Strategy Games #25

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In the Days of Knights and Kings screenshotIn the Days of Knights and Kings 1989
This educational strategy game represents the events of Norman Conquest of England taking place in XI century. Historically, Harold the Second, last Anglo-Saxon king of England, lost the Battle of Hastings to William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, who became the next king. The game is flown on schematic map of...

Incredible screenshotIncredible 1993
Incredible and Fascination from ComSpec are fun and quite original solitaire games, although they don't have much replay value beyond the first few games. The object of the games are similar: in Incredible, you must remove the 22 displayed cards as quickly as possible, using 2, or 3 cards to...

Incubation screenshotIncubation 1997
Just when the marines stationed on Scayra were growing restless, complaining about the lack of work, everything went wrong. A deadly virus broke out across the planet infecting all the alien inhabitants, the Scay'Ger. This unidentified virus began mutating the Scay'Ger, turning them into flesh-hungry monsters ready to feast on...

Incunabula screenshotIncunabula 1984
In this strategy game, three to seven players (1-6 humans and at least one computer-controlled) compete to progress from tribe to clan to nation to empire. They will face not only each other, but also famine, plague, civil war, insurrection, and earthquakes. To win, each player will build cities and...

Industry Giant 2: Gold Edition screenshotIndustry Giant 2: Gold Edition 2003
Industry Giant II expands the levels of corporate management of the original title by offering a wider range of resources and products (more than 150), diplomatic interaction, and an improved, more intuitive, menu system. Changing weather can now affect production and shipping, as many consumables are seasonal and require a...

Infiltrator 1 screenshotInfiltrator 1 1987
Infiltrator is a combination of first-person helicopter simulator and isometric third-person espionage action. You, as Johnny McGibbitts, ace pilot and neurosurgeon, were given a mission against the "Mad Leader". You have to fly in helicopter behind enemy lines and make a diversion there. You can fool the choppers into believing...

Infiltrator 2 screenshotInfiltrator 2 1988
Jimbo McGibbets is back in the sequel to the original. You play a soldier on a mission to infiltrate the enemy's compound and spy on them. The game is broken up in to two parts: Walking around in the enemy camp, or flying missions in your advanced attack helicopter. You can...

Infinite Patience screenshotInfinite Patience 1997
Infinite Patience is a single player shareware collection of solitaire card games. This game is played with the mouse and has many of the standard features now expected in a card game of this type. There is an undo feature, statistics are kept for each named player and each game, the...

Inordinate Desire screenshotInordinate Desire 1995
Inordinate Desire is a turn-based strategy game with action elements. As commander of a spaceship carrier you have to conquer foreign planets. Every day is represented by a round. In the beginning of a round you are in your carrier and have these options: Buy new units, send pilots on patrol,...

Intelligent Strategy Games 10 screenshotIntelligent Strategy Games 10 1993
Board game buffs will rejoice at this compilation that features ten crowd-pleasing games from around the world. Intelligent Strategy Games 10 includes checkers, Go, Othello, Renju, 4-in-a-Line, Gomoku, backgammon, chinese chess, and chess. ...

International Bridge Contractors screenshotInternational Bridge Contractors 1985
Simulating an industrial concern a bit more high-stakes than a lemonade stand, this game puts the player behind the accounting ledger of a company that builds bridges, which are large, complicated objects whose construction requires many resources and much labour. Coordinating supplies of both leaves a bit of money left...

Into the Void screenshotInto the Void 1997
Another game of galactic conquest in the same vein as Master of Orion. You choose a race from a gallery of races each with their own special characteristics (there's the technological one, the military one, the fast growing one, etc.) and go at it in an effort to try an...

Inucla No Classical screenshotInucla No Classical 1998
Inucla No Classical is a fun turn-based board game from Japan based on original concepts. The game is designed by one of the lead programmers of Siter Skain, one of Japan's best shareware developers. Starting with 3-6 pieces (in the form of cute anime dogs) at opposite ends of a...

Invader screenshotInvader 2002
Invader is a solid computer implementation of Amazon, an intriguing 2-player board game based on chess invented in 1988 by Walter Zamkauskas of Argentina. In Amazon, one player controls 4 red pieces while the other controls 4 blue pieces. The red player begins. Each amazon can be moved in a...

Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus screenshotInvictus: In the Shadow of Olympus 2000
Invictus is (rather loosely) based on ancient Greek mythology - the goddess Athena has returned from mentoring Odysseus, who went on to kill Poseidon's son on his way home from the Trojan war. Poseidon is none too pleased, and dismisses the whole thing as a fluke. Athena sees this as a...

Iron Cross screenshotIron Cross 1994
Iron Cross is a real time/turn based hybrid wargame placed in the France of WW2. You create a character and then go at it in 1 one of 12 pre-made scenarios from either side. Depending on your prowess you'll be promoted or demoted with the consequential increase or decrease of...

Iron Grip: Warlord screenshotIron Grip: Warlord 2008

Iron Seed screenshotIron Seed 1994
Iron Seed is a game of strategy in which you must develop the strength and knowledge necessary to unite the free worlds, and defeat the alien horde that threatens the galaxy. You begin with a single ship, and a chosen crew. Research, exploration, and diplomacy, are essential elements for success....

Iron Warriors: T72 - Tank Command screenshotIron Warriors: T72 - Tank Command 2004
This tank combat simulator allows players to command three of the best tanks ever built by the Soviet Union -- The t-72b, t-55a, and t-34/85. Take control of an entire platoon of tanks and all associated support units, or assume the role of a member in a complete tank crew. ...

Island Casino screenshotIsland Casino 1995
Check-in to the El San Juan Hotel and Casino and hit the tables for 25 of the world's most popular casino games! Or learn to play with step-by-step, easy-to-understand instruction. Brilliant graphics and sophisticated gameplay put you right in the center of the non-stop casino action, and let you feel...

Isle of Four Winds - Rune War screenshotIsle of Four Winds - Rune War 1997
The Isle of Four Winds - Rune War is a unique Mahjong game that wraps the traditional Oriental board/gambling game with a Western-style fantasy mythos, with a plot and "Rune War," an average conquer-the-map game. Julia Scott of Strategy Plus sums it up well in her review: "The Isle of the...

J & J's Vegas Pack: Black-Jack screenshotJ & J's Vegas Pack: Black-Jack 1992
Classic blackjack game in DOS. Objective beat the dealer by getting as close as possible to 21. Has mouse support. ...

Jagged Alliance screenshotJagged Alliance 1994
Jagged Alliance is a turn-based man-to-man combat game with an emphasis on fun rather than strict realism. The player has been hired to take back control of the island of Metavira. You must select (and pay for) the mercenary force which will carry out the mission. During the campaign, other...

Jagged Alliance 2 screenshotJagged Alliance 2 1999
So, you wanted your own private war? What's that? You want to be paid for it too? Well, merc, your wishes are about to come true! Your renowned skills have landed you the job of winning back the country of Arulco for deposed ruler Enrico Chivaldori. And he really doesn't...

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action screenshotJagged Alliance: Back in Action 2012
A full-scale remake of 1999's Jagged Alliance 2, Back in Action aims to spice up the well-regarded turn-based tactical RPG by improving the graphics, offering a redesigned user interface and tutorial, and giving gamers a new option for real-time combat. Players once again serve as a private military contractor hired...

Jagged Alliance: Crossfire screenshotJagged Alliance: Crossfire 2012
A standalone add-on to Kalypso Media's tactical RPG reboot Jagged Alliance: Back in Action, Crossfire finds gamers heading to the fictional Asian country of Khanpaa at the behest of Ambassador Behnam Atiqullahs to help stop a series of brutal mercenary attacks. The game retains a mix of real-time and turn-based...

Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games screenshotJagged Alliance: Deadly Games 1995
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games (JADG) is the sequel to the highly acclaimed Jagged Alliance. Jagged Alliance featured an infectious mix of great tactical combat, a great campaign, humor, charm, and a bit of role playing into what has usually been a very dry exerience. JA had you taking your mercs...

James Cameron's Avatar: The Game screenshotJames Cameron's Avatar: The Game 2009
Set on the fantastical sci-fi planet of Pandora, James Cameron's Avatar: The Game is a third-person adventure with RPG-style character development, featuring predominant shooting and melee combat action. The game's story poses challenges to the player's moral perspectives, as well. A prequel to the movie, set two years earlier, Avatar:...

Jane's Fleet Command screenshotJane's Fleet Command 1999
Jane's Fleet Command (JFC) is a naval based real time wargame developed with the help of Sonalysts, Inc., who also developed Jane's 668I Attack Sub simulation. Given their knowledge of naval platforms displayed in 688I, one would expect this game to be flowing with high-end detail and realism and, for...

Jang-gi screenshotJang-gi 1991
Jang-gi simulates the Korean two-player board game similar to Chinese Chess and is unofficially called Korean Chess. The game is played on 9x10 point board, without the Chinese river in the middle. Jangi-gi board rules allows the player to select a unit, examine the place, where it may move, make a...

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