Developed under the watchful eye of Ron Gilbert, and featuring the same sense of humor as the famed designer's Monkey Island franchise, DeathSpank is a decidedly lighthearted take on action-RPG "looters" like Diablo and Borderlands. Players join the adventure as the titular DeathSpank, a knight-like character (minus the chivalry and intelligence), as he travels through a massive world battling monsters and solving puzzles in an attempt to track down a mysterious item knows as The Artifact. Joining DeathSpank on his quest is the fire-loving wizard Sparkles, and together the duo will collect hundreds of different weapons, items, and pieces of armor, and meet a cast of quirky characters, including Tina the Taco Vendor and the felt salesman Freen Hamplestammer. Designed to be accessible to "casual" gamers, DeathSpank can be played in short intervals, yet still claims to offer 10-15 hours of gameplay, and those looking for multiplayer action can join a friend for local co-op looting.
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