It is December of 1999 and Buster Everyman has just won the lotto. He decides to buy a fully computerized mansion. Apparently he has complete faith that everything will work come 12:01 January 1, 2000.
Y2K The Gameopens with Buster and his girlfriend, Candace preparing to celebrate the new year. Busterhas just guzzled down a $100 bottle of wine and Candace is ready to read a good book when she gets called out of the room to check on something with the computer. Time passes, and Buster decides to head to bed, hoping that soon Candace will be back.
The game begins as he wakes up with no sight of Candace and a pretty big hangover. You, as Buster, are notified of a computer problem. You must leave your bedroom to go fix the problem.
The first thing you may want to do is go and put some better clothes on and then go down to the antiquities room (have Buster touch the handprint on the wall in his bedroom). The Antiquities room has gone haywire. The climate control is on the fritz and the security cameras are turning all over the place, going crazy. To top it all off, the computer locks you in the room. Utilizing the clues, hopefully you can solve the climate control problem and get the doors unlocked, so that you can check out the rest of the mansion and find Candace.
Graphics are really cool, although occasionally you will direct Buster to go somewhere and he will wonder elsewhere. The graphics do allow you to feel as though you are there in that beserk mansion with Buster.
Sound is average. You will probably tire of Buster whining that he doesn't want to do something or need to look at something. This repetitiveness of what he will say when something isnt needed as a clue or for use will get annoying fairly quickly. And just because he cant use something now doesn't mean it wont work later.
Y2K's Computer reminds me of the computer, Hal, in the movie 2001 with how it takes control of things and will do anything to get it's way. The humor evne reminds me of Hal. For instance, upon entering the Antiquities room and finding the security cameras going crazy and the climate control on the fritz, the computer says "Fooled You" and locks the room doors.
This game can be fairly challenging and you will have to figure out much of it on your own. It is fairly engrossing.
After you solve the game, you may not want to play it again because you have solved the puzzle. Because of the title of the game and the timeliness of the Y2K scare, people may just pass up this game.
But this is a good game despite it's title and even though all the computers and our lives did not go beserk at 12:01 on 01/01/00, it is still fun as a game. The title only comes from the timeliness of the glitches.
Graphics: Good graphics, making you feel as though you are in the game. Buster does walk aimlessly sometimes though, before he gets to where you directed.
Sound: Selection of what Buster has to say is limited and can be repetitive and sometimes whiney
Enjoyment: Overall a challenging game that is hard to stop playing until solved
Replay Value: Things and situations in rooms can change from when you last left them. But once you solve the game, you may not want to replay it, as you will already know everything to do.
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