Solitaire's Journey Download (1992 Strategy Game)

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For most of us with a PC, the notion of computer solitaire is a guilty pleasure. On the one hand, we don't want to admit to other people that we actually are too lazy to shuffle the cards ourselves. On the other hand, computer solitaire is addictive. It's very hard to walk away from that screen sometimes.

Meet your next obsession. Solitaire's Journey provides the solitaire junkie with 105 different games. These run the gamut from extremely easy to win to those where a win is as common as an honest politician. Games relying strictly on luck, those that depend wholly on skill, and games that require both are found in, well, spades.

This should be enough to make Solitaire's Journey noteworthy, but there are some other niceties, too. For each screen name, you'll get a separate set of statistics for every game you play, every tournament you compete in, every journey you attempt and every quest you undertake. These break out important statistics like how often you win and your average score. There's also a standard average to let you know how you are doing overall for a particular game.

The quests, journeys and tournaments are entertaining, but they really don't match up with the fun of playing endless games of a particularly interesting solitaire variety. The problem with the more involved quests, etc., is that you have a very limited choice as to what you want to play. It's easy to get stuck with a choice between three games you really dislike.

The graphics are crisp without being flashy. The cards are easy to identify, which is what really matters.

Nice features include an autoplay button that will quickly send up all available cards to the foundations for you so that you can avoid having to click and drag each card. The "take back move" option allows yout to correct a mistake, as long as you recognize that it was a mistake.

Solitaire's Journey does have a couple of weaknesses, though. First, the music is better left turned off. It is claimed that this game supports major sound cards, but you'd never know it from hearing the music.

The other shortcoming is the manual itself. It contains little beyond a cursory glimpse at each game and basic running instructions. Fortunately, there is an excellent online ehelp system for the new player. Beyond its limitations in information offered, the manual is filled with errors, something QQP is well-known for.

This game should have a permanent space on the hard drives of soliaire lovers. It is addictive and fun, and when you get bored of one game, here are another 104 to choose from.

Graphics: Nothing special. Then again, did you really expect exciting graphics in a card game?

Sound: PC-spearkish music doesn't cut it anymore.

Enjoyment: You'll play it while on the phone. You'll play it waiting for a phone call.

Replay Value: Bored of oen game? Find another. Find another, and another, and another...

One-hundred and five solitaire games rendered in beautiful graphics (for 1992). Games have full rules and will allow different users to "log into" the game and keep averages and high scores.

Players can also build their own "tournaments" by selecting a sub-set of the games and playing for the highest score.

"Quests" allow users to play solitaire games to navigate through a graphical house to find treasure.

This is the BEST solitaire game I've ever played, period. The game not only has the standard single and tournament play, but also two original concepts called "quest" and "journey" which are similar to tournament, but with more interesting rules and incentives. With over 100 types of solitaires to choose from, "quest" mode, and a complete player history, it's no small wonder QQP can stuff all this into less than 1MB of space.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.83 MB).
This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Windows version - Easy Setup (10.8 MB).
This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (18.7 MB).


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