-feeling pulp space RPG. The designer went to the trouble of creating a detailed rules set featuring more than four dozen interesting weapons. But the game doesn't let your party of six space heroes...

Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided screenshotStar Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided 2003
Travel to a galaxy far, far away to join thousands of other gamers as they battle for the Alliance, the Empire, or their own survival and prosperity. Multimedia giant LucasArts Entertainment enters the realm of persistent-world gaming with Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. As in founding MMORPGs, such as...

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic screenshotStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2003
The first role-playing game based in the Star Wars universe finds players controlling a three-party team from a third-person perspective. The setting takes place 4,000 years before the first Star Wars film, where the Jedi and Sith number in the thousands and are involved in a war that could upset...

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords screenshotStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords 2005
This sequel to one of the most widely acclaimed console releases of 2003 returns players to a galaxy far, far away, and an especially longtime ago. Set 4,000 years before the events of the Star Wars: Episode I film, this second role-playing adventure takes place five years after the events...

Star Wolves screenshotStar Wolves 2004
Star Wolves, a new RTS/RPG from Russian developer X-Bow Software, takes place in the year 2226, one hundred years since humans expanded into space. The known galaxy is controlled by the iron fist of an Emperor and his Imperial navy, but true control rests in the hands of three corporations...

Star Wolves 2 screenshotStar Wolves 2 2006

Starpoint Gemini screenshotStarpoint Gemini 2011

Stonekeep screenshotStonekeep 1995
Stonekeep is one of the first games to apply a first-person shooter interface to the realm of fantasy role-playing, as the gamer takes the role of a classic medieval hero who must use both sword and sorcery to make his way through winding catacombs full of animated skeletons and terrible...

Sudeki screenshotSudeki 2005
Welcome to Sudeki - a world where good battles evil, the light god attempting to banish the pesky dark god from the lands. However, the light god is having a few problems with the big bad dark god, so he has to call on some heroes to help bash some...

Summoner screenshotSummoner 2001
Designing a role-playing game is somewhat like training for a decathlon. The game must excel in many areas, including character building, storyline pacing, battle mechanics, world design, and others. Summoner performs heroically in many events, especially in rendering the rural lands of Medeva, but fails to win gold due to...

Summoning, The screenshotSummoning, The 1992
The Summoning is a single-character fantasy role-playing adventure, set inside a huge labyrinth with 40 different levels and hordes of mean monsters. Use steel, magic and wit to fight, cast and puzzle your way through the evil that lies within. Struggle to survive and grow strong enough to fight and defeat...

Sundog: Frozen Legacy screenshotSundog: Frozen Legacy 1985
Arguably the best Atari ST game ever made, Sundog: Frozen Legacy is also one of the best sci-fi RPGs ever, period. It isn't a strategy game, or a space combat game, or a role playing game, but a masterful blend of all three genres into an addictive, astounding epic that...

Super ZZT screenshotSuper ZZT 1992
This is the sequel to the earlier ZZT series. There are 5 very large game boards included with different puzzles and storylines. ...

Swashbucklers: Blue vs. Grey screenshotSwashbucklers: Blue vs. Grey 2007
Drawing its inspiration from games in the vein of Sid Meier's Pirates, Swashbucklers: Blue vs. Grey features ship-to-ship combat, quests for profit, and light role-playing elements. The game's most distinctive element, apart from its cartoon-like visual style, is its time period. Swashbucklers is set during the American Civil War, with...

Sword of Fargoal screenshotSword of Fargoal 1983
As a lone warrior in Sword of Fargoal, you enter maze-like catacombs, search the surrounding areas for treasure, and eliminate hordes of monsters. Action takes place from a 2D perspective, and each level is shrouded in darkness. When the warrior moves around the current location, that portion of the screen...

Sword of Fargoal Remake, The screenshotSword of Fargoal Remake, The 2003
The Sword of Fargoal Remake is a superb remake of Sword of Fargoal, a classic Commodore 64 RPG that was never released on PC. The game is a very faithful recreation of the original classic, except the graphics is enhanced to take advantage of SVGA, and there are minor gameplay...

Swords of Glass screenshotSwords of Glass 1986
Swords of Glass is a simple CRPG probably inspired by Wizardry. You begin in a simple (text only) town and create a wizard or a warrior. After equipping your character at the store, you descend into the single 8 level dungeon located apparently somewhere nearby. As you progress and become...

System Shock screenshotSystem Shock 1994
You were the world's greatest hacker, at least until you were caught during one of your famous break-ins. Now the TriOptimum Corporation secretly requests your services in return for your freedom. Your task? To hack into the corporate research facility named Citadel. In order to assist you, Vice President Edward...

System Shock 2 screenshotSystem Shock 2 1999
Fear. Yes, a bit of an over-used and almost meaningless word these days. However, just stop. Think what the word actually means -- and that's the simplest, easiest way to describe a game like System Shock 2. Utterly immersive in its use of character attachment and amnesiac story-telling, it is...

Tangled Tales screenshotTangled Tales 1989
A dungeon-crawler with a rather unique, real-time combat. Made in CYMK 4-color graphics, this RPG features you as the hero with all a good RPG should have - character statistics, improvement and inventory. The only drawback is the quality of graphics, which makes the dungeons hardly readable. ...

Telengard screenshotTelengard 1985
A dungeon-crawler with a rather unique, real-time combat. Made in CYMK 4-color graphics, this RPG features you as the hero with all a good RPG should have - character statistics, improvement and inventory. The only drawback is the quality of graphics, which makes the dungeons hardly readable. ...

Temple of Apshai Trilogy screenshotTemple of Apshai Trilogy 1985
The Temple of Apshai Trilogy includes updated graphical versions of three classic Apshai games: Dunjonquest: Temple of Apshai Dunjonquest: Upper Reaches of Apshai Dunjonquest: Curse of Ra ...

Temple of Elemental Evil, The screenshotTemple of Elemental Evil, The 2003
This 2003 release by Troika Games combines a classic "first edition" Advanced Dungeons & Dragons module with the updated "3.5 Edition" rule set, for a single-player home computer adventure designed to emulate the flexibility and freedom of pen-and-paper-style D&D gaming. Though at first glance this game may be reminiscent of...

Terraria screenshotTerraria 2011
Terraria is an independently developed game that mixes the mining, crafting, and day/night cycle elements of Minecraft with the exploration and action of classic 2D games like Metroid. Once players head off on their adventure they will battle dozens of different enemies, dig through soil and rock to find items...

Theldrow screenshotTheldrow 1991
Theldrow is an early adventure game for the Macintosh. All in black and white, it was based mainly on the old Dungeons and Dragons game. With one main exception. Instead of picking a class to be, players could use all of the skills of each class, including casting magic and...

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