Deus Ex 2000
Deus Ex is a first-person shooter set in a dark, grim, near future. Gameplay is similar to that of Thief, with stealth being at least as important as racking up a high body count. There is no multi-player mode in the game -- it's just you against the computer. Disease ravages...
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 2011
The original Deus Ex was notable for how it offered players decisions on how to approach a given task instead of just moving to the next target. Deus Ex: Human Revolution admirably follows a similar format, seamlessly blending elements of shooter, role-playing, and stealth in a futuristic setting that owes...
Diablo 1997
Who would have thought that a simple, point-and-click role-playing game could be so intense, or that slaying hordes of nightmarish creatures could be so addicting? Diablo quickly wins over its audience with polished gameplay, not intricate controls or a deep storyline. Blizzard's isometric-view RPG uses the most basic elements of...
Diablo 2 2000
The original Diablo was a groundbreaking game. Not in terms of graphics, sound or even gameplay, the latter of which was essentially patterned after the coin-op classic Gauntlet. What Diablo did for the industry was revitalize a dying genre -- that of the role-playing game or RPG. Like one of...
Din's Curse 2010
Dink Smallwood 1998
Here is Dink Smallwood, a very good RPG/Adventure game. It was made by RTsoft in 1999. It has good graphics and the sound doesn't strike any odd notes either. Another positive thing is that your adventures will often be filled with humor. You play the role of Dink, a young...
Disciples of Steel 1995
Create a party of eight characters from the usual D&D classes, and lead these characters on their quest for adventure. The initial character development is fairly comprehensive, but the user interface for the game itself is a 2D top-down perspective with symbolic representations of everything. The game map is a simple...
Disney's Aladdin Activity Center 1995
Disney Interactive's Aladdin Activity Center includes a wide range of games and activities. Or seems to, at any rate. The three locations in the game: Agrabah Marketplace, Sultan's Palace and Cave of Wonders, each have a different look, but the same games are available in each location. The only difference between...
Diver Down 2003
Diver Down is a great fanmade freeware RPG - the first finished game using Verge, a new and promising RPG creation program. What I like most about the game is the much-better-than-average writing and setting, which is a far cry from the formulaic "kill the big foozle" premise. Fellow Verge...
Divine Divinity 2002
Divine Divinity is a massive role-playing game in the tradition of Diablo, Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale set in the fantasy world of Rivellon, where the Lord of Chaos is spreading his evil dominion. Containing more than 20,000 screens, 150 non-player characters, and 100 types of monsters, the adventure is...
Divinity II: Ego Draconis 2009
Divinity II: Ego Draconis is an action-oriented RPG with a traditional fantasy setting, in which players take the role of a dragon slayer who eventually becomes a dragon. Magic and melee combat proceeds in a real-time flow, but can be paused to allow the player to consider and change commands....
Dominions 2: The Ascension Wars 2003
Developed by the same Illwinter Games studio that created the original Dominions: Priest, Prophets and Pretenders, this sequel is designed to retain the empire-building, turn-based fantasy structure while adding polish and depth. Players become a lone god among a pantheon of deities, each vying to become the supreme ruler of...
Dominions 3: The Awakening 2006
Dominions 3: The Awakening by Illwinter Game Design is the third part of the Dominions trilogy which features a wide array of items and monsters compiled with complex gameplay. Dominions 3: The Awakening is easily one of the more in-depth strategy games I have ever played. That is evident through the...
Don't Go Alone 1989
Don't go alone is probably the only RPG ever released by Accolade and it's a horror RPG at that. You can select a group for four people from a list of sixteen and each has their own strenghts and weakness. The group goes to investigate the mansion on top of...
Doom, The Roguelike 2005
This game is a mix between two classic games: Rogue, the text-only dungeon crawl role-playing game that has spawned a whole genre of games, and Doom, one of the breakthrough games for 1st-person shooter genre. The story is the same as in Doom: You are some soldier performing his monotonic duties...
Dragon Age II 2011
This sequel to 2009's Dragon Age follows the rise of a penniless refugee named Hawke as he (or she, depending on the gender you choose when starting the game) gains fame and fortune by undertaking a number of heroic or potentially ruthless acts over the course of ten years. Scarred...
Dragon Age: Origins 2009
Created by the development team behind such critically acclaimed role-playing games as Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age: Origins is an original fantasy RPG featuring real-time combat and content spanning an estimated 80 hours in length. Your custom-created hero is one of...
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern 2001
Based on the beloved Anne McCaffrey series of novels, this title puts the gamer in the role of a young Dragonrider named D'Knor who must find peace with both his bonded dragon companion and the passionate people of his Weyr if he is to aid in the protection of Pern,...
Dragon Sword, The 1990
A band of fearless dungeon crawlers must seek out The Dragon Sword and confront the dragon Oijngate. The Dragon Sword is the fabled sword which has the power to defeat a powerful creature like Oijngate. The Dragon Sword is an RPG similar to the Wizardry series of games. You will explore...
Dragon Wars 1990
Dragon Wars takes place in the magical land of Dilmun, an island of salvation perverted into a world of horror by Namtar (as you might expect - the bad guy). The player starts with a party of four in the city of Purgatory, equipped with nothing more than.. well - nothing....
Dragonfire: The Well of Souls 2000
Drakensang: The River of Time 2010
Drakkhen 1989
In Drakkhen, one of the most important tasks is creation of your band of four adventurers. There are eight possible classes, four male and four female. With the amount of magic in the game, it is very important to overload your four characters with those who can cast and learn...
Drox Operative 2012
Druid: Daemons of the Mind 1995
The world of Navan has many islands, and four of them are reigned by the powerful Druid brothers: Lawson, Curak, Havnar, and Astor. They worship different deities and try to maintain the harmony of nature on their islands. But one day, Lawson mysteriously disappears. Unable to solve the mystery, the...
Dungeon 1987
Dungeon won't win any awards for the most original name, in fact it may be confused with several other games. (See below for Dungeon Crawl, a much more sophisticated Roguelike game.) But despite that, it does offer simplified Roguelike gameplay. Each level is randomly generated and includes treasure to collect...
Dungeon and Dragons 1984
DND is a PC conversion of the seminal mainframe classic of the same name, which started computer role-playing games. The name of the game clearly comes from the Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) pen and paper role playing systems, and it uses D&D rules. The game itself is a classic dungeon...
Dungeon Crawl 1997
Dungeon Crawl is a text based adventure (Rogue-like) game. Your objective is to travel into the cave complex and retrieve the Orb of Zot, which is guarded by many horrible and hideous creatures. You can either play as the role of human or as any of the 24 creatures like...
Dungeon Explorer 1990
Dungeon Explorer is a fun EGA RPG game that is similar to Vampyr, although IMO more fun thanks to more diverse gameplay. The goal is simple: create a character, buy equipment and explore a dungeon or ruin. You must defeat whatever monsters you encounter to gain experience and wealth, causing...
Dungeon Hack 1993
Dungeon Hack won't win any awards for being the most plot-ridden game to come down the industry pipeline. In fact, judged solely for plot, the game is a washout unless you happen to like dungeon crawls with a single minded purpose. But, judgment of Dungeon Hack should not be viewed...
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