Strategy Games #47

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Tank Wars screenshotTank Wars 1992
This is pretty much a game of strategy. I first got this game in 1992 ( i think ) for my birthday from a guy who was my best friend, and he still is after all these years. Anyway, the object of the game, simply is to blow up the...

Tanktics screenshotTanktics 1999
I always like it when a game can surprise me with a clever story or a unique fashion in which it is played. There have been quite a few examples of this in the past, such as EVO: The Search for Eden on the Super NES with its great story...

Tegel's Mercenaries screenshotTegel's Mercenaries 1992
In Tegel's Mercenaries you get a chance to experience what it might be like to be in control of a strike squadron filled with wildly diverse ego-oozing hired gunners. Reminds me of the Marine squad in the movie Aliens except these troops are paid mercenaries interested in one thing: payment....

Ten Nights of Killing and Mayhem at F.J.B. screenshotTen Nights of Killing and Mayhem at F.J.B. 1996
In order to stop the demonic Principal of a local highschool from effecting her plans for world domination, players must control up to seven students who enter the school and take on the evil teachers. ...

Tenshindo (a.k.a. Yan Yan 2) screenshotTenshindo (a.k.a. Yan Yan 2) 1995
WARNING: This game contains sexual scenes that are not appropriate for kids. Please use your judgment before playing the game! Tenshindo (a.k.a. Queen of Tinshendo '95) is a fun Hentai card game with a bit more class and computer intelligence than an average strip poker game. The rules are essentially the...

Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Chess Wars screenshotTerminator 2: Judgment Day - Chess Wars 1993
A chess game based on T2, featuring sounds and characters from the movie as pieces. Captures are animated a la Battle Chess, but the battles take place off the board, in futuristic wastelands and similar stages The game offers several difficulties and play styles to choose from, along with time control,...

Terrace screenshotTerrace 1994
Terrace is a computer conversion of the same-named board game. The game field is divided into squares, similar to chess, but with a catch: because of stacked squares there are several plains. The two players have a set of stones in different sizes. You can move your stones unlimited if you...

Thai Chess screenshotThai Chess 1994
One of the better Thai chess games on the market, this is version 2.2 of Chussana Pun-ngoen's Thai Chess program. For those who are unfamiliar with Thai chess (and that's most of you ), here's a summary of the differences between Thai chess and classical chess: first, the pawn moves...

Theatre of War screenshotTheatre of War 1992
Theatre of War is similar to the classic game of chess, but in real time with projectiles. There are 3 gameplay modes: Medieval, Great War and Contemporary. Medieval has things like swordsmen and archers, Great War has a setting similar to World War 2, and Contemporary is air combat. All...

Theatre of War screenshotTheatre of War 2006
Theatre of War is a 40 mission campaign during WWII between 1939 and 1945. Single-gamers may battle their way through five campaigns that follow the steps of the United States, Russia, Germany, Poland, and France as they take on their enemies with infantry, aircraft, artillery, and vehicular units. Players may...

Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 screenshotTheatre of War 2: Africa 1943 2009
A sequel to the European-themed Theatre of War, Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 takes the 3D real-time strategy south for 15 missions designed to re-create the engagements that took place after the famous WWII battle at Al 'Alamayn. Three separate campaigns let gamers command German general Erwin Rommel's Afrika...

Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943  screenshotTheatre of War 2: Kursk 1943 2009

Theatre of War 3:  Korea screenshotTheatre of War 3: Korea 2010

Theme Hospital screenshotTheme Hospital 1997
In early 1998, I was dying to play a new sim. Unfortunately, I owned just about every decent sim that was on the market at that time, and I couldn't wait until SimCity 3000 was released. I stumbled across Theme Hospital, and since Bullfrog's name was on the package, and...

Theme Park screenshotTheme Park 1994
Bullfrog's comical business simulation Theme Park, challenges you to build a financially successful amusement park amidst heavy competition. You'll begin by purchasing land to build your first effort, and then make decisions on the type of rides (each rated in excitement, reliability, and maximum capacity), concessions (from coffee shops to...

Theocracy screenshotTheocracy 2000
Ancient Aztec legends spoke of a day when the great feathered serpent god Quetzacoatl would return from across the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately for the people of medieval Mexico, it was actually the Spanish who arrived on their coast in the early 16th century, and promptly set about reducing the entire...

Thieves and Kings screenshotThieves and Kings 1992
These are 2 cardgames in one simple game. Both a lot of fun, I think. Forty Thieves is the most simple, you get a stack of cards and seven columns of five cards, frontside up. One card from the stack is turned and that card can take any card that's one...

Third Reich screenshotThird Reich 1996
I LIKE wargames. I mean "real" wargames: the kind played on big tables with a pitcher of suds at hand. I like big, folding maps and little squares of cardboard with tank symbols on them. I like Special Consolidated Assault Rules with ten subclauses and an extra attacker/defender modifier chart....

Third World War screenshotThird World War 1993
Arguably the best game ever made for SEGA CD console, Third World War is an excellent game of global politics and economics. The game suffers from the same syndrome that plagues the likes of Dark Wizard and Herzog Zwei: a great game released on the wrong system for its genre....

This Means War! screenshotThis Means War! 1996
MicroProse' This Means War! is set in a struggling near-future world that has been thrown into chaos by a virus in a computer game. Without electronic communications and technology, the best-developed countries must rebuild from scratch and the planet is suddenly anyone's to conquer. This conventional 2D real-time strategy challenges...

Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon screenshotThree Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon 2001
Real-time strategy game concepts don't change much from title to title -- it's the nature of the genre. Worker units begin by collecting basic resources to build more advanced structures and eventually more advanced types of military units and then forces are gathered for the inevitable huge fight. It's a...

Through the Desert (a.k.a. Durch Die Wuste) screenshotThrough the Desert (a.k.a. Durch Die Wuste) 2000
Through the Desert is a good PC version of Durch Die Wuste, Reiner Knizia's classic board game of tile placement. (one of the three games collectively known as his "tile laying trilogy" - the others being Samurai and Tigris and Euphrates). Designed for 2-5 players, the objective in the game is...

Tides of War screenshotTides of War 1998
Master the Seven Seas and command your own warship in this real-time strategic 3D maritime adventure of exploration, resource management, and nautical combat. 18th Century English-style battleships and frigates do battle against Spanish-style dreadnoughts and cutters, Viking longboats, Phoenician raiding galleons, Native American war canoes, and more! You begin the...

Tigers in the Snow screenshotTigers in the Snow 1982
On December 16, 1944 in the twilight of the Third Reich, Hitler played his last desperate gamble and launched a massive surprise assault against the thin allied lines in the Ardennes forest of Belgium and Luxemborg. As the German Commander your goal is to cross the Ardennes forest and get...

TigrisGame screenshotTigrisGame 2003
TigrisGame is an excellent fanmade computer adaptation of Euphrates & Tigris, Reiner Knizia's classic board game that ranks among one of the best games of its kind ever made. If you have never played the board game before but love Sid Meier's Civilization (and who doesn't?) or Avalon Hill's Advanced Civilization,...

Tiles And Tribulations screenshotTiles And Tribulations 1993
Tiles and Tribulations is a mind bending arcade game for Windows. Catch falling colored tiles and drop them into appropriate bins at the bottom of the play field. Line up tiles in rows, columns, and other patterns to accumulate points and complete the level. Fifty levels of arcade fun and...

Timerace screenshotTimerace 1990
The game is a strategical puzzle action, where you have to eliminate the playfield filling it with the tiles of different colors until the time will be exhausted. Each playfield represents a certain period of the human evolution such as Prehistory, Crusades, Prohibition or Berlin Wall. On each level some...

Times of Conflict screenshotTimes of Conflict 2000

Titans of Steel: Warring Suns screenshotTitans of Steel: Warring Suns 2003
Titans of Steel: Warring Suns tells the story of a future where cataclysmic battles are fought by giant humanoid robots -- Titan Attack Techs, or Titan-ATs. Players can design their own Titan-ATs and choose weapon systems -- 29 total, including lasers, cannons, and missile launchers -- armor types, and configure...

To Serve and To Protect screenshotTo Serve and To Protect 1994
One of the most unique games ever made, To Serve and To Protect places you in command of a police department in a crime ridden city. Like a real police chief (and subordinate commanding officers), the game lets you control virtually all aspects of the police force including budgeting, personnel...

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