Dungeon Master Java Download (2001 Role playing Game)

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Download full Dungeon Master Java:
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Dungeon Master Java is an amazing one-man remake of FTL dungeon crawl classic Dungeon Master. Although based on the FTL classic, DM Java actually sports many improvements over its spiritual predecessor, and new levels. Here is a more detailed description from the official site:

"[The game] is written entirely in Java, and is designed to run as a stand-alone application rather than an applet in a web browser. It has high-resolution graphics that simulate a 3D environment. Most of the graphics are rendered in the free ray-tracer Pov-Ray. Item graphics and character portraits are done by hand with a paint program, though many are simply taken from the original and its sequels and touched-up.

Gameplay is very similar to the original, with real-time action, 90-degree turns, and step-by-step movement. One major change from the original is that monsters are not "stuck" in groups: they are completely free to wander, sometimes occupying a square with other monsters and sometimes not."

There are actually more noteworthy changes, such as the ability of monsters to follow you up and down the stairs-- no more attack-and-go-upstairs tactic of the original game. Monsters also seem to be more intelligent, and their ability to wander separately from their group makes combat much more challenging and fun. Best of all, the fact that the game is coded entirely in Java means that the game will now be truly immortal, since Java can run on any hardware. With excellent ray-traced graphics, faithful recreation of solid gameplay, and numerous enhancements, Dungeon Master Java is a must-have for every RPG fan, whether or not you have played the original. Oh, and be sure to grab Sun's Java 2 Runtime Library - you'll need that to run the game :)

Note: This download includes patch 2 already incorporated.

Dungeon Master Java is a remake of the classic FTL game Dungeon Master. It is written entirely in Java, and is designed to run as a stand-alone application rather than an applet in a web browser. It has high-resolution graphics that simulate a 3D environment. Most of the graphics are rendered in the free ray-tracer Pov-Ray. Item graphics and character portraits are done by hand with a paint program, though many are simply taken from the original and its sequels and touched-up.

Gameplay is very similar to the original, with real-time action, 90-degree turns, and step-by-step movement. One major change from the original is that monsters are not "stuck" in groups: they are completely free to wander, sometimes occupying a square with other monsters and sometimes not.

There are several other new things including like a better intelligence of the monsters so you can't just escape them by walking a bit away from them or down some stairs. Overall it is very impressive that a single developer has made a remade of the popular dungeon crawler in Java and overall a very nice idea as well.


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