Arcade action Games #102

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Varginha Incident, The screenshotVarginha Incident, The 1998
In January 20, 1996, an UFO incident ocurred in Varginha, Brazil, involving reports of UFOs and aliens, supposedly captured by Brazilian officials. Frustrating the military forces involved, some of these aliens escaped toward the city, where they were seen by some witnesses, including the player, who receives an special mission...

Vaxine screenshotVaxine 1990
In this first person driver/shooter, the player must protect a body's base cells from attack by evil infecting cells. The field of battle is a toroidal grid on which your tri-colored half-sphere base cells sit awaiting your protection. The invading cells (also tri-colored spheres) attempt to bond together...

Vectorball screenshotVectorball 1988
This one on one future sport combines ideas from a number of real-world competitions, most notably the schoolgirl favourite Netball (I wonder why the ad blurb makes no mention of this?). The action is viewed isometrically, so moving the joystick up moves your droid north-east, down moves south-west, and so...

Velcro Mind screenshotVelcro Mind 1995
In one of our more original game concepts, the player here controls the movements of a disc with their mouse. The disc is divided into four quarters, each a different colour, identifying with balls of four various colours zooming around the playfield and four differently-coloured wall-mounted hands grasping out,...

Velvet Assassin screenshotVelvet Assassin 2009
Velvet Assassin is a violent stealth action game set in German-controlled territory at the height of World War II. Players take the role of Violette Summer, a young woman who has lost everything to the war, and who now only seeks revenge against the Nazi regime that destroyed her world....

VGA Sharks screenshotVGA Sharks 1990
Fun game, you are a diver and must collect underwater treasure while avoiding Sharks and other underwater enemies. ...

Video Casino screenshotVideo Casino 1987
A good collection of casino games that's easy to play despite limited choices, Video Casino nevertheless offers solid and reasonably authentic depiction of video poker, video 21, and blackjack machines found in most casinos. What more could a gambler want? ...

Vietcong screenshotVietcong 2003
Vietcong takes players into the lush rainforest battlegrounds of Vietnam and puts them in charge of an elite six-person US Special Forces squad. Players control the squad leader and are responsible for assessing each mission and issuing orders based on each squad member's capabilities. Available vehicles include the CH47 Chinook...

Vietcong 2 screenshotVietcong 2 2005
This gritty, first-person shooter sequel is designed to present another unflinching, insider's look at the War in Vietnam. Focusing on the Tet Offensive, Vietcong 2 is set near the city of Hue, where a traditional New Year's cease fire was broken in a surprise uprising that ended the lives of...

Vietnam 2: Special Assignment screenshotVietnam 2: Special Assignment 2001
Like its predecessor Vietnam: Black Ops, this first-person shooter from Valusoft is designed to put the player in a realistic environment of violence and danger based on conditions in Vietnam during the war of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Players take the role of a lone soldier at the...

Vigilance screenshotVigilance 1997
Terrorists strike and you must use force to counteract. You have various weapons and equipment at your disposal to take care of these bad guys and it's shoot on sight. Vigilance has sort of the same concept of Rainbow 6, yet Rainbow 6 was tactical and there are no tactics...

Vigilance On Talos V screenshotVigilance On Talos V 1996
Vigilance on Talos V is about Killian Jared, a man who became a mercenary to save his daughter Celeste from an evil race of aliens known as the Xenos. Having learned the location of their main base from an informant, he begins one-man assault to rescue his daughter. The gameplay is...

Vigilante screenshotVigilante 2002
Vigilante is a superb remake of IREM's 1988 arcade game of the same name that does what all remakes should do: enhances the gameplay while maintaining the same 'feel' and atmosphere of playing the original. Coded for Windows, this is a beat 'em up in the same vein as Double...

Vinyl Goddess from Mars screenshotVinyl Goddess from Mars 1995
In the year 200 billion a small ship races across the galaxy taking The Vinyl Goddess From Mars to the esteemed intergalactic B Movie convention. In mid transit, a meteor shower strikes without warning and the ship is engulfed in a sea of rocks and debris. ...

Violent Fighter screenshotViolent Fighter 1993
A very, very poorly done fighting game indeed. Besides having a cheap name, Violent Fighter has terribly small graphics, plain characters with simple attacks, and jumpy graphics. I was very upset to discover how poorly this game was made, especially since the majority of games I get from Taiwan are...

Violent Myth screenshotViolent Myth 1994
Violent Myth is a lackluster 2D fighting game that botches the very interesting premise by poor execution. Although it looks and feels similar to Panda Software's famous Sango Fighter, the game is not half as fun. The setup is interesting though, at least for anyone familiar with Chinese legends: you...

Virtua Cop (a.k.a. Virtua Squad) screenshotVirtua Cop (a.k.a. Virtua Squad) 1997
Virtua Cop is a decent PC conversion of a hit arcade game of the same name by SEGA. Your objective in this 3D shooting gallery is simple: as a cop, move through various areas of a city, eliminating any criminals that get in your way. At the same time, you...

Virtua Cop 2 screenshotVirtua Cop 2 1997
Based on Sega's hit arcade sequel, Virtua Cop 2, Virtua Squad 2 features on-rails shooting through a variety of 3D rendered environments. The game follows three tough cops as they struggle to take down a criminal syndicate working under the name of "EVL Inc." The PC edition of the game...

Virtua Fighter 2 screenshotVirtua Fighter 2 1997
Sega's hit arcade fighting game makes its PC debut with network play and various bonus features. All ten 3D characters from the coin-op are included for play in an 11-match tournament. You'll battle the computer or a friend in matches held within ten texture-mapped, outdoor environments. To win, you must...

Virtua Fighter Remix screenshotVirtua Fighter Remix 1996
The industry's first 3D fighting game moves from the arcade to the computer with Virtua Fighter PC. Eight combatants, each specializing in a real-life form of martial arts, trade blows within an open ring across flat, outdoor environments. Movements are designed to be realistic, so there are no projectiles, weapons,...

Virtual In screenshotVirtual In 2003
Virtual In is a fun little one-on-one fighting game that will surprise you with superb playability despite its small size. The title is a parody of popular fighting game Virtual On, and the game itself uses the robotic characters from that game - shrunk from their gigantic proportions down to...

Virtual In 2 screenshotVirtual In 2 2004
Virtual In 2 is a great sequel to Virtual In, a fun one-on-one robot fighting game from Japan. If you hate the first game or "cute" stumpy-head Japanese games, there is no reason to try this one. But if you like the first game, you will like this sequel much...

Virtual K'Nex screenshotVirtual K'Nex 1998
Build five different K'Nex vehicles, then drive them in five exciting games. First, weave your tow truck through tricky mazes and collect enough parts to build a new vehicle and play the next game. You'll need skill and speed to roar past swamp monsters in your fan boat, fight blazing...

Virtual On Cybertroopers (Virtual On Operation Moongate) screenshotVirtual On Cybertroopers (Virtual On Operation Moongate) 1997
Virtual On Cybertroopers (which I will now refer to as VOOM, as it's sometimes called Virtual On: Operation Moongate) was developed by SEGA's Am3 team (now known as Hitmaker appropriate name, if you ask me), and first released in arcades during 1996, using SEGA's Model 2 hardware (the hardware...

Virtual Shooting Gallery Deluxe screenshotVirtual Shooting Gallery Deluxe 1995

Virtuoso screenshotVirtuoso 1994
Many people play video or computer games to get away from the drudgeries of a workday and for the 21st century rock star hero of Virtuoso, life is no different. Donning a virtual reality headset to whisk himself away from the suffocating atmosphere of stardom, he enters a world known...

Virus screenshotVirus 1988
Aliens have infested Earth, and are spreading a deadly virus throughout the planet. Needless to say, they must be stopped, and fast. The time pressure (your score upon completing a level is based on the uninfected percentage of the land) is only one difficult aspect of this shooter. Viewed in remote...

Virus: The Game screenshotVirus: The Game 1997
Cruising through homer.wav, "D'oh!" echoes throughtout the hallway. Kareening around the corner, you watch closely for the virus, as it munches away at precious resources and infects the file while Homer spiratically "D'oh"s Virus: The Game uses the files on your computer as the battlefield in a quest to stop virus'...

Vivisector: Beast Within screenshotVivisector: Beast Within 2005

Vixen screenshotVixen 1988
The Vixen is the last human on the planet Granath, which is now ruled by a race of dinosaurs. She has been raised by foxes, and intends to follow through on a promise she made to her elders to wipe them out and restore the planet to humanity. Each level must...

Arcade action Games:
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