Strategy Games #42

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Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific screenshotSilent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific 2007
Players must take the role of a skipper on an American submarine in Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific as they cruise unseen through the depths of the ocean. Single-players may work their way through a variety of missions on 15 maps or jump directly into a fight through patrols...

SimCity 2000: CD Collection screenshotSimCity 2000: CD Collection 1994
Develop and build your own city! This collection includes SimCity 2000, SimCity 2000 Scenarios Volume 1: Great Disasters, SimCity 2000 Bonus Cities and Scenarios, and the Urban Renewal Kit which allows you to build your own cities free of charge and them import them into the game! ...

SimCity Enhanced CD-ROM screenshotSimCity Enhanced CD-ROM 1993
The original Sim City game was a revelation to thousands of computer gamers. It was a game where you could really affect the outcome of the game by the way you built your city, and was the forerunner of simulation games to come. Since then, the franchise has been expanded with...

SimCity Societies screenshotSimCity Societies 2007
Designed as a complete remake of the SimCity series, SimCity Societies adds a social dynamic to the traditional city management. Each new home, workplace, or park can affect a city's culture and environment. As mayor, players must carefully balance six competing needs when planning their city: creativity, authority, prosperity, spirituality,...

SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest screenshotSimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest 1995
Unlike SimEarth, SimTower, or SimCity, SimIsle -- subtitled "Missions in the Rainforest" -- allows you to take over the development of any number of islands in a long chain. Many of them have missions. Five small islands comprise a tutorial that teaches the things you need to know to play...

Simon screenshotSimon 1991
Simon is a simple implementation of Ralph Baer's electronic game Simon (itself an adaptation of Atari's ill-fated Touch Me); iconic symbol of the '80s, the game rules are so primitive as to be practically instinctual -- each button is associated with a tone, and the player's goal is to reproduce...

Sims 2, The screenshotSims 2, The 2004
The world's most successful "people simulator" gets a new lease on life in The Sims 2, the first full sequel to Maxis best-selling original. This 2004 release updates nearly every aspect of the Sims experience, from opening presentations to deep-down gameplay. The sequel features full 3D graphics, extensive new building...

Sims, The: Carnival - SnapCity screenshotSims, The: Carnival - SnapCity 2008
Sims Carnival: SnapCity puts a twist on the Sims universe by combining the city building of SimCity with the block dropping of a casual puzzle game. Players guide falling, color-coded blocks into place, but rather than disappear, the blocks turn into more than 200 unique buildings. Story Mode has gamers...

Sims, The: Life Stories screenshotSims, The: Life Stories 2007
Designed as a laptop friendly version of The Sims 2, Sims: Life Stories features a slimmed down "freeplay" version of the second edition plus two storylines following a couple of Sims named Riley and Vince as they grow up and experience life as a Sim. The game also includes an...

Sims, The: Medieval screenshotSims, The: Medieval 2011
Moving its people-management play from familiar suburban settings to a fairy tale realm of knights and knaves, The Sims Medieval adds aspects of role-playing and city-building games to the series' life-simulation. Instead of focusing on the lives of individual characters, Medieval players guide the development of their own storybook kingdoms,...

Singles: Flirt Up Your Life! screenshotSingles: Flirt Up Your Life! 2004
Singles: Flirt Up Your Life is a personality simulation game that revolves around the development of a romantic relationship between two everyday characters, who begin as mere acquaintances sharing an apartment. As in Maxis' The Sims, players spend their time managing their character's day-to-day activities (such as going to work,...

Sins of a Solar Empire screenshotSins of a Solar Empire 2008
In Sins of a Solar Empire, gamers must conquer planets and defeat their enemies to become the most menacing force in space. Both single- and multiplayer action takes place in real-time, and gamers may choose to play alone or challenge friends to a "domination fest." To survive the hostile world,...

Six Feet Under screenshotSix Feet Under 1994
Six Feet Under is a Boulder Dash variant for Windows 3.1. The game mechanics are fast explained: You are in labyrinthine underground caverns and have to collect a certain amount of crystals and get to the exit. You dig through the soil and watch after chain reactions, e.g. you dig...

Skat 2010 screenshotSkat 2010 1993
Skat 2010 is a simulation of the card game skat. There are many variants, but here is the principle: The game is usually played with three persons. Two of the players are playing against a single one but are not allowed to communicate. Each card has a value and one...

Skat 2095 screenshotSkat 2095 1996
Skat 2095 is a simulation of the card game skat and the successor of Skat 2010. There are many variants, but here is the principle: The game is usually played with three persons. Two of the players are playing against a single one but are not allowed to communicate. Each...

Skat 3000 screenshotSkat 3000 1999
Skat 3000 is a simulation of the card game skat and the successor of Skat 2095. There are many variants, but here is the principle: the game is usually played with three persons. Two of the players are playing against a single one, but are not allowed to communicate. Each...

Slave screenshotSlave 2001
Slave and JubMoo ("catch the pig" in English) are two most popular parlor card games in Thailand. The games are similar in that each player's moves depend on the previous player's move, and both good memory and planning skill is required to win. One reason both games are very popular...

Slots of Trivia screenshotSlots of Trivia 1996
Slots of Trivia is a single-player, shareware, slot machine game. In this game the player bets virtual credits on a virtual slot machine but at various points during the game they are asked a sports question. If the question is answered correctly then they are awarded additional credits. The gamer has many...

Small Soldiers: Squad Commander screenshotSmall Soldiers: Squad Commander 1998
Red Alert Junior Addition? Not quite, but that is the general premise of Dreamworks Interactive's Small Soldiers game, Small Soldiers: Squad Commander. This games is basically a no frills real time strategy game, and Small Soldiers is geared towards the under 12 crowd. As per typical RTS games, you can choose...

Soccer Game, The screenshotSoccer Game, The 1989
Take the role as team manager of a UK football (soccer) team in The Soccer Game. Choose from one hundred teams and utilize a database of 1270 players and hundreds of support staff from assistant managers to physiotherapists. Playing from charts and graphs manage the team well enough to move...

Socrates screenshotSocrates 1993
One of the most famous computer chess engines ever created, Socrates 3.0 is the engine behind EA's underrated Kasparov's Gambit and was, in mid '80s, THE engine commonly considered the best chess AI ever created. Although it has since been eclipsed by more modern programs such as Deep Blue, this...

Sol Survivor screenshotSol Survivor 2010

Soldiers at War screenshotSoldiers at War 1998
Soldiers at War is a turn-based squad-level WWII combat game. Lead your squad of eight men through eighteen linked scenarios that will test your commando skills to the fullest. Try your hand at D-day, Anzio, or take out a V-2 rocket site. Fight it out with real opponents using four-player...

Soldiers of Anarchy screenshotSoldiers of Anarchy 2002
Soldiers of Anarchy offers players a future where a genetically engineered virus has eliminated most of civilization. The aftermath, the anarchy, is a terrifying place where armed hoodlums rule the world, people are enslaved, and the creeps who designed the virus are roaming free. Gameplay involves controlling small groups of...

Soldiers: Heroes of World War II screenshotSoldiers: Heroes of World War II 2004
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II is a real-time strategy game with objective-based missions. Instead of simply needing to conquer the opposition, game levels often pose specific challenges to the player's squad of soldiers, such as rescuing prisoners, capturing enemies, destroying supply lines, and other guerrilla-style goals. Players can take...

Solitaire Deluxe screenshotSolitaire Deluxe 1996
This version of Computer Card Solitaire contains 24 different games, including: Calculation, Forty Thieves, Four Corners, Golf, Klondike, La Nivernaise, Pyramid, Scorpion, Spider, Three Shuffles and a Draw, and Upside-Down Pyramid, plus others. In addition, it has 24 different decks and 24 different backgrounds. Rules can be changed...

Solitaire Royale screenshotSolitaire Royale 1987
This was an early commercial instance of Card Solitaire. There are 8 different solitaire games, including Klondike, Calculation, and Three Shuffles and a Draw. You can also play "Aunt Anne's Tour" where you play all 8 in row, trying for the highest combined score, and 3 children's games. In addition,...

Solitaire Twin Pack screenshotSolitaire Twin Pack 1995
Solitaire Twin Pack contains two card games, Pyramid Solitaire and Golf Solitaire. Pyramid Solitaire : In this game the cards are arranged in a pyramid and the object is to remove cards totalling 13 until all cards have been removed. In this game each card has a value starting with the...

Solitaire XXL screenshotSolitaire XXL 1997
Solitaire XXL features several solitaire rule sets of the popular card game. It also contains a unique card set drawn by German artist Uli Stein. The shareware version has several restrictions: it can only be played ten times, there is just one rule set and the special card set is...

Solitaire's Journey screenshotSolitaire's Journey 1992
For most of us with a PC, the notion of computer solitaire is a guilty pleasure. On the one hand, we don't want to admit to other people that we actually are too lazy to shuffle the cards ourselves. On the other hand, computer solitaire is addictive. It's very hard...

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