Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun Download (1992 Role playing Game)

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Dungeons and Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun is an average RPG that shows potential to be a lot better than it is. The game package says "Dungeons and Dragons lives on Sega Genesis." It does not feel like it; the D&D label really does not mean much to this game. Primarily because not enough variety went into the choices of character classes.

Gameplay is very basic. In the wilderness you have an overhead view of your four characters. You can see the monsters wandering and approach them for battle or turn and walk away before they see you. When a battle occurs in the wilderness each character takes a turn moving and attacking. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be difficult to maneuver around trees and rocks.

Dungeons are completely different. You see everything from a first-person perspective. Battles occur with no pauses. A cursor points to which character's turn it is. Press the button and the character acts and then the cursor moves to the next hero. All the while, the monster is attacking. These battles are actually easier than in the wilderness though. The best thing to do is to equip every character with a bow. When you see a monster let the arrows fly.

Graphics look good, the dungeons are a lot better than the wilderness though. Sound effects aren't bad either. Clangs and grunting noises let you know when you hit a monster. The music is also better than most Genesis RPG games.

Overall, Dungeons and Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun suffers from a lack of places to explore. The map is very small and doesn't contain enough mystery. Good graphics and sound are not enough to save this game.

Graphics: Dungeons are clear and scroll with ease.

Sound: Good music and effects.

Enjoyment: Characters and monsters are boring.

Replay Value: Short story and a very small area to explore.

Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun is a fun PC-style RPG for the SEGA Genesis console. Based TSR's D&D RPG system (not AD&D), the game plays like a "lite" version of Ultima VII. The premise: an evil beast called the Burrower has transported your castle into a strange valley with no apparent exits, a "...a strange, red-hued world in which the horizon slopes upward in all directions, eventually vanishing into a crimson haze at the limits of sight. It's as if the castle is at the bottom of a huge bowl whose extent can only be guessed at. Illuminating the landscape is the Eternal Sun - a fiery red orb that stands stationary in the exact center of the sky." As it is a matter of time before the castle's defense falls before the hungry horde of monsters, your only hope lies with a band of four heroes, sent outside the castle to explore the valley, find allies, and unlock the mysteries of the land.

Warriors of the Eternal Sun is a well-crafted RPG that adheres to the D&D rules strictly and effectively. Using official D&D rules, Warriors of the Eternal Sun is fairly unique. While there are many computer RPGs that use Advanced Dungeon & Dragons rules, very few games use original D&D. Fans of D&D will therefore be happy to see familiar monster types as well as a few new ones (such as the Beastman tribe). Weapons, spells, character types, all are genuine D&D material.

There are two separate engines used in the game. The first is an isometric view used when you explore the valley. In this mode, all combat is turn-based and a lot of fun to play (although not very challenging, since all you have to do is attack enemies from long distance with spells and arrows). When you enter dungeon, the game switches to a first-person perspective, where all combat is real-time (similar to Eye of Beholder series). The user interface is easy to use and never gets in the way.

Warriors of the Eternal Sun is a fun little RPG game. The graphics and sound are both good, and the story is quite interesting. The game is quite short and easy - something that might disappoint die-hard D&D fans, but on the other hand will entice novices to the genre. If you're looking for a fun RPG that's true to D&D rules but not overly complex, then give this old game a try. Recommended!


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