Arcade action Games #68

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Paulie Python screenshotPaulie Python 1993
Paulie Python is a snake that is hungry for mice. Your task is to guide the green python through various scrolling levels and eat all mice in each of them. However, the mice are often scattered around the level, so you have to search for them first. With each eaten...

Payday: The Heist screenshotPayday: The Heist 2011
Payday: The Heist is a team-based, online shooter that has you attempting to pull off six Hollywood-style heists. You and your squad will engage in a downtown bank robbery, an armored car hijacking, a break-in of a secret facility, and more. Dynamically changing environments and a computer AI designed to...

PC Man screenshotPC Man 1982
A fairly faithful reproduction of the classic Pac-Man arcade game, considering its age and use of CGA graphics. As ever, the main character moves through a maze collecting dots and avoiding ghosts, using power pills for a chance to kill the ghosts for points. ...

PC*Bert screenshotPC*Bert 1997
PC*Bert is an excellent fanmade remake of Atari/Parker Brothers' Q*Bert, one of the most classic arcade games of all time. The gameplay is the same, and the controls are just as simple as in the original. Like all other arcade classics, the goal in the game is simple, but hard...

PC-Bakterien! screenshotPC-Bakterien! 1993
PC-Bakterien! is set in the microcosm. A vicious attack of mean bacteria and viruses endangers the organism. You take the role of Mikky, the worm-like chief defense microbe, and have to defend the organism against the microscopic meanies. Mikky won't be able to do this task alone, but he gets...

Pea Shootin' Pete (a.k.a. Spit Wad Willy) screenshotPea Shootin' Pete (a.k.a. Spit Wad Willy) 1994
You are Pete and your mission is to shoot evil peas. There are different levels, lots of bonus items, aliens to shoot, and a practice mode. Lots in common with "Space Invaders", a classic arcade game. ...

Peach the Lobster screenshotPeach the Lobster 1994
Norumbega was a peaceful land. But all is not well in Norumbega as, Fang Duck, the evil ruler of the Dark Quarter region decided to invade the rest of Norumbega. Fang Duck in his haste to fill the land with his duck minions overlooked the coastal home of Peach, our...

Pee & Gity Special screenshotPee & Gity Special 1994
Pee & Gity Special is a sequel to Pee & Gity. Visually, the game is nearly identical to its predecessor. The two heroes also retain their moves and abilities. However, the sequel allows players to move the protagonists through a scrolling stage step-by-step after all enemies on the screen have...

Peggle: Nights screenshotPeggle: Nights 2008
A sequel to PopCap's pachinko-inspired hit Peggle, Peggle Nights offers gamers 60 new levels of colorful, peg-blasting action. Players once again use a finite number of balls to clear each stage of its orange pegs in an attempt to rack up the highest possible score. The ten animal hosts from...

Penguins Arena screenshotPenguins Arena 2007

Pepsi Virtual Reality Game screenshotPepsi Virtual Reality Game 1996
Pepsi Virtual Reality Game is a below-average 3D action game from Pepsi, the world's cola giant. Aside from the dubious merit as the first 3D promotional game ever made, there is little to recommend this obscure title. This is basically a simplistic arcade-style game where you use the mouse to...

Perdition's Gate screenshotPerdition's Gate 1996
Perdition's Gate is an unofficial commercial add-on for DOOM II. It replaces all 32 original levels and features some new music and textures. There are no gameplay changes, new monsters or weapons, it is just a level set. It contains a new plot, changing the demons into an alien race from...

Perestroika (a.k.a. Toppler) screenshotPerestroika (a.k.a. Toppler) 1990
Controlling a small frog, the player must jump across lillypads towards his goal. These lillypads gradually grow smaller and eventually sink into the water, new lillypads appear to replace them. Enemy bugs will also chase the enemy frog. Touching the bad bugs or the water results in death. The player...

Perfect Weapon screenshotPerfect Weapon 1997
Mediocre games do not do themselves any favors by making comparisons with games like Tomb Raider. This beat 'em up may have a couple of similarities - one being a liking for the mass slaughter of wild animals - but Perfect Weapon is lacking in so many departments that its...

Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie screenshotPeter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie 2005
Based on award-winning director Peter Jackson's big-budget remake of the landmark 1933 Cooper and Schoedsack film, this video game version of King Kong is designed to convey the action and excitement the massive monster inspires, as well as the poignancy and emotion of the melancholy "beauty and the beast" storyline....

Phantom Fighter screenshotPhantom Fighter 1989
More of less a "beta version" of If It Moves, Shoot It!, Phantom Fighter is a one-year-older vertical shooter from Emerald Software that is identical to the better-known IIM,SI game in every respect, except for the lack of VGA mode and (as far as I can tell) a tougher difficulty...

Pharaoh's Revenge screenshotPharaoh's Revenge 1988
Pharaoh's Revenge is a fast action computer game in the arcade tradition. Using the keyboard or joystick the player must attempt to evade an opponent (computer or human) while solving a complex maze that, when solved, leads to safety. There are 200 levels in the main game, with 50 advanced levels...

Pharaoh's Tomb screenshotPharaoh's Tomb 1990
As a lowly research assistant Nevada Smith believes he's finally going to get his big break into the pages of archeology by discovering a long lost tomb. His glory is soon stolen away from him by the professor he's assisting at the University. The same professor he's been assisting for...

Pharoah's Curse screenshotPharoah's Curse 1998
Inspired by the classic 8-bit game of the same name from Synapse. Search 16 screens of the pyramid for the Pharoah’s hidden treasures. Features custom platform movement for the player and the badguys, ropes to climb, one way doors, moving platforms, keys for locked doors, deadly traps and, of course,...

Phobia 2 screenshotPhobia 2 1998
Phobia 2 is a simple but fun top-down shooter by the finnish Wah-Software. You are a space marine with a simple goal: survive as long as you can, and kill anything that moves. There is an neverending swarm of aliens coming towards you with bad intentions, and they will get...

Pickaxe Pete! screenshotPickaxe Pete! 1982
While inspired by the platforms and ladders of Donkey Kong, Pick Axe Pete! doesn't much resemble the gameplay of Nintendo's arcade classic. As the titular miner, players dash about horizontal platforms with a pickaxe, bashing rolling boulders for points. When Pete's pick breaks he will be crushed by the rocks...

Pickle Wars screenshotPickle Wars 1994
Aliens that look like giant dill pickles are about to conquer the human colony of Arcadia. Five hundred years of continuous peace led to complete disarmament, and humans find themselves unprepared for war. Only a brave lad named Dave, armed with a Salad Shooter, can face the murderous pickles. His...

PicoShot screenshotPicoShot 2001
PicoShot is potentially the world's smallest shooter ever made. At first, I hated this game. Really. I wondered what was the sense of making a game which takes a tiny, stamp-sized, 64x64 window, moving a ship three pixels wide and two high! My eyes hurt. Luckily, I found the option...

Pike: Operacija Gromoverzhec screenshotPike: Operacija Gromoverzhec 1996
Mankind have always tried to break through the borders of solar system, but due to wars, economic and ecological crisis this dream for a long time remained unrealised. In the third millennium the required technological breakthrough happened, which allowed humanity to make a step toward stars. Long after, widespread colonies,...

Pilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines screenshotPilot Down: Behind Enemy Lines 2005
Pilot Down! presents Nazi Germany in 1944. Players will control an American pilot trapped behind enemy lines, unable to talk, chased by German forces, and on the run for Switzerland. Gameplay includes nine levels spread across occupied Europe, primary and secondary objectives, experience points, upgradeable skills, and historical WWII weapons. ...

Pinball 2000 screenshotPinball 2000 1995
A pinball game with two tables, Rocket and Graveyard. It was derived from an Amiga game by Digital Illusions called Pinball Dreams. Supports up to 8 players. ...

Pinball 3D-VCR (a.k.a. Total Pinball 3D) screenshotPinball 3D-VCR (a.k.a. Total Pinball 3D) 1996
Total Pinball features the same slightly changed four tables as its predecessor Pinball Mania: Kick Off centres around soccer/football, Jail Break is set in a prison, Tarantula reflects Spidersoft's name and logo as it features a rampant spider, and Jackpot is based around gambling. The main difference is the optional presentation...

Pinball 4000 (a.k.a. Expert Pinball 4000) screenshotPinball 4000 (a.k.a. Expert Pinball 4000) 1994
Yet another nice pinball game. Nice things about pinballgames is that it takes quite a time to know what you have to do on the machine. Just keep the ball in the playfield. Different fields to play on. ...

Pinball Builder: A Construction Kit for Windows screenshotPinball Builder: A Construction Kit for Windows 1996
Have you ever wanted to build your own pinball table? Pinball Builder from 21st Century Entertainment makes it easy. You start with one of the basic designs which provides a simple table layout, including ramps, side guards and flippers. Then place bumpers, lights, kickers and other pinball pieces anywhere on...

Pinball Dreams screenshotPinball Dreams 1993
The first in a line of pinball games from 21st Century and Digital Illusions, with four tables covering themes such as the wild west for Steel Wheel, space rockets for Ignition, a haunted graveyard for Nightmare and pop music for Beat Box. The portable versions for the Game Boy and...

Arcade action Games:
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