Strategy Games #37

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Powerhouse screenshotPowerhouse 1995
With so many resource management games on the market, you'd think that designers eventually would stumble on marketing a game that incorporates all the good points of a business simulation. PowerHouse comes close to being that game but for an inexplicable reason one of the most important and obvious ingredients...

Powermonger screenshotPowermonger 1992
With the success of Bullfrog's god-game Populous, fans of the world conquering/building genre eagerly anticipated the release of PowerMonger. Unlike Populous in respect to the player having god-like control over the world and population, PowerMonger puts you into the world as a leader of troops which ironically introduces situations where...

Praetorians screenshotPraetorians 2003
Set at the height of the Roman Empire, when Julius Caesar reigned supreme, Praetorians puts players in the role of an up-and-coming Roman general, battling for supremacy against both the Egyptian and the Gaul armies. A real-time strategy game from Pyro Studios, the development team responsible for the Commandos series,...

Pref Club screenshotPref Club 1991
In the game you join a private cards club, which specialization is preference. If you tell everything about yourself to a servant then you are on the members' list. When in club you can choose two opponents for the game. Opponents vary from fools to card-sharpers. The person's gender has...

Premier Manager 2 screenshotPremier Manager 2 1993
This football management game features all five national English leagues. The player begins the game managing one of the teams in the Conference, with the ultimate goal of trying to reach the Premier league and win European competitions, either by improving your current club or doing well enough to earn...

Premier Manager 3 De-Luxe screenshotPremier Manager 3 De-Luxe 1995
This is a compilation of Premier Manager 3 and its Multi-Edit Construction set. PM3 has been updated to 1995-1996 season data, with promoted and relegated teams moved divisions and player transfers activated - this means that previous saved games aren't compatible. ...

President Election screenshotPresident Election 1987
President Elect:1988 Edition is an updated version of the original President Elect adding the campaign data for the upcoming (at the time) 1988 election. The game is a comprehensive computer simulation of a presidential campaign from Labor Day to election night. The game can be played by 3 players each...

Prime Time screenshotPrime Time 1988
Don't you hate it when your favorite TV show gets cancelled? Prime Time from First Row Software lets you be the moron who cancels all of the intelligent but low-rated TV shows in favor of popular pseudo-dramatic tripe and identical sitcoms. Take on the duties of a TV network executive...

Prison Tycoon screenshotPrison Tycoon 2005
This "tycoon" game has players designing, constructing, and managing a complex devoted to one of the nation's (unfortunately) fastest growing industries: the prison system. Too strict a facility can create a tinderbox for riotous uprising, but too lenient a penitentiary promotes gang-related troubles and other corruption. Beginning with a minimum...

Profitania screenshotProfitania 1998
Profitania is an underground kingdom inhabited by exotic creatures known for their ingenuity. Recently, the Profitanians made an amazing discovery. They learned how to harness the giant magma pools near the planet's core and use this energy to power their emerging industry. As a budding entrepreneur, you have constructed...

Project Aftermath screenshotProject Aftermath 2008

Project Earth: Starmageddon screenshotProject Earth: Starmageddon 2002
In the future, humankind comes to discover and colonize a planet in the relatively nearby Alpha Centauri system. This planet's similarities to our own allow its settlers to thrive. Now a "third Earth" has been discovered, near Aldebaran, about 68 light years away. As the pilot of a "Sundiver," a...

Project Nomads screenshotProject Nomads 2002
Developed by the same team responsible for Microsoft's Urban Assault, Project Nomads blends strategy and action in a fantastical world set within clouds. As a Nomad, a wizard-like being with the power to fly, players must travel to different floating islands to establish multiple bases. The Nomad can then build...

Proliferation screenshotProliferation 1995
Proliferation is a formerly-shareware World War III strategy game for up to six players, human- or computer-controlled. Nuclear weapons, both tactical and strategic, have proliferated throughout the nations of the world, and the five largest nuclear powers, after failed efforts to militarily compel the smaller nuclear-armed nations to disarm,...

PSI-5 screenshotPSI-5 1986
Psi 5 Trading Company makes impressive use of its limited resources by delivering a sense of traveling through space in real time with its simple but effective graphics. Furthermore, the game also manages to deliver complex strategy gaming that unfolds in real time. The biggest failing of the game is its...

Puerto Rico screenshotPuerto Rico 2005
Puerto Rico is a great fanmade PC game based on a great tabletop strategy game of the same name which is published in the USA by Rio Grande Games. In this 2-5-player game, each player takes the role of a Spanish "hacendado" who must build up a settlement full of...

Pure Wargame, The screenshotPure Wargame, The 1995
Quantum Quality Production's latest strategy software to hit the market, "The Pure Wargame", offer the same type of quality gamers have come to expect from QQP. This hex-based strategy game explores an area of World War II seldom discussed, much less simulated. The focus is on the strategic importance of...

Pyramid Solitaire screenshotPyramid Solitaire 1991
Description In this solitaire card game, the player is presented with a pyramid of twenty-eight cards. There is also a draw pile and a discard pile. Cards may be discarded from the pyramid if they are completely uncovered and their face value is one point higher or lower than the card...

Qianhong screenshotQianhong 2005
Qianhong is a good and free Chinese chess game for Windows. The author calls the game "Chinese chess for the casual and curious," and this description fits Qianhong quite well. The well-written and concise on-line rules explain all you need to know about the basics of Chinese chess. Attractive graphics,...

Quod screenshotQuod 1996
Quod is great Windows version of a creative board game invented by G. Keith in 1979. Similar to chess, the game has simple rules requires sophisticated strategy to win consistently. The goal of the game is to place pieces on a grid so that they form a square. The player...

R.U.S.E.: The Art of Deception screenshotR.U.S.E.: The Art of Deception 2010
Set during World War II, R.U.S.E. is a real-time strategy game that emphasizes gaining the upper hand through deception rather than brute force. This is accomplished by playing "ruse cards" earned during the course of battle. Among the available ruses are camouflaged troops, decoy units, radio silence, and spies that...

Railroad Pioneer screenshotRailroad Pioneer 2003
In the spirit of Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon (and its various successful official and unofficial progeny), this 19th century business simulation from German developer Kritzelkratz 3000 (Far West) puts players in the roles of entrepreneurs on a continent of pristine wilderness, then challenges them to develop a network of finances...

Railroad Tycoon screenshotRailroad Tycoon 1990
Railroad Tycoon is a very detailed and realistic simulation. As time progresses in game the specific train engines that were invented in those time periods become available. The variety of options is impressive as well. You don't simply just lay track and let trains run between your stations as you...

Railroad Tycoon 2: Platinum screenshotRailroad Tycoon 2: Platinum 1999
Nine years before the avalanche of business simulations with the word "Tycoon" in the title (ranging from (A)irline to (Z)oo), legendary game designer Sid Meier introduced gamers to the rigors of running a railroad company in Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon, inspiring a sequel and add-on pack. Railroad Tycoon II: Platinum...

Railroad Tycoon 3 screenshotRailroad Tycoon 3 2003
Developer PopTop delivers gamers to the age of steam, steel, commodities, and capitalism in this sequel to its 1999 hit Railroad Tycoon II. As did that game (and also the classic original, Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon), Railroad Tycoon 3 casts players as the captains of an up-and-coming railroad system, in...

Railroad Tycoon Deluxe screenshotRailroad Tycoon Deluxe 1993
This expanded version of Sid Meier's original Railroad Tycoon includes additional scenarios and settings, enhanced graphics, and several additional types of trains to work with. ...

Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear: Covert Ops Essentials screenshotRainbow Six: Rogue Spear: Covert Ops Essentials 2000
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Covert Ops Essentials continues the popular squad-based, first-person shooter series that began in 1998. The original spawned the Eagle Watch mission pack, which was followed by Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear in 1999 and another mission pack, Urban Ops. The stand-alone, two-CD Covert Ops Essentials...

Rats! screenshotRats! 1994
In Rats, the player is presented with a maze infested with rats who are capable of producing offspring and overrunning the maze. The player's goal is to exterminate the rats before this can happen by placing bombs, radioactive waste, gas, poison, blocks, plague rats and gender changing chemicals into the...

Raven Squad screenshotRaven Squad 2009
Battles of both first-person shooting and real-time strategy are waged in Raven Squad, an action war game set in the very near future. Players take command of a squad of mercenary soldiers, either from a top-down, strategic view of the nearby surrounding area, or from a first-person perspective, as one...

Reach for The Stars screenshotReach for The Stars 1988
Reach for the Stars is a turn-based adventure/combat that has its roots in the science fiction world of galactic exploration, colonization and conquest. The number of turns in the game can be set as high as 150 by the player but the game doesn't necessarily have to end when that...

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