Strategy Games #13

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Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas screenshotCutthroats: Terror on the High Seas 1999
Create your own pirate army in this R-rated strategy game dubbed Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas -- that's "Arrr-matey!" It's an involved quest that runs you through an adventure of many years and several ships. The action is slow moving, even when it's happening, so don't expect the story...

Cyber Chess screenshotCyber Chess 1992
A chess game with cyber-/Tron-like theme. The layout of the board has been modified to have pieces rest on intersections instead of squares, but the gameplay is identical to chess. ...

Cyber Empire (a.k.a. Steel Empire) screenshotCyber Empire (a.k.a. Steel Empire) 1992
Predecessor to the highly succesful (and more complex) Fantasy Empires. A tactical and strategic turn-based game of robotic combat, land conquest, and city siege. ...

CyberJudas screenshotCyberJudas 1994
CyberJudas improves on its predecessor, Shadow President, by being stimulating and original in both concept and playability. The game presents the player with seemingly unending chances to excel or flop at holding the highest position in the land. As the President, you are faced with making huge decisions regarding foreign...

Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars screenshotCyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars 1998
It's the year 3569. You are a businessman who wants to become a powerful mining magnate. To reach your goal, you'll have to fend off competition from seven other huge corporations. To make it to the top of the heap, you'll need to take control of a newly discovered jumpgate...

Cytron Masters screenshotCytron Masters 1980
Designer extraordinaire Dani (nee Dan) Bunten's third game for SSI is Cytron Masters, a fun futuristic 2-player strategy game that not only pushes the Apple II's hardware to its limits, but also is one of the first truly playable real-time games. Two players battle it out in a battlefield, testing...

D-Day screenshotD-Day 2004
Set at what many consider the turning point of World War II, this real-time game focuses on battlefield strategy and tactics. Gamers will equip their troops, review recon, and head to battle in a dozen single-player missions. As many as eight players can compete together in the game's multiplayer mode,...

D-Day: America Invades screenshotD-Day: America Invades 1995
D-Day: America Invades by Avalon Hill allows players to re-enact one of seven historic battles with themselves as commanding officer. They must engage and battle the enemy while avoiding ambushes and keeping their lines of supply open. An extremely realistic combat sim, the game calls on players to keep track of...

D-Day: The Beginning of the End screenshotD-Day: The Beginning of the End 1994
One of the interesting features of D-Day: The Beginning of the End is the option which allows you to manipulate the opening scenario settings and create conditions vastly different than the historically based defaults. Besides assuring diversity in replay situations this option presents the player with a definite chance to...

D.R.A.G.O.N. Force screenshotD.R.A.G.O.N. Force 1989
An average squad-level tactical game, D.R.A.G.O.N. Force is Interstel's attempt to apply the same level of complex and realism used in Starfleet games to small-arms tactics . The result is mixed: while the game is decidedly more realistic than other games of its type, its realism ultimately results in a...

Daleks screenshotDaleks 1985
Following in the footsteps of the early UNIX game Robots (and perhaps from there the still-earlier BASIC game Chase?), this game puts the player in charge of a little protagonist, often claimed to be The Doctor, occupying a position on a top-down grid which is otherwise strewn, not with mines,...

Dam Busters, The screenshotDam Busters, The 1985
Based loosely on "Operation Chastise," and the book and film it inspired, The Dam Busters sends gamers on three missions behind enemy lines to destroy German dams during WWII. Players must control every aspect of each increasingly difficult bombing raid, including setting an approach plan on the overworld map, controlling...

Dammit! (a.k.a. Darnit) screenshotDammit! (a.k.a. Darnit) 1989
Dammit! is another rare solitaire game by Robert Roberds and BSX International. Theodor Lauppert gives a good overview and impression of the game at his website: "Like so many solitaire games, [Dammit!] relies far more on chance than strategy and is nearly impossible to beat. Thus its title is appropriate....

Dark Colony screenshotDark Colony 1997
Mars turns into a battlefield in Dark Colony, a real-time strategy game where war wages between Earth marines and alien Gray warriors. Each is equipped with their own unique units and structures. The comic-like story and graphics put a new twist on this real-time simulation. At times, Dark Colony invokes...

Dark Legions screenshotDark Legions 1994
Dark Legions is a fighting game containing definite elements of strategy. Your main objective is simply to be king of the hill. The game is populated with creatures of dark fantasy and your job is to manipulate these beings to the best advantage and stomp your opponent senseless. You are...

Dark Legions, The screenshotDark Legions, The 2004
Strategy 3: The Dark Legions is a real-time strategy game that plays just like Warcraft3 and Age of Empires, maybe a little too similar. But what the heck, ain't Warcraft 3 and Age of Empires the best of their kind? Expect Strategy 3 to be a masterpiece, a champion in...

Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis screenshotDark Planet: Battle for Natrolis 2002
Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis has a lot of nice qualities that are negated by a poor interface and bland story. Comparisons to Blizzard Entertainment's StarCraft are completely unavoidable, and the definite "been there, done that" feel to the game resulting from the close link hurts its overall effectiveness. Natrolis is...

Dark Reign 2 screenshotDark Reign 2 2000
I like it when a game breathes new life into a genre. For instance, The Sims brought the slightly faltering simulation market back up. Another example is how Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64 put a whole new light on first-person shooters. What I refer to as a game "breathing new...

Dark Reign: Rise of the Shadowhand screenshotDark Reign: Rise of the Shadowhand 1998
Not only does Dark Reign Expansion: Rise of the Shadowhand offer fans of the Dark Reign strategy game all new options and maps, it significantly builds upon the foundation laid in the original version. The most noticeable thing is the inclusion of two new (though not entirely original) races. Where...

Dark Reign: The Future of War screenshotDark Reign: The Future of War 1997
And yet another Command & Conquer clone tries to fool us with new tricks and gimmicks. Come on guys! Enough already! It's all played out! Ever since Command & Conquer was a smash hit, every company under the sun has produced real time strategy games just like it. What is...

Dark Tower screenshotDark Tower 2002
Dark Tower is an excellent Java remake of a classic 1981 board game from Milton Bradley of the same name. You should definitely hunt down the original board game if you love innovative toys, because it has many interesting "gimmicks," including neat 3D plastic landmarks and an electronic, touchpad-equipped plastic...

Dark Wizard screenshotDark Wizard 1993
In Dark Wizard, the magical land of Cheshire is dominated by the destructive and evil ways of the Dark Wizard Velonese who soon hopes to release the Dark God Arliman from the Jewel of Darkness which has held him captive for centuries. All of Cheshire has been taken over by...

Darwinia screenshotDarwinia 2005
Developed by the U.K.'s Introversion Software and initially available in the U.S. only by download through Valve Software's online Steam service, Darwinia is a real-time strategy game with action-puzzle elements, set in an abstract, computer-generated world. "Darwinia" is a virtual theme park that is home to little computer people known...

Dawn of Discovery screenshotDawn of Discovery 2009
Dawn of Discovery is a real-time strategy game of New World exploration, expansion, trade, and conquest, based on Sunflowers Interactive's well established Anno series of home computer games (Anno 1602, Anno 1701; also titled 1602 A.D. and 1701 A.D in North America). The framework for gameplay in the Wii, PC,...

Day of The Pharaoh (a.k.a. Nil The Living God) screenshotDay of The Pharaoh (a.k.a. Nil The Living God) 1989
Sometimes, people start to imagine what it would be like to live in a different time, in a different place. Alot of games're born from such ideas. One of these games is born from one of the more popular times and places. Pharaoh takes us back to the days of...

Day Watch screenshotDay Watch 2007

Dead Reckoning screenshotDead Reckoning 1997
You are a human, who has been abducted from earth by an alien master race. They have taken you, along with some of your comrades, to fight against other aliens put in the same position as you, for the master races' amusement. Basically whoever loses has their planet wiped out,...

Deadline (1995) screenshotDeadline (1995) 1996
You are in charge of an Anti-Terrorist Division (ATD) in Deadline. It's up to you and your team to free the hostages without any loss of life. While playing in real-time, you'll have to decide what to do. Research the situation and then pick your team members and arm them....

Deadlock II: Shrine Wars screenshotDeadlock II: Shrine Wars 1998
Deadlock II: Shrine Wars is Accolade's follow-up title to their strategy based original. The basic game structure will feel familiar to those fans who played Deadlock, but a host of enhancements and redesigned aspects expand game play. At it's core, Deadlock II: Shrine Wars is still a mix of strategy,...

Deadlock: Planetary Conquest screenshotDeadlock: Planetary Conquest 1996
Deadlock: Planetary Conquest is an interesting, yet simplistic world domination game. In the beginning, you choose one of the six races and launch a colony ship onto the planet Gallius IV. The races you do not choose will do the same and from that point on anything can happen. Your...

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