Arcade action Games #65

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Obake screenshotObake 2004
One of the most unique and fun platformers I have ever come across, Obake is a fun Japanese platformer that plays like what Messiah would probably be without the third dimension, religious/sci-fi overtones, and 'real-world' graphics. The gameplay is similar to Nintendo's Kirby console games, which allow you to use...

Oberon 69 screenshotOberon 69 1990
You find yourself in a world where the air has become unbreathable and Sun's light barely reaches planet Earth. With your planet almost desertic, many cities began to be built in other planets of the solar system. But... in Oberon, the fourth satellite, there appeared an strange life form, which...

Obliterator screenshotObliterator 1989
You play Drak, the last of the Obliterators (genetically enhanced machines bio engineered for otherwise impossible missions.) Your mission is to save the Federation from an alien spacecraft. Obliterator is an arcade style platform action game. The game screens are static (instead of scrolling, though you can optionally turn on...

Obliterator (freeware) screenshotObliterator (freeware) 1997
Obliterator is a fine, small and free 360 degree space shooter, with aim no more glorious than achieving a score as high as possible. Luckily, Obliterator plays well and fun indeed. By shooting multiple and distinctive types of enemies, such as the tiny Putput, the Blastor turret and cumbersome Robby...

ObsCure screenshotObsCure 2004
The Breakfast Club meets Resident Evil, with this survival horror adventure set in a typical American high school; the first video game developed by the French studio Hydravision Entertainment. Players take the roles of five different students attending the run-down Leafmore High School, each representing a different social-clique stereotype. Kenny...

Obscure: The Aftermath screenshotObscure: The Aftermath 2007
Obscure: The Aftermath is the M-rated sequel to 2005's high-school horror title. The storyline takes place two years later, with the surviving teenagers attending college to put their troubled pasts behind them. If only it were that easy. Strange black flowers have suddenly appeared on campus, and their powerful pollen...

Ocean Mix screenshotOcean Mix 2001
Ocean Mix comes with probably the longest loading time I've ever seen for such a small game. While this isn't a good start, the rest makes up for this. The game is a "score-attack" shooter: you haven't lives or energy, but 120 seconds to make the highest possible score. By...

Ochakumi screenshotOchakumi 2003
Ochakumi is a neat little arcade-style game from Japan that plays like an office version of Pac-Man. In the game, you play a cute anime-style secretary who has to collect various items that appear at random. But along the way, you must avoid bosses and other menacing office workers who...

Octodad screenshotOctodad 2010

Ocular Ink screenshotOcular Ink 2005
Ocular Ink is hands down one of the most fun and unique freeware games I've played in the past few years. Just reading the official storyline will already give you a clue as to how wacky this game is: "... In a strange and twisted land where evil dismembered body...

Odentodo screenshotOdentodo 1997
This is the number one time-killer! I have no idea who made it, but it is now installed on every computer at my school. You play a little guy who is riding on the back of a fish, while his family is sailing in a wok behind him. The object of...

Offroad screenshotOffroad 1988
Offroad is an arcade action game in the style of Moon Patrol. You drive a four-wheel-drive truck across a one-dimensional desert. You can accelerate, decelerate, fire missiles and jump with your truck. On some levels you can also shoot bombs at enemies in the sky. The game has 8 levels, you complete...

Oh! Hajiki screenshotOh! Hajiki 1998
Oh! Hajiki is a fun little roll-the-ball game that is reminiscent of Marble Madness and Macintosh classic Crystal Quest. The objective is simple: knock out all the balls on the board except your own to clear a level. Each knock, as in real life, has a strong force of impact...

Oil's Well (1984) screenshotOil's Well (1984) 1984
Extend your oil-mining robotic arm deep below the earth's crust to mine oil and line your pockets. But watch out for the monstrous bugs that lie in wait for you -- one touch of them to the robotic arm and you lose a life! ...

Ojamajo screenshotOjamajo 2002
Ojamajo and Kakutuku are two excellent 2D fighting games coded by ASCII's Fighter Maker application. The games feature a good number of characters and moves, very fluid animations, and a well-balanced gameplay that is neither too easy, nor too difficult as to frustrate most people. Since both games were made with...

Oliver & Company screenshotOliver & Company 1989
You are Oliver, a cat from the Disney movie "Oliver & Company". The game is 3rd person perspective arcade scroller. Plot is same as in the movie. Oliver is homeless cat that teams up with a gang of dogs and their poor but good owner in New York. You control Oliver...

Olmangzolmang Paradise screenshotOlmangzolmang Paradise 1995
Olmang Jolmang Paradise is a Space Harrier-like arcade 3D shooter that allows one or two players to control characters from various Family Production. There are eight controllable characters in total: the two ships from Illusion Blaze; the two mechas from Iron Blood; the two anthropomorphic animal heroes from Pee &...

One Must Fall (Beta version) screenshotOne Must Fall (Beta version) 1993
One Must Fall is an early beta version of the excellent fighting game One Must Fall: 2097. Interestingly, it is remarkedly different from the released version, it was originally developed as a side-scrolling karate game, with no signs of giant robots... hence, the absence of "2097" in the working title....

One Must Fall 2097 screenshotOne Must Fall 2097 1994
One Must Fall 2097 is a remarkably good fighting game and, in fact, could possibly be one of the best fighting games available on the PC. The game compares favorably to some Arcade and console fighting games although it's not quite in the same league as top echelon standard fighters...

One Must Fall: Battlegrounds screenshotOne Must Fall: Battlegrounds 2003
The sequel to One Must Fall 2097 features a 3D engine with a perspective positioned behind the lead character's shoulder. As in the 1994 original, players select from a list of robots and their pilots before entering a tournament, where they must fight a series of opponents until they emerge...

Onesimus: A Quest for Freedom screenshotOnesimus: A Quest for Freedom 1992
You are Onesimus, a slave of Philemon. You want to escape from slavery and be free. For freedom you must go to Rome. There you must find the apostle Paul. He will teach you how to become a Christian. Only then will you discover true freedom. This game uses the Jill...

Oni screenshotOni 2001
The multi-developer, multi-distributor, multi-platform Oni attempts to resurrect the whack-a-mole close combat of games like Double Dragon, to see if the Tomb Raider generation will bite. For PC gamers, at least, this might cause some concerned coughs. Oni is a third-person fighting game that relies on the old flip-that-switch-to-flip-the-other-switch template, following...

Oniken screenshotOniken 2012

Onimusha 3: Demon Siege screenshotOnimusha 3: Demon Siege 2005
Promoted as the final release in the series, Onimusha 3: Demon Siege looks to surpass its predecessors in areas such as gameplay, art, and technology. Reprising his voice-acting role as the lovelorn samurai Samanosuke Akechi is Takeshi Kianeshiro. Joining him is renowned French actor Jean Reno, best known for his...

Onslaught screenshotOnslaught 1990
As a highly respected warrior, you are attempting to conquer as many regions as possible. This is a three-stage task, as first you must fight through hordes of fighters simply to reach the castle, and then you have to climb the various sections of the castle, before battling with its...

Oozi: Earth Adventure screenshotOozi: Earth Adventure 2012

OpenArena screenshotOpenArena 2008

Operation Blockade screenshotOperation Blockade 2002
The first-person turret shooter Operation Blockade is "set in a fictitious World War II environment." Scheduled as the first in a series of budget shooters, it's a bit out of the ordinary given the recent tilt toward RTS and RPG games. Older gamers will be reminded of standing in the...

Operation Body Count screenshotOperation Body Count 1994
"Aieeeeeeeee!" This is a sound that will reverberate through your head long after you've finished playing Bodycount. It's the bloodthirsty scream of a terrorist rushing at you with his Uzi or Kalashnikov blazing and it is often the last thing you hear before the words "you have failed" appear on the...

Operation Carnage screenshotOperation Carnage 1996
Operation Carnage is an arena shooting game similar to Smash TV. The player controls a guy who tries to wreak havoc on the evil aliens who conquered and subdued Earth with soft takeover tactics. The humans are now bred like cattle and the Aliens feed off their souls. There are 8...

Arcade action Games:
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