Crazy Cars 2 Download (1989 Simulation Game)

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You have discovered evidence that a rogue group of police officers are involved in a stolen car racket To stop them profiting form their dubious actions you must get across America as quickly as possible. This is made a little easier by the fact that your turbocharged Ferrari F40 can do over 300 MPH.

There are many forks in the road, with arrows at the top of the screen indicating which route is quicker. Any high-speed contact causes the car to blow up, but you have an infinite supply of these, and the only real penalty is the lost time. There are lots of road blocks to swerve around. The police are after you - pay attention to the sirens and stay out of their way.

So this is the second part of the Crazy Car games and the fact it came out only a year after the first game doesn't really mean the people at Titus spent a whole lot of time on making improvements over the first part.

OK, first off you notice the better (and I mean much better) EGA graphics. Then there's the obstacles on the road, the gear shift (although only from low to high) and there's forks in the road where you can turn off the main highroad.

This time you won't be driving a Mercedes either, it's a red Ferrari. The difference between the two cars (at least according to the game) are that a Ferrari can't jump, while Mercedes jumps all the time, the Ferrari has the possibility to explode and unlike a Mercedes a Ferrari does have a steering wheel. That's right, if you hit something you'll explode and if you come to the end of the road, or hit your car too many times the game will be over (even if the time won't run out yet). In the lower right part of the screen you'll also see the steering wheel. So you're turning it on order to drive and you have to turn it back in order to go straight again. This means you'll have more control over the car and that the car can even spin out of control.

You have the option to run the game with a mouse, but honestly I've never understood how anybody can drive a car with a mouse (in computer races I mean). Personally I dislike this feature, but it's an addition to the game. Also you get to see more stats on top of the screen, but they're still not enough (I still can't make out how much until the desired destination).

Still the game isn't anything to shout about. It was good enough to have brought us the third part (Crazy Cars 3 and it's a.k.a. version Lamborghini American Challenge), but that's about it.

You might wanna try it, it can be a fun little time waster for half an hour, but I doubt you'll get addicted to it.

Part of the Crazy Cars Trilogy

You're busted for speeding! Race for the state line in a Ferrari F40 to avoid the cops and evade capture. Use your map to plot the best course.

Trixter's review at MobyGames says it all about this lackluster racing game:

"One-line Summary:

A major disappointment in the history of the series.

The Good:

The premise is sound; you are on the run from the cops and have to navigate the best way to the state line. You have a map to help you choose the best route; it's arcade racing with a sprinkle of strategy.

The Bad:

Several major oversights hinder gameplay drastically. Objects pop up quicker than any human can react to them because the field of depth is so short... But the main problem is the control mechanism. You simplay cannot turn left or right fast enough to avoid obstacles and turns. Most computer arcade racing games offer unrealistic handling in comparison to real life, but CC2 is the only game I know of where the handling is severely degraded compared to real life.

The Bottom Line:

There's no reason to waste time with this one; it's almost as if gameplay was added as an afterthought." Your best bet is to skip this disappointing old game and play the superior sequel Crazy Cars 3 (a.k.a. Lamborghini: American Challenge in the USA) instead.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.47 MB).


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