Strategy Games #45

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State of War screenshotState of War 2001

Steel Panthers screenshotSteel Panthers 1995
Steel Panthers is a turn-based wargame focusing on combined armor/infantry small unit actions in the European and Pacific Theaters during World War II. The combat area is viewed from a bird's eye view and each individual vehicle, soldier, or heavy gun is portrayed with a lifelike top-view. Appropriate audio accompanies...

Steel Panthers 2: Modern Battles screenshotSteel Panthers 2: Modern Battles 1996
Steel Panthers II is a turn based wargame focusing on combined tac-air/armor/infantry small unit actions around the world in the in the Post-World War II era. The combat area is viewed from a bird's eye view and each individual vehicle, soldier, or heavy gun is portrayed with a lifelike top-view....

Steel Panthers 3: Brigade Command (1939-1999) screenshotSteel Panthers 3: Brigade Command (1939-1999) 1997
Steel Panthers III is a very challenging game and the 92 page manual is a must read to understand the controls. The unit graphics in Steel Panthers III are lacking to say the least. Your units look like green dots and the poor graphics can not even be saved by using...

Steel Soldiers (a.k.a. Z: Steel Soldiers) screenshotSteel Soldiers (a.k.a. Z: Steel Soldiers) 2001
Gamers looking for a nearly insane challenge should enjoy the fast action of the technology-driven Steel Soldiers. This mission-based strategy game requires creating an army of robot warriors, expanding the boundaries of the empire, and building facilities to manufacture robots, vehicles and weapons, a complicated mix, which is sure to...

Stelcon 2469 screenshotStelcon 2469 1992
Up to 5 empires (player or computer controlled) fight for supremacy in this shareware strategy game. Players produce starships and interstellar missiles, then deploy fleets on a starmap grid, in order to conquer planetary systems. Battles between fleets are resolved automatically, with animated results displayed. ...

Stellar Conquest III screenshotStellar Conquest III 1994
Stellar Conquest 3 is a shareware game. The goal of the game is to destroy your enemies starbases. In order to do this, you must mine stars, build warships, scout for the enemy, and then do battle. There are three different weapons which can be built on a ship, all...

Stellar Crusade screenshotStellar Crusade 1988
Stellar Crusade is a two player game of exploitation and conquest on an interstellar scale. Two rival factions, The League and The People's Holy Republic, compete over a span of decades for control of a small, but richly endowed, star cluster in a remote arm of the galaxy. The league...

Sting!, The (a.k.a. Der Clou! 2) screenshotSting!, The (a.k.a. Der Clou! 2) 2001
The Sting! combines aspects of role-playing and strategy with a seedy theme of gangland connections and high-stakes burglary. Players control caricaturized 3D characters as they climb the underworld ladder, gaining the notoriety that leads to bigger heists and attracts able and talented allies. Features include more than 90 characters (most...

Storm Across Europe screenshotStorm Across Europe 1989
The game allows to simulate World War II in Europe on a grand strategic scale. The player controls land, sea and air action and has to manage limited resources for production and advanced research. There are 6 historical scenarios included in the game, and they are labelled after the turn that...

Storm: Frontline Nation screenshotStorm: Frontline Nation 2011
Strategy gamers can choose to lead one of forty-five different nations in a battle for survival as economic hardships and political turmoil send to world to war in Storm: Frontline Nation. Players must use research, diplomacy, and advanced military might to conquer more than 500 regions and 100 cities located...

Stormrise screenshotStormrise 2009
Mutants and mechs go to war for a post-apocalyptic Earth in Stormrise. Although the game's real-time battles are won and lost through the strategic management and tactical acuity of the command, not all orders are given from on-high, detached from the action. Players can take their place in the thick...

Strange Adventures in Infinite Space screenshotStrange Adventures in Infinite Space 2002
The Exploration Pact of 4578 has expressly forbidden any exploration of Sector Prime by any unauthorized ship, a rule that will stay in place until the imminent Thorium Fission drive has been fully developed. All five continents of the Earth are poised to take advantage of the great opportunities that...

Stranger screenshotStranger 2007
Stranger is a real-time strategy game in the same corps as Warlords BattleCry or WarCraft III, in that military units are joined on the battlefield by powerful hero characters that carry over from one level to the next and can be custom-developed as they gain experience. The swords-and-sorcery world of...

Strategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg screenshotStrategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg 2006
In ways that work for it and against it, Strategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg is a very predictable game. A turn-based wargame set in the European theater of World War 2 is naturally bound somewhat by the setting and genre. Missions, units, and advantages for each nation are all things that...

Strategic Command: European Theater screenshotStrategic Command: European Theater 2002
Strategic Command: European Theater is a strategy game involving 25 WWII European nations. Players command either Allied or Axis forces, research upgrades, and make political and military decisions. Unit types include HQ's, tanks, rockets, bombers, cruisers, battleships, carriers, submarines, and transports. The German invasions of Poland in 1939, Operation Barbarossa...

Stratego screenshotStratego 1990
The board game Stratego is a more elaborate version of Capture the Flag. Each player starts with 40 pieces; made up by the flag, 5 bombs, and an assortment of 9 types of military units. After these have been placed, each player takes it in turn to move their pieces....

Strategy Games screenshotStrategy Games 1985
Probably the worst Keypunch compilations I have seen (and that is saying a lot), Strategy Games contains five games: Sabotage, Killer Bees, Vampire Quest, Engineer, and Ruler. Vampire Quest is not even a strategy game - it's an average text adventure that will make Infocom fans turn their noses in...

Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies screenshotStratosphere: Conquest of the Skies 1998
If you played Netstorm then you will easily understand what this game is like. Stratosphere and Netstorm are a lot alike, but are different in places also. For those of you who don't know what Netstorm is then I will explain it. Netstorm was a game where there was multiple...

Strike Squad screenshotStrike Squad 1993
Despite the puzzling reticence of the developers to link Strike Squad with the previous title set in the Consortium world of Tegel's Mercenaries, anyone playing it will be absolutely convinced that the game is a sequel. If not a direct sequel, since events do occur ten years after the initial...

Stronghold screenshotStronghold 1993
Stronghold is a self-described "kingdom simulator," based on TSR's popular Dungeons & Dragons franchise, as you strive to build a kingdom while managing scarce resources in a world filled with monsters. Depending on the level selected, your goal is to either (1) achieve the rank of Emperor by being popular...

Stronghold screenshotStronghold 2001
At one point in Death of a Salesman, the main character, Willy Loman, sums up the key to success: "Be liked and you'll never want." Although the advice didn't serve him well in business, it applies nicely to Stronghold, where being "well liked" is crucial to successful castle building. Fortunately,...

Stronghold Legends screenshotStronghold Legends 2006
In Stronghold: Legends, medieval lore comes alive with available heroes such as King Arthur, Count Vlad Dracul, and Dietrich von Hildebrand of Germany. Create terrain with three landscape types that can be used together in a single map, develop a blossoming city filled with gardens or heads on spikes, then...

Stronghold: Crusader screenshotStronghold: Crusader 2002
The medieval mixture of city building and real-time strategy of Stronghold continues with Stronghold: Crusader. The twist: this time it's the Europeans, led by the ruthless Richard I, invading Phoenicia and Palestine to confront the forces of Islam, led by the cunning Saladin. Players will take command of either side...

Submarine TITANS screenshotSubmarine TITANS 2000
The oft-used scenario of Armageddon coming in the form of a gigantic comet or asteroid is the story behind Submarine Titans. The game adds some new elements to the idea that make a lot of sense such as the fact that scientists had advance knowledge about the comet's trajectory nine...

Subtrade: Return to Irata screenshotSubtrade: Return to Irata 1992
Subtrade: Return to Irata is Dan Bunten's classic M.U.L.E. revamped for VGA and set underwater. Presentation aside, the game preserves the graceful game mechanics and the multiplayer addictiveness of its model, with four players competing for economic dominance in a round-based closed market scenario. True to the setting, players grow fish...

Sudden Strike screenshotSudden Strike 2000
When it comes to real-time strategy games, there are few from which to choose that deal with the subject of World War II, with perhaps the best known of these being the Close Combat series. Another attempt to create a historical game featuring warfare of that era comes in the...

Sudden Strike 2 screenshotSudden Strike 2 2002
Fireglow follows up its near million seller Sudden Strike with a sequel featuring more than 40 new missions, playable separately or in five campaigns, 50-plus new units (bringing the total to more than 150), and up to a thousand active units per scenario. In the five campaigns, based on specific...

Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory screenshotSudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory 2007
Arms for Victory returns Sudden Strike fans to real-time strategy battlefields of World War II, offering larger game maps and a new focus on joint operations. Players will command ground, sea, and air forces simultaneously, to conquer large areas of up to five square miles with coordination and efficiency. The...

Sudden Strike: Resource War screenshotSudden Strike: Resource War 2004
The third original stand-alone release in the Sudden Strike series features new missions that encourage new real-time strategy priorities. Though built on the Sudden Strike II game engine, Resource War puts more emphasis on the capture and control of supply lines, buildings, and other tactical assets. Capturing a building, for...

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