Strategy Games #44

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Star Fleet 2: Krellan Commander screenshotStar Fleet 2: Krellan Commander 1989
Sequel to Star Fleet I: The Battle Begins, this time you have been accepted as an Altern (UGA equivalent for Cadet) in the Krellan Empire. Build a successful military career as Krellan commander completing all missions given to you by the Krellan Fleet HQ against the United Galactic Alliance (UGA)...

Star General screenshotStar General 1996
Star General, the fourth game in SSI's Five Star General series, features battles between war faring planets and adds an element of empire building to the basic strategic gameplay of previous titles. The engine, first used in Panzer General, refined in Allied General, and further expanded in Fantasy General with...

Star Legions (a.k.a. Krellan Commander) screenshotStar Legions (a.k.a. Krellan Commander) 1992
It's obvious that a lot of work went into the development of Star Legions in the areas of background, a menu-driven control system and mission objectives development. Unfortunately, the game falls flat because of the lack of development of important features such as realistic combat or troop availability, the challenge...

Star Lords screenshotStar Lords 2001
Before there was a game called Master of Orion, SimTex head Steve Barcia presented a prototype to MicroProse Software and gaming journalists Alan Emrich and Tom Hughes. This game is called Star Lords. It is much like Master of Orion, only rather unpolished (even by the humble production standards of the...

Star Traders screenshotStar Traders 1984
In this converted Altair BASIC game, 2-4 players become stock market sharks, trying to amass a huge fortune by buying stock in interstellar shipping companies and increasing the wealth of the companies they own stock in. ...

Star Trek: Armada screenshotStar Trek: Armada 2000
Star Trek fans and others alike will delight in this amazing adventure through time and space. The graphics, storyline, gameplay and everything else is a fitting testament to the long running science fiction television epic. Each mission brings you closer to defeating the long time enemy of the Federation, the...

Star Trek: Armada 2 screenshotStar Trek: Armada 2 2001
As an RTS experience set in outer space, Star Trek: Armada II is much like the original game in functionality. You often control the Enterprise, and as far as gameplay and enjoyment, the sequel exceeds the original since it's more difficult. Unfortunately, though, the creators tossed a few good features...

Star Trek: Away Team screenshotStar Trek: Away Team 2001
Star Trek: Away Team should be a great game. It offers exotic worlds to explore, a cast of human and alien characters, and a great license. The action is patterned after the successful Commandos series and even incorporates sound into the art of stealth. So why is Star Trek: Away...

Star Trek: ConQuest Online screenshotStar Trek: ConQuest Online 2000
You are a Q, an immortal being with immense powers who can change the course of time and space if you so choose. As a Q, life should seem somewhat happy and fulfilling but there's a problem -- there are other Qs! Naturally, this drives you to become the ultimate...

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars screenshotStar Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars 2001
Gamers not familiar with the television show on which Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -- Dominion Wars is based, may be a bit puzzled since names of individual people, alien races, ships, political alliances, and other pertinent elements are used regularly without any real explanation. This gives some indication of...

Star Trek: Legacy screenshotStar Trek: Legacy 2006
Take charge as commanding officer of the Federation, Klingons, Borgs, or Romulans in Star Trek: Legacy and lead your task force of war ships into intergalactic battle. Featuring the voice talents of William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, and Scott Bakula, the game offers a three-series single-player campaign,...

Star Trek: New Worlds screenshotStar Trek: New Worlds 2000
Undoubtedly many fans of the Star Trek movies will rejoice at Star Trek: New Worlds' land combat utilizing real-time strategy. Despite the new appearance, though, the game is not based on the popular Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine or Star Trek: Voyager series. The action comes...

Star Trek: Starfleet Command 3 screenshotStar Trek: Starfleet Command 3 2002
Based upon the Starfleet Battles tabletop game, Star Trek: Starfleet Command III is the first title from developer Taldren to be set within The Next Generation universe. Taking place on the outskirts of the Neutral Zone, players are cast into the middle of a tense peace accord between the Federation...

Star Trek: Starship Creator Deluxe screenshotStar Trek: Starship Creator Deluxe 1998
Star Trek: Starship Creator Deluxe lets you design and build your own starship, then send that ship out on missions across the galaxy. You have seven starship classes from which to choose, including the Defiant Class from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the Galaxy Class from Star Trek: The Next Generation,...

Star Trek: TNG: Birth of the Federation screenshotStar Trek: TNG: Birth of the Federation 1999
In addition to being one of the longer titles in strategy-gaming history, Star Trek: The Next Generation -- Birth of the Federation has a few other notable aspects. Not all of them are good, unfortunately, but all is not lost. This is a case where the preponderance of gameplay is...

Star Wars Chess screenshotStar Wars Chess 1993
Star Wars Chess is a chess game where the pieces are characters from the Star Wars universe. When pieces are taken, an animated battle is shown, much like in Battle Chess. ...

Star Wars: Empire at War screenshotStar Wars: Empire at War 2006
Though the Star Wars license has seen its fair share of strategy games, none has evolved into a bankable franchise for LucasArts. Star Wars: Empire at War tries to rectify this situation, combining positive aspects from earlier Star Wars titles, borrowing elements from other strategy games, and incorporating some newly...

Star Wars: Episode I - The Gungan Frontier screenshotStar Wars: Episode I - The Gungan Frontier 1999
Star Wars: Episode I: The Gungan Frontier is basically SimLife for Star Wars fans -- and it's a lot of fun. Released by Lucas Learning, there is an educational intent behind this game, one which should have kids (and even adults) learning while enjoying themselves. Each mission starts out with "A...

Star Wars: Force Commander screenshotStar Wars: Force Commander 2000
Star Wars, the well-known science fiction series of movies makes its way to the popular real time strategy format with Star Wars: Force Commander. The game plays much differently than most RTS games and the interface is new. Still, with the game's new features and objectives, it has trouble realizing...

Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds screenshotStar Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds 2001
Despite Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds' use of the Age of Empires II game engine to provide fluid gameplay, some Star Wars fans may not enjoy finding Tauntauns on Tatooine or other similar slips in continuity. While the RTS game takes good advantage of the Star Wars license, the plot doesn't...

Star Wars: Rebellion screenshotStar Wars: Rebellion 1998
Set shortly after the events of the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: Rebellion represents LucasArts' first attempt at a strategy game involving the popular space saga. As either the Rebellion or the Empire, it's up to you to command your side to victory against...

Starclash 2 screenshotStarclash 2 1983
Starclash II is an excellent game of galactic conquest that unfortunately doesn't stand up as well with time as Reach for the Stars. It is a greatly enhanced sequel to Baen Software's earlier Starclash, released in 1980 only for the TRS-80 computers. The game is quite straightforward and easy to...

StarCraft screenshotStarCraft 1998
The wait is over. Blizzard Entertainment's highly anticipated game StarCraft has finally hit the shelves. In almost every way, it outshines all previous titles from the company known for the award-winning WarCraft and Diablo. Upon first glance, StarCraft seems almost exactly like WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness. While this is true...

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty screenshotStarCraft II: Wings of Liberty 2010
Twelve years after the original StarCraft "zerged" its way onto computers, Blizzard's sci-fi strategy game finally receives its sequel with Wings of Liberty. Once again the game features three rival factions: the gritty, gutty Terrans; the slithering, swarming Zerg; and the psionic, cybernetic Protoss. The single-player campaign focuses on the...

Starlord screenshotStarlord 1993
Starlord is a game of exploration and conquest from Mike Singleton, the author of the similarly-focused Midwinter and The Lords of Midnight. As the title implies, Starlord is set in a science-fiction world, as opposed to the fantasy universes of those previous games. Your family are Starlords of a single planet,...

Stars! screenshotStars! 1996
Stars! is a multiplayer, strategic romp through the universe. Your goal? To take over said universe (or any of several other victory goals. Universal domination is just the most fun.). This game has a lot of complexity, but a simple interface. It runs in a...

Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy screenshotStarship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy 2000
The real time strategy genre is truly limitless, allowing the gamer to control and manipulate various units in a never-ending struggle to eliminate his or her enemy - Starship Troopers is no exception. The game, based on the multi-million dollar movie and original 1959 novel by Robert Heinlein, contains some...

Starships Unlimited screenshotStarships Unlimited 2001
Starships Unlimited is a turn-based game of space exploration and galactic conquest in the same vein as Master of Orion and Pax Imperia. The player picks from a wide selection of custom races and leads the chosen empire to grow and prosper by colonizing new star systems, researching new technologies,...

Start-Up screenshotStart-Up 2000
Did you ever dream of becoming an ultra-successful entrepreneur like Bill Gates and Donald Trump, but without the actual risk? Well, now you can with Start Up 2000, a reality-based business simulation where you create and control your own company. The game is the latest product to be launched in...

Startopia screenshotStartopia 2001
While obviously inspired by building simulations such as SimCity, Startopia owes much of its gameplay and solid mechanics to another wildly fun and hilarious simulation, Dungeon Keeper 2. Instead of being stuffed in a claustrophobic dungeon, players graduate to the more complex high-tech world of space station construction and the...

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