Strategy Games #26

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Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds screenshotJeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds 1998
"The chances of life are a million to one... but still, they come." Anyone who has listened to Jeff Wayne's historic and mesmerising War Of the Worlds album will appreciate how powerful that collection of music is. This game, brought to you courtesy of Rage Software and GT Interactive, follows the...

JellyFish Player 3.0 screenshotJellyFish Player 3.0 2001
A breakthrough in backgammon games, JellyFish is a very strong backgammon program based on neural net algorithm that will challenge even the best backgammon experts. The official claims are lofty: "at the highest playing level [the game] matches the best humans in the world, and on the very fast level...

Jesus Matchup screenshotJesus Matchup 1993
Part of a 4 part series, Jesus Matchup is a Concentration game focused on teaching about Jesus and the Bible. The game is played just like a regular Concentration game, where you must match up pairs of cards that are face down. 1-3 players can play, and the winner is the...

Jixxa screenshotJixxa 1995
If small children, curious pets, a tiny apartment, or any combination thereof is part of your life, chances are you don't get to do many jigsaw puzzles. Here's the answer to your dilemma - a jigsaw simulation so unerringly realistic (the pieces scatter as haphazardly on your screen...

Joan of Arc: The Siege & The Sword screenshotJoan of Arc: The Siege & The Sword 1989
In the 14th century, England has a presence in France, and as Charles, it's up to you to get rid of them. You are heir to the throne, and will have power if you can recapture the city of Rheims from the English, with Joan's help as everybody else thinks...

Joint Task Force screenshotJoint Task Force 2006
When conflicts arise, the Joint Task Force is there to counter the attack and bring peace to the area in turmoil. Under the watchful eyes of the media, the player's squad must execute missions tactically, without blowing up civilians or destroying random buildings. Otherwise, they'll suffer a loss in public...

Jones in the Fast Lane screenshotJones in the Fast Lane 1995
Halfway between The Sims and The Game of Life, Jones in the Fast Lane is a multimedia-enhanced board game about work, school, money and materialism for one to four players. An early CD-ROM title, it makes charming use of the medium's video capabilities in the clips of game characters who...

Journey to The Center of The Earth screenshotJourney to The Center of The Earth 1988
First computerised version of the novel written by Jules Verne, Journey to the Center of the Earth is a mix of action and adventure - an exploration game paved with many action-oriented mini-games. You play the role of a scientist who is on the way to prove that Arne Saknussem's...

JubMoo+ screenshotJubMoo+ 2001
Slave and JubMoo ("catch the pig" in English) are two most popular parlor card games in Thailand. The games are similar in that each player's moves depend on the previous player's move, and both good memory and planning skill is required to win. One reason both games are very popular...

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis screenshotJurassic Park: Operation Genesis 2003
Following in the tradition of SimCity and Theme Park, Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis involves designing a dinosaur theme park from the ground-up and then maintaining its economic viability by keeping things safe and stable. Of course, that may be easier said than done when the "attractions" include velociraptors, tyrannosaurs, and...

Jurassic War screenshotJurassic War 1997
Jurassic War is an RTS set in prehistoric times that includes RPG elements. It is reminiscent of Warcraft, both in graphics and the units' movement and control. At the beginning of the game you have to choose among several tribes. Each of them has got "simple men" (not just workers like...

Kaiser screenshotKaiser 1995
Kaiser Deluxe is a remake of the original C64 game Kaiser. In this managerial-strategy-simulation, you start your career as poor man in the 18th century. Trade with goods, acquire land, achieve fame, raise taxes, conduct war. But don't forget to make your people happy. You're heading to be Kaiser (Emperor)...

Kampfgruppe screenshotKampfgruppe 1987
A platoon-level tactical game of armored warfare that encompasses almost all ground weapons used on the Russian Front from 1941-45. The Game puts the player in command of either a German or Russian battle group. Kampfgruppe provides four historical and an infinite number of randomly created scenarios. The historical scenarios: "Meeting...

Kengi screenshotKengi 1991
A decent puzzle game that is best described as Othello in 3D. In this board game variant, you and the computer player take turn placing Kengi (small aliens) on the game board. Each player scores by placing four or more of his/her Kengis to line up in any direction. The...

Keno screenshotKeno 1989
Keno is a simple, no frills adaptation of the popular casino game. You must pick up to fifteen numbers out of eighty total. Once you've done that, the computer will choose twenty random numbers. If any of the numbers you chose are the same as the ones that came up during...

Khalaan screenshotKhalaan 1990
Khalaan is an interesting strategy game of empire building set in the ancient Arabic world. Turn based, it requires you to establish trade, raise armies, and manage your economy to build a strong empire. You can expand your empire through conquest and diplomacy. Turns are seasonal, and military, naval, and...

Kid's Kards screenshotKid's Kards 1990
This game combines four popular children's card games into one program. For solitaire fun, it offers Memory Match, the classic "flip the cards and look for matching pairs" challenge. For play against a computer opponent, it provides Old Maid, Go Fish and Slapjack. The first two of these barely need...

Kid's Pumpkin Puzzles screenshotKid's Pumpkin Puzzles 1998
Put together the pumpkin, but make sure his face matches or the goolies might get you. Full of music, sounds, and animations to put you in the Halloween spirit with 4 different faces. ...

King Arthurs K.O.R.T. Deluxe screenshotKing Arthurs K.O.R.T. Deluxe 1994
From the Manual: "King Arthur's K.O.R.T is an exciting game of conquest for all ages. You are a knight and your task is this: to conquer Britain. You can accomplish this task only if you defeat your 4 opponents. To do that, you'll have to be clever and attack the...

King of Dragon Pass screenshotKing of Dragon Pass 1999
It's hard to categorize King of Dragon Pass, from publisher A Sharp. On one hand, it has the makings of a strategy title with a blend of resource management, battles, and social interaction. On the other hand, it has a mixture of quests, tribe creation and magic that give it...

King's Bounty screenshotKing's Bounty 1990
As a knight, paladin, barbarian or sorceress, amass an army of creatures to take on the local baddies and search for the Sceptre of Order. A turn based game with a time limit that decreases depending on the skill level you play at. Depending on your allegiance, you will initially start...

King's Bounty: Armored Princess screenshotKing's Bounty: Armored Princess 2009
Katauri Interactive's fantasy role-playing series continues with a new world to conquer and a new female protagonist in King's Bounty: Armored Princess. Players take on the role of Princess Amelie and guide her through the uncharted world of Teana in search of her mentor Bill Gilbert. Amelie is joined on...

King's Bounty: The Legend screenshotKing's Bounty: The Legend 2008
Mixing real-time strategy with both turn-based and role-playing elements, King's Bounty: The Legend puts players in the middle of a classic fairy tale adventure. Gamers can play as a Warrior, a Paladin, or a Mage, and explore a game world filled with chivalrous knights, beautiful princesses, evil wizards, dragons, and...

King's Table: Legend of Ragnarok screenshotKing's Table: Legend of Ragnarok 1993
A version of an old Norse board game called King's Table. The game has black and white teams, like chess, but each team has different pieces and a different raison d'etre. The white team has a total of 13 pieces, the most important one being Odin the King, who starts...

Kingdom at War screenshotKingdom at War 1992
Kingdom at War is a turn based strategy game in which you control a medieval country and set out to conquer all other countries. You can raise armies, improve your castle and its defenses, conduct diplomacy, and improve your economy. Set scenarios, and randomly generated maps allow for varied replay...

Kingdom for Keflings, A screenshotKingdom for Keflings, A 2010

Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes screenshotKingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes 2001
Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes takes place in the land of Berish, a fantasy realm with a shady past. Rick Miner, a hero who perished in battle against the Black Dragon Nibles (we can only assume it's not pronounced "nibbles"), has been resurrected. But his resurrection is twisted...

Kingdoms of Germany screenshotKingdoms of Germany 1994
Based on the engine of Kingdoms of England, the game represents the same game, but flown now in the German lands. As its predecessor, the game is turn-based medieval strategy game for up to six humans or computer opponents. Each player assumes the role of a Lord in control of...

Kingmaker screenshotKingmaker 1994
There's a fine line between strategic prowess and judgmental ability. Kingmaker toes this line head on and proceeds merrily down the path towards a satisfying mix of cunning, luck, opportunity and historical (although not always strictly accurate) perspective. In part, this is due to the fact that the game is...

Kings' Crusade, The screenshotKings' Crusade, The 2010
A real-time strategy title set during the height of the Third Crusade, Lionheart: King's Crusade lets players take on the role of either Richard the Lionheart or Saladin as they guide massive armies in a struggle for control of the Holy Land. Gamers can command hundreds of individual soldiers, conquer...

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