Strategy Games #36

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Pirate Hunter screenshotPirate Hunter 2003
Set during the Age of Exploration, Pirate Hunter recruits gamers to sail the sunny Caribbean, where the wealth of trading-ship traffic from the English, Spanish, French, and Dutch offers enough opportunity to make the whole crew rich. Built on the same basic framework as Ascaron Entertainment's Port Royale, Pirate Hunter...

Pirates 2 screenshotPirates 2 2000
Sid Meier's Pirates! remains to this day one of the most famous strategy games ever made. A lot of people were disappointed when MicroProse released a poor remake called Pirates! Gold in 1993, and felt the game could have been much better. One fan of the original Pirates! game, Marcel Strbak,...

Pirates of Black Cove screenshotPirates of Black Cove 2011
Gamers roam around the Caribbean trying to unite three pirate factions and defeat the titular menace in Pirates of Black Cove. There are several pirate captains from which to choose, each with unique skills and characteristics, and players can lead them into land and sea battles against both colonial settlers...

Pirates of The Barbary Coast screenshotPirates of The Barbary Coast 1987
A business/strategy/RPG-like simulation. You play as a captain named Articus whose daughter is kidnapped by Bloodthroat, a "lecherous pirate". You must raise 50,000 gold pieces as ransom, by transporting goods and battling nefarious high-seas pirates. ...

Pirates! Gold for Windows screenshotPirates! Gold for Windows 1994
Although Pirates! Gold has been improved in almost every way over the original, winning battles with overwhelming odds against you is not as likely anymore. Having more realism added to this upgrade has added much more of a challenge. The first thing you will notice is that there is no...

Pizza Tycoon screenshotPizza Tycoon 1994
Pizza Tycoon could have been an enjoyable game along the lines of Theme Park or SimCity, but it ends up feeling more like manual labor. I suppose this is appropriate for those wanting to get a taste of the pizza industry, but the level of micro-management will turn off most...

Planet Blupi screenshotPlanet Blupi 1997
EPSITEC's Blupimania was one of the goofiest and most intellectually challenging games. Well, it's still goofy, but it has gotten even more challenging. The game's graphics have dramatically improved. The sound is also better. But where the greatest improvement has taken place is with the play of the game itself. The...

Plants vs. Zombies screenshotPlants vs. Zombies 2009
The brains behind casual hits Bejeweled and Peggle take on "tower defense" strategy as anthropomorphic flowers square off against reanimated corpses in Plants vs. Zombies. "Adventure" mode finds players strategically placing weapon-wielding plants to cut down 26 different kinds of comical undead, including zombie pole-vaulters, zombie dolphins, "Zomboni" drivers, and...

Platoon screenshotPlatoon 2002
Platoon is based on Oliver Stone's Oscar winning film Platoon. Platoon is set early in the Vietnam conflict - 1965 to 1968 - and includes the several famous battles: Operation Shiny Bayonet, the Pleiku campaign, and Operation Pershing. Players control Martin Lionsdale, a newly married, and green, US Army recruit....

Play To Win Casino screenshotPlay To Win Casino 1998
No gimmicks to get in your way. Just fast, responsive, highly-realistic casino action. And, all of the gaming rules, odds, house edges, and payouts are exactly the way they are played in Las Vegas. ...

Playboy: The Mansion screenshotPlayboy: The Mansion 2005
Playboy: The Mansion is a social strategy game that calls on players to build a virtual empire of wealth, celebrity, and freedom from puritanical repression and intolerance. This is accomplished by developing a fully functioning Playboy mansion, to attract and accommodate influential celebrities and beautiful young models who are willing...

Poker screenshotPoker 1987
Backgammon, Poker, and Blackjack are very early PC versions of popular parlor/casino games, published by ShareData in the mid-80s. There is not much I can say about these games, except that they are pretty decent titles by 1987 standards, with non-existent but serviceable ASCII-only "graphics" and concise on-line rules of...

Poker Galore screenshotPoker Galore 1992
Poker Galore is a simulation of the classic Video Poker gambling machines. You have six different variants of Video Poker available for play: Jacks or Better: The most popular form of Video Poker, you must get a pair of Jacks as a minimum to win a hand; Joker Poker: Similar to Jacks...

Poker Night at the Inventory screenshotPoker Night at the Inventory 2010
Gamers join cyber celebrities for a bit of classic Texas Hold 'Em poker in Telltale Games' Poker Night at the Inventory. Held at a secret gambling club established in 1919, the action is hosted by Reginald Van Winslow of Tales of Monkey Island fame, and finds players seated beside Tycho...

Poker Solitaire screenshotPoker Solitaire 1992
Poker Solitaire is a great PC version of the fun solitaire game of the same name, sometimes called Poker Squares, which rewards both lucky guessing and accurate calculation of odds. Unlike most solitaires, where you're working with a full deck, and have the task of re-arranging the cards into some...

Police Quest: SWAT 2 screenshotPolice Quest: SWAT 2 1998
The Police Quest series continue with another game that follows the lives of the LAPD SWAT team. SWAT 1 was original with its use of true to life scenarios and tactics, and SWAT 2 continues that tradition with a similar style but a different attitude. The birds-eye view that is...

Political Machine 2008, The screenshotPolitical Machine 2008, The 2008
Players looking to test their skills in hedging, flip-flopping, and hyperbole can try their hand at the game of politics in Political Machine 2008. Developed by Stardock Corporation -- who claim 2004's Political Machine correctly predicted the outcome of that year's presidential election five months beforehand -- Political Machine 2008...

Political Machine 2012, The screenshotPolitical Machine 2012, The 2012

Political Machine, The screenshotPolitical Machine, The 2004
Developed and released in time to run alongside the real-life race for November 2, 2004, this deep, abstract strategy game challenges players to manage a fictional campaign for the office of President of the United States. A map of the U.S. serves as the game's primary interface and through it,...

Political Tycoon screenshotPolitical Tycoon 2001
Political Tycoon is a game of political satire to be played with tongue planted firmly in cheek. If you have any doubt about the developers' intentions, note that the game's manual claims that its target player is a "high-handed, domineering, frustrated megalomaniac with the sexual morals of a Latin American...

Populous screenshotPopulous 1989
You play a god, gaming against other gods in a celestial game of conquest. To win, you must help your chosen people take over the world and wipe out the vermin who worship that other god. Each god starts out with a single human, dumped into the middle of the wilderness....

Populous 2 screenshotPopulous 2 1993
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods gives players the chance to battle throughout ancient Greece, against the Grecian pantheon of gods, for control of the world. Players can customize their deity, develop devastating elemental powers including a rain of fire, lightning bolts, and summon multiple effects for increased damage. ...

Populous: The Beginning screenshotPopulous: The Beginning 1998
Years ago, Populous stormed the gaming world with a bizarre blend of strategy and action. It's one of the toughest games to categorize - not a sim ala Simcity, not a typical RTS ala Dune 2. While some argue that it's the true ancestor to the real-time strategy genre, the...

Port Royale 2 screenshotPort Royale 2 2004
This sequel to the internationally successful strategy game Port Royale offers players an enhanced interface, more trading options, and new ways to claim wealth and power, as they again attempt to create an empire of commerce that spans the 17th century globe. As in the first historically based game, players...

Port Royale 3: Pirates & Merchants screenshotPort Royale 3: Pirates & Merchants 2012
Players head to the Caribbean during the height of the Age of Sail as they attempt to gain fortune and glory as either an Adventurer or a Trader in Port Royale 3. As an Adventurer, gamers engage in naval battles, raid ports, and plunder cities, while Traders must deal with...

Port Royale: Gold, Power and Pirates screenshotPort Royale: Gold, Power and Pirates 2003
Developed by ASCARON, the same company that brought us Patrician II, Port Royale is set in the Age of Sail, and gives players the opportunity to explore the bustling world of the Caribbean in the 16th and 17th centuries. Gameplay involves exploring a game world of four million square miles...

Positronic Bridge screenshotPositronic Bridge 1994
Dos-based bridge card game. Uses a single bidding system similar to Standard American and includes a series of options that include different difficulty settings, suit counts and attitude signals. Graphics are 2d sprites over a flat background and the game includes a book explaining the basics of Bridge. ...

Power Struggle screenshotPower Struggle 1989
A primitive but interesting abstract wargame from the designers of Fire Zone, Power Struggle is essentially a poor man's Empire-- similar concepts and idea, but much inferior implementation and questionable computer AI. Choose to play as either "West" or "East" and mobilize forces across the globe to accomplish a simple...

POWER The Game screenshotPOWER The Game 1995
POWER from IBM is an interesting boardgame-style turn-based wargame that challenges your strategic skills against your opponents in an abstract race to rule the world. The objective of the game is to defeat your opponents in a tactical war by capturing their Flag. Upon capturing an opponent's Flag, your opponent...

PowerDolls screenshotPowerDolls 1994
Power Dolls is a turn-based strategy game in which the player takes role of a commander of an all-female military group manning giant mechanized battlesuits in a series of nine missions, with objectives ranging from destroying convoys to stalling enemy advance to rescuing captured military personnel. Squads for each mission...

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