Strategy Games #9

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Cavewars screenshotCavewars 1996
Tired of the recent glut in real-time strategy games? Looking for a conquest/research/resource management game that allows you to carefully plot the annihilation of other sentient species? Are you more interested in substance over style in a computer game? If you answer "yes" to any (or all) of these questions,...

Celtic Kings: Rage of War screenshotCeltic Kings: Rage of War 2002
Originally developed under the title "Druid King," this real-time strategy game is set in ancient Gaul. Celtic Kings' "strategic mode" allows players to take command of one of four historically based factions: the Gauls, the Romans, the Teutons, or the Druids. The game also features a "story mode" campaign, which...

Celtic Tales: Balor of Evil Eye screenshotCeltic Tales: Balor of Evil Eye 1995
There are a few things you need to know about Celtic Tales: Balor of the Evil Eye before you leap into this complex game that has at its roots Celtic mythology. One, the game is very long with only six save slots so plan on a significant time investment as...

Central Intelligence screenshotCentral Intelligence 1994
Test your strategic skill in Central Intelligence, a game that mimics realistic CIA missions and situations. Step carefully to achieve objectives in one of three areas such as "Propaganda," "Military," and "Political." ...

Centurion: Defender of Rome screenshotCenturion: Defender of Rome 1990
Centurion: Defender of Rome is a turn-based strategy game that involves using a combination of force and diplomacy to expand the Roman Empire into nearby provinces. Confront Hadrian, Hannibal, Cleopatra, and other historical figures as you forge alliances or engage in conquest. Combat takes place from an isometric perspective of...

Champion of The Raj screenshotChampion of The Raj 1991
Set in 1800, Champion of the Raj places you in command of one of five factions (British, French, Mogul Empire, Maruthras, Sikhs or Gurkhas) vying for control of India. Territories under your control will generate taxes which can be put towards hiring troops, improving the military, industry or law and order....

Championship Backgammon screenshotChampionship Backgammon 1987
Championship Backgammon from Spinnaker is an excellent early backgammon computer game - probably the first to offer a competent AI (a computer player named "Max") which is strong enough to challenge frequent players. There are 5 difficulty levels in the game, and you can set up your own positions, choose...

Chaos Overlords screenshotChaos Overlords 1996
The cyberpunk genre has been done, redone and overdone for years but, every now and then, someone gets it right. Chaos Overlords is a case in point here as it manages to pull a lot of things together to make a really fun, complex game without ever becoming tedious. It...

Chaos: Remake screenshotChaos: Remake 1993
A remake of my favourite game of all time and one that does the unthinkable - it improves on perfection. I'm not gonna talk in any great detail about Chaos, if you have no idea what the game is then I suggest that you read the review on this site...

Charge of The Light Brigade screenshotCharge of The Light Brigade 1991
'The Charge of the Light Brigade' recreates the battle of Balaclava in 1854 during the Crimean War, when 25,000 Russian troops attempted to take control of this strategically important area from the outnumbered allied British, French and Turkish forces. This is a real-time strategy game and the player can change...

Chariots of War screenshotChariots of War 2003
Chariots of War presents the fierce battles of ancient Mesopotamia. Players take control of one of 58 nations -- Egyptians, Babylonians, Nubians, Assyrians, and others -- and mastermind economic development projects, sell marketable commodities, collect resources, and take direct control of their armies during battles. The citizens of every empire...

Chart Wars screenshotChart Wars 2001

Checkers for Windows 95 screenshotCheckers for Windows 95 1996
I do not think that further explanation is necessary for this game. It is just the game checkers with a few options. ...

Chess Maniac 5 Billion and One screenshotChess Maniac 5 Billion and One 1993
National Lampoon's Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1 is a parody of the award winning Chessmaster series. Although a parody, the game honors the traditional form of chess in terms of movement and strategy while the humor comes from background sources. Examples include advice received when you ask the computer...

Chess Partner screenshotChess Partner 1983
One of the earliest CGA freeware chess programs, Chess Partner by Scott Murray is an excellent chess game that surprisingly stands the test of time rather well - even 20 years after the initial release. Although it naturally lacks the pizzazz of modern chess games, Chess Partner still offers plenty...

Chessmaster 10th Edition screenshotChessmaster 10th Edition 2004
Following the many earlier popular releases in the Chessmaster series, this tenth edition boasts an even greater emphasis on helping gamers to become better chess players. The game's new version of the "King" chess engine is designed to be accommodating enough to teach an absolute beginner and yet powerful enough...

Chessmaster 5000 screenshotChessmaster 5000 1996
What do you get if you combine over twenty attractive chess sets, a simple easy-to-use interface, and one hell of a chess engine? Chessmaster 5000. Mindscape's fantastic new adaptation of the classic can teach you how to play, how to improve your game, and how to gracefully get your butt...

Chinese Chess Master screenshotChinese Chess Master 1987
Chinese Chess Master is an excellent straightforward chinese chess program that has all the features one could hope for in this type of game, from options to rewind or fast forward moves, save game in progress, and varying difficulty levels. The game's AI is quite tough even at middle (4...

Chinese Solitaire screenshotChinese Solitaire 1993
Chinese Solitaire is a single player card game. Superficially the game resembles Klondike solitaire in that some of the cards are face up and they are built into sequences of descending rank and alternating colour. Forty-nine cards are dealt into seven stacks of seven cards. The first four stacks are dealt...

Choice screenshotChoice 2000
Choice is a great freeware PC version of an excellent dice game designed by Sid Sackson, of Acquire fame, first included in his A Gamut of Games book and later released as a board game by Hexagames. This PC version is the multiplayer version of Choice (also sold as Solitaire Dice...

Chris Sawyer's Locomotion screenshotChris Sawyer's Locomotion 2004
The celebrated designer of the popular RollerCoaster Tycoon games returns to his Transport Tycoon roots with this business empire simulation. Chris Sawyer's Locomotion places players in competition with other railway shipping magnates and robber barons, to lead the transportation market and rack up the biggest profits. The game takes place...

Cinema Empire screenshotCinema Empire 2007

Cities in Motion screenshotCities in Motion 2011
Players attempt to create the most efficient and profitable public transportation systems possible as they take control of all forms of transit in Amsterdam, Berlin, Helsinki, and Vienna in Cities in Motion. A full campaign, 12 different scenarios covering the 100-year span between 1920 and 2020, and a sandbox mode...

Cities XL 2011 screenshotCities XL 2011 2010

CivCity: Rome screenshotCivCity: Rome 2006
The product of a collaboration between Firefly Studios and Firaxis, CivCity: Rome is designed to combine the management strategy of the Stronghold games with the deep historical context of Sid Meier's Civilization series. As in many other city building games, players begin in a mostly undeveloped space with limited resources,...

Civil War screenshotCivil War 1983
Civil War is a below-average BASICA game distributed only among IPCO members. Due to limitations of the BASIC language and early 1980 hardware, the game amounts to little more than a quirky piece of PC nostalgia. From the MobyGames description: "Civil War is a war strategy simulation. You play as...

Civil War Generals 2 screenshotCivil War Generals 2 1997
In Civil War Generals 2: Grant - Lee - Sherman, the sequel to Robert E. Lee: Civil War General, the designers have taken the best from the original title and implemented many more features to make playing a truly memorable experience. In this turn-based Civil War extravaganza, hex squares are...

Civil War, The screenshotCivil War, The 1985
"Based on the Victory Games boardgame of the same title, this product covered the American Civil War (1861-1865). It showed how one can take a highly playable boardgame and turn it into an unplayable computer "product". Marred by incomplete rules, incomplete graphics and incomplete programming, Civil War stands out clearly...

Civil War, The (Empire) screenshotCivil War, The (Empire) 1995
Empire Interactive tried to produce the complete, definitive Civil War game in 1995 with The Civil War. Unfortunately, although wide in scope and ambition, the actual result was as disastrous as General George Custer's last stand. For starters, the artificial intelligence can be described more accurately as artificial ignorance. In...

Civilization screenshotCivilization 1991
Sid Meier's Civilization breadth of scope is simply awe inspiring, as it purports to capture all of human history within just one game. The game's graphics and sounds are functional but unremarkable. Cities are squares colored to denote their owner with a number corresponding to population size. Undefended cities have light...

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