Control a Robot Rascal in a turn-based scavenger hunt that mixes strategy, action and board-game elements.
The game included a set of physical cards, which told you what you needed to hunt for in the field or Laustenfownd. The first to find all the objects in their hand of cards wins.
Luck cards can affect the outcome of the game. They give the player the chance to modify their hand, often at the expense of another player. Steal card, Force Swap among players or pass your trash either left or right are examples of the effects of a Luck Card. Each player must draw a Luck card at the beginning of their turn.
The game allows you to choose among 10 different types of robots to use in your hunt, each with their own personality and style. You must also mind the type of terrain you wander into, because some types may damage your robot.
The game also featured handicapping options, and, like most common card games, featured many variations of the original game by changing the way the cards are discarded, exchanged or displayed on the board.
From Brian Moriarty's tribute to Dani Bunten: "Heart of Africa was to be the last product Ozark ever designed for a single user. In fact, their next design took the multiplayer option to a provocative new extreme. Not only did Robot Rascals have no single-player mode, it actually required the participation of no less than four human players. Daringly billed as a "family game," this peculiar fusion of turn-based action and strategy, augmented by a deck of real playing cards, received a polite but puzzled critical reception, and was carefully ignored by everybody else." And that ignorance is a shame, because Robot Rascals is one of the most original and few computer games ever designed with a board game style, and it's much more balanced and fun than Infocom's Fooblitzky. Remember to download card scans to play with the game :)
Don't know exactly what to do in this game. You can drive with a robot across some plane. It is turnbased and playable upto 4 players.
How to run this game on modern Windows PC?
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