Role playing Games #11

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Infernal Tome, The screenshotInfernal Tome, The 1994
The Infernal Tome is a multi-character fantasy role-playing game. You and four characters must collect weapons, armor, spells, potions, keys, and tokens to defeat monsters. You and your party must proceed through the maze of ShardMoure Keep to retrieve the Infernal Tome, a powerful manuscript that can stop time itself,...

Ishar 1 screenshotIshar 1 1994
Ishar : Legend of the Fortress is the sequel to the Crystals of Arborea. Morgoth and Morgula, the black god and his witch wife who were defeated in the previous game, had a child, Krogh. Their evil progeny is based in the fortress Ishar, which means "unknown" in the elven tongue,...

Ishar 2 screenshotIshar 2 1994
Ishar 2: Messengers of Doom is the sequel to Ishar: Legend of the Fortress. Following the defeat of Krogh and the banishment of the powers of chaos, Ishar became a cultural and intellectual centre in Kendoria. Over time people came to the island and settled there and a city, named "Zach's...

Ishar 3 screenshotIshar 3 1994
In the third installment of Ishar you can import characters both from Ishar or Ishar 2. Now you have to travel through Portals of Time to pursuit of the dragon of Sith, last survivor of the Great Black Dragons. Exploring the magic lands, joining the allies and fighting the enemies you...

Jade Empire: Special Edition screenshotJade Empire: Special Edition 2007
Jade Empire is an action role-playing game set in a mythic version of ancient China, at a time when a parallel world of darkness and chaos threatens to cross over into the realm of the living. Players initially choose from a selection of predefined characters, each with a name, background,...

Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire screenshotJagged Alliance 2: Wildfire 2004
Developed by Jagged Alliance 2 enthusiast Serge Popov, Wildfire functions as a heavily modded version of the original game, with adjustments, additions, and tweaks made to nearly every aspect of play and presentation. A great deal of new scenery and objects have been added to the game's mission maps, bringing...

JauntTrooper - Mission: Firestorm screenshotJauntTrooper - Mission: Firestorm 1995
Mission: Firestorm is the first and only sequel to Mission: Thunderbolt, probably the most underrated commercial Roguelike RPG ever made. Released only for the Macintosh, Firestorm is a sci-fi Roguelike that is has even more depth than Thunderbolt. While the plot does not differ much from the typical sci-fi cliche...

JauntTrooper - Mission: Thunderbolt screenshotJauntTrooper - Mission: Thunderbolt 1994
Most likely the rarest Roguelike game in existence, JauntTrooper - Mission: Thunderbolt is not only a great Roguelike RPG, but also one of the few sci-fi Roguelikes designed on the Macintosh - making it even more special. The plot is cliche, but it's not bad in the context of the...

Joyous Rebel screenshotJoyous Rebel 1996
Joyous Rebel is an RPG inspired by the Ultima series of games. Initially a shareware title, it was later made available free of charge. It is a reworked version of a smaller game known as Joyous Rebellions of Jive Culture. As a guardian it is your duty to defend the king...

Jurassic Park: Chaos Island screenshotJurassic Park: Chaos Island 1997
High concept ideas are a dime a dozen in the entertainment industry, but when they hit the right nerve, can earn the masterminds untold wealth. The best ideas are those that cross a prevalent component of popular culture with an appealing twist. For example, the film Star Wars is a...

Keys to Maramon screenshotKeys to Maramon 1990
Set in the same world as Magic Candle, and using a modified engine from said game. This is a single player rpg more aimed at a novice. Your job is to clear out all the monsters infesting the cellars, dungeons and dark corners of Maramon. ...

King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame screenshotKing Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame 2012
The sequel to Neocore's "role-playing war game" finds the grail shattered, Camelot in ruins, and her greatest heroes scattered across the land. The legendary king is called to lead Britannia once more, against a monstrous new threat. As in the original King Arthur games, players engage in Total War-style conquest...

King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame screenshotKing Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame 2009
Paradox Interactive and Neocore Games look to Camelot for inspiration in King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, with players taking on the role of the eponymous king as he recruits knights to his famed round table and sends them off into real-time battles. The story-based campaign follows gamers as they attempt...

King's Bounty: Warriors of the North screenshotKing's Bounty: Warriors of the North 2012

Kingdom of Syree, The screenshotKingdom of Syree, The 1992
The Kingdom of Syree is a RPG based on the novels by Lord Steven and heavily inspired by the earlier Ultima games. After many years of peace evil is threatening the kingdom of Syree: an evil wizard wishes to conquer the kingdom. None of the kingdom's great heroes have returned from...

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning screenshotKingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 2012
The first entry in a fantasy franchise from ex-pitcher Curt Schilling's 38 Studios, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an open-world action/role-playing game crafted by developer Big Huge Games and the talents of artist Todd McFarlane, author R.A. Salvatore, and former Elder Scrolls designer Ken Rolston. Choose from nine melee weapon...

Knights of Honor screenshotKnights of Honor 2004
In this first North American release from Bulgarian developer Black Sea Studios, players set out to conquer all of Europe in a seamless, real-time flow of development, destruction, and diplomacy. Billed as the first "Empire-Conquering Simulation in Real-Time," Knights of Honor is a real-time strategy game that combines the historical...

Knights of Legend screenshotKnights of Legend 1989
Create a party of adventurers from multiple races and explore the world, gaining fame and glory (not to mention gold) as you complete numerous quests. A well-designed inventory and turn-based combat system complement the role-playing aspects. ...

Knights of the Temple II screenshotKnights of the Temple II 2005
After saving the distressed damsel in the original Knights of the Temple, Paul de Raque is back for another round of adventuring in Knights of the Temple II. Facing the forces of Hell, Paul must explore the kingdoms and environments of 13th century Europe as he defends humanity against...

Knights of Xentar screenshotKnights of Xentar 1994
Knights of Xentar is a sequel to Dragon Knight II, and is the only Dragon Knight game that was released outside of Japan. You control a young warrior named Desmond (Takeru in the Japanese version). After liberating Strawberry Fields from an evil curse in his previous adventure, Desmond finds himself in...

Krater: Shadows over Solside screenshotKrater: Shadows over Solside 2012

Kudos 2 screenshotKudos 2 2008

Land, The screenshotLand, The 1989
Loosely based on The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R. Donaldson, The Land is a role-playing game where the player will create a character and explore towns, villages and dungeons of The Land. The actual plot of The Land is revealed to the player by playing through the game...

Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny screenshotLands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny 1997
A funny thing happened to Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny while it was on it's way to store shelves, namely, state-of-the art graphics and game engines passed it by. However, the project was seen through to it's end with the result being a fine role-playing, first-person perspective 3D graphic...

Lands of Lore 3 screenshotLands of Lore 3 1999
There are two immediate things you need to know about Lands of Lore III. First, there isn't a whole lot of new ground covered in the game in terms of innovative plot and game play, and second, if you're a true fan of the series' previous two titles, it won't...

Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos screenshotLands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos 1993
You know the drill. King is gone, evil takes over and you have to stop it. From having a weak story, this game recovers nicely. With just enough sub-plots to keep you interested, you almost forget the cliched story. In 1994 this game was quite a revolution, using high quality...

Larn screenshotLarn 1986
This game was one of the first roguelikes (CRPG dungeon crawls with top-down or isometric graphics and a high degree of randomization; Rogue, Diablo and Nethack are examples) with a wilderness and more than one dungeon. In this game, you are searching the Caverns of Larn for a cure for...

Larva Mortus screenshotLarva Mortus 2008

Last Remnant, The screenshotLast Remnant, The 2009
The Last Remnant is an original RPG by Square-Enix with large-scale, turn-based battles and an open-world feel for exploration and discovery. Squads, known as unions, are composed of up to five characters each. In battle, players give orders to unions, not to individual units, and each union has a single...

Laxius Power screenshotLaxius Power 2002
Laxius Power is one of the best fanmade RPGs I have ever seen. Although the plot is quite cliche, the game more than makes up for this with sheer size: not counting numerous side quests and secret locations, Laxius Power will easily take you more than 50 hours to complete. Coded...

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