Doom 2 Download (1994 Arcade action Game)

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The sequel to id Software's critically acclaimed Doom has invaded the PC with unbridled fury. Featuring improved 640x400 graphical resolution and more first-person shooting action, the objective of Doom II is quite simple: destroy, maim, shoot...and shoot some more. Although you begin with a military-issue pistol, you eventually have access to a small arsenal of weapons including shotguns, chain-guns, rocket launchers, plasma rifles and the aptly named BFG 9000.

Although supplied with proper weapons and a simple objective, destroying legions of butt-ugly freaks and demons will be an exercise in futility -- unless you're good enough. There are gun-toting humans-turned-zombies fighting for their new dark lord and savior, hellish imps and pig demons, invisible specters, flaming skulls known as Lost Souls and big balls of flying terror known as the Cacodemon. As you progress through each of the 30 levels, monsters get bigger, harder to kill and meaner: the Arch-Vile resurrects dead monsters, the Mancubus unleashes fireballs and the Spider Mastermind uses a flesh-ripping super chain-gun. Just when you think you've seen it all, there's a towering Cyberdemon -- he fires heat-seeking rockets -- to destroy.

Fortunately, there are a variety of special items and power-ups throughout each level including two types of defensive improvements: the Security and Combat armor. Whereas the Security Armor is a simple Kevlar vest, the Combat Armor is made of heavy-duty titanium. Although you may find one of these items, they eventually run out of use as you're constantly bombarded with enemy fire. You also come across radiation suits that protect your body from harmful toxins, rage-inducing berserk packs, back packs that increase the amount of ammunition your weapons can hold, computer maps and light amplification visors. Additionally, there is a variety of specialty items including health potions, medical packs, healing soul spheres, mega spheres (health and armor), invisibility artifacts and invulnerability. Needless to say, you'll need this stuff.

In addition to multiple difficulty settings and configurable graphics and controls, Doom II features online support. You can challenge opponents via modem, LAN or a supported IPX protocol to a brutal, no holds barred deathmatch competition.

In this sequel to the original Doom, you play the same hero - the last remaining space marine. After having single-handedly saved Mars from demonic threat, you return to Earth, only to find out that the demons have already invaded it, killed most of its inhabitants or possessed them. It's your task to bring down the force field around the last operational star port to allow the remnants of mankind to escape to the stars.

Doom II looks and plays very similarly to its predecessor, utilizing the same 3D graphical engine with 2D sprites for enemies. The game play once again consists entirely of navigating the hero from first-person view through 3D environments and shooting at the demons while attempting to find your way out by flipping switches and looking for keys. Unlike in Doom, which is divided into three episodes, the 30 levels of Doom II (plus the 2 secret levels) form one long episode. Doom II adds one new weapon to the players arsenal; the super shotgun, several new demon types with more advanced attacks than those of the first Doom, such as the chaingun-toting Heavy Weapon Dudes, the skeletal Revenants who launch homing missiles and the sinister Arch-Viles who have a highly damaging fire attack.

Doom 2 is definitely a classic shooter. Following on from Doom, you play the same character on his return to Earth. Of course, returning to Earth, instead of a wonderful party and maybe a medal or two for your heroic efforts you find that somehow the same aliens you fought on the Mars have now overrun Earth. Utilizing everything in your arsenal - 9mm, double-barreled shotgun, laser guns, and yes the infamous chainsaw - you must begin a new battle for Earth.

The gameplay is, again, very good for one of the first shooters. Hardcore fans of the previous games will thoroughly enjoy this one. The game also boasts dozens and dozens of levels, able to keep you occupied for hours of gory fun. The reason I gave this game a low rating is twofold. Firstly, the game just isn't nearly up to par with current shooters or many other great shooters released during the time this game has existed. Secondly, the game has a serious lack of plot. I understand that one of the big reasons this game has such a huge following is due to that simple fact; less plot, more mindless violence. Alas, I personally need a decent plot to keep me coming back to play the game.

In closing, this game can be a lot of fun if you need to get your anger out, or just enjoy some mindless violence. But due to lack of plot, it probably won't keep your attention for too long. So grab your shotguns and chainsaws and get ready for some gore!

Those incredible days in front of the computer playing Doom 2 are very dear to me. One of the first computer games with an amazing multiplayer experience. Doom2 was probably the best game of this sequel. Of course in our days we have doom 3, but doom 2 was the real thing. There where 32 new levels on doom 2 but 2 where secret levels. You could now fight against new creatures and use the amazing double barrel shotgun. You should dowload this old game and enjoy the amazing moments of doom 2. Maybe the best shooting old game ever. Doom 2 download page must be your next page :)

Probably every good gamer played legendary Doom at least once. This game has gained many players and some of them are playing it even today. Graphics is not bad (for that time) although on the other hand it could be a lilttle bit better. Playbility is very good. Doom 2 has no very interesting story. The authors were focused on graphics and weapons. Legend of all action games which shouldn't be missing.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (6.12 MB).


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