Arcade action Games #83

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Skyfox II: The Cygnus Conflict screenshotSkyfox II: The Cygnus Conflict 1988
Pilot a starfighter on a variety of missions, from locating lost artifacts to destroying the enemy, in this early 1st-person shooter in space. ...

SkyNET screenshotSkyNET 1996
The epic battle of man versus machine continues with SkyNet, the sequel to 1995's Terminator: Future Shock on PC. As a member of the human resistance led by John Connor, you must battle Terminators on desolate Los Angeles streets and in various interior locales, from a sinking submarine to the...

Skyroads screenshotSkyroads 1993
Pilot your starglider on a "road" through space, avoiding obstacles and holes along the way, and without running out of fuel or oxygen. Full version includes 30 roads in 10 areas. ...

SkyRoads: Xmas Special screenshotSkyRoads: Xmas Special 1994
This Special edition of SkyRoads features 3 new worlds for Christmas and one for a training course to its existing worlds. However by this addition you will not able to play Satellite, Into The Sun, Asteroid Belt and The Earth again. ...

Slam Tilt screenshotSlam Tilt 1996
Slam Tilt is an excellent pinball game from 21st Century Entertainment, best known for Pinball Fantasies and Pinball Illusions. Fans of these classics won't be disappointed with Slam Tilt, although this was not developed in-house: the game was designed by Sweden-based "Liquid Dezign," which later changed its name to Unique...

Slave Zero screenshotSlave Zero 1999
The first five minutes spent playing Slave Zero are jaw dropping. Eye-popping 3D graphics bring home a sense of scale that's somehow absent from most giant-robot games. You truly feel huge piloting your stolen Slave unit, crushing cars and unfortunate pedestrians as you stomp through a vertical urban sprawl right...

SLD screenshotSLD 2003
UFP and SLD are two fun little arcade games from Japan from the same author. UFP is a cool shooter that lets you fly a paper airplane and shoots at balloons and other paper airplanes for points. The game mechanics is as simple as it gets: use your mouse to...

Sleepwalker screenshotSleepwalker 1993
CTA's original IP stars a toon dog called Ralph who must stop his sleepwalking master Lee from waking up. Ralph must bridge gaps, beat up baddies, stop Lee falling into water, inflate his own body and float above obstacles, and generally be a selfless version of man's best friend. Between each...

Slordax: The Unknown Enemy screenshotSlordax: The Unknown Enemy 1991
Legends tell of a race of super beings, the Slordax, who once tried to conquer the galaxy. The war lasted for a century. In the end, the Slordax were repelled. The Slordian system was dead for over seven hundred years. But now the Slordax are back. The Intergalactic Defense Alliance...

Smashing Pumpkins into Small Piles of Putrid Debris screenshotSmashing Pumpkins into Small Piles of Putrid Debris 1993
Pumpkins from all over the planet stole Earth's candles to their home planet. Now, as an axe yielding maniac, you must destroy them and collect the candles back. This is a simple 2D action game where you must travel through mazes, kill pumpkins and collect candles. Its fame comes from...

Smashset screenshotSmashset 2003
Smashset is a fun Breakout clone from Japan. The game introduces nice twists on the familiar bounce-the-ball formula in several ways. For starters, you don't play this game from a 2D view, but an attractive isometric 3D view, with your paddle to the right of the screen and blocks to...

Smoke Attack screenshotSmoke Attack 2002
Smoke Attack is another fun freeware game from the Swiss division of Phenomedia, one of the world's best promotional/tie-in game developers (an increasingly popular genre now commonly referred to as "ad-games"). Commissioned by Switzerland's Federal Office of Public Health, Smoke Attack was designed to increase people's awareness on the danger...

Smokin' Guns screenshotSmokin' Guns 1993
Smokin' Guns is a simple shooting gallery for Windows with a surprising depth and variety. As the game states: "you are the law in Gangsterland-- take on the crime lord and clear the streets of his cronies. Defend the control room against renegade android raiders in Neptune Six. Survive through...

Smokin' Guns screenshotSmokin' Guns 2009

Smurfs, The screenshotSmurfs, The 1996
Free the Smurfs before Gargamel smurfs then all! Platform game where you will be able to play with the jockey smurf, the brainy smurf, the greedy smurf and the hefty smurf to resolve the adventure. All of the classic SMURF characters are along for the adventure, guaranteeing you a Smurf-tastic...

Snack Attack II screenshotSnack Attack II 1982
Gobble up gumdrops and other foodstuffs while avoiding getting eaten yourself in this enhanced Pac Man clone. ...

Snake Game screenshotSnake Game 1992
Snake Game is a nibbles-style game. As a snake, the player has to eat all the fruit on the level and avoid the skulls. The game is a TSR; the player starts it and can press Ctrl+Alt+G anytime to play it. ...

Snake! screenshotSnake! 1984
Snake! is a great clone of Nibbles with some very innovative concepts, even if the game is ASCII-only with no graphics. There are three modes of play in the game: single player, two-player, and computer. The single player mode is basically the same game Nibbles fans are familiar with: you...

Snaker screenshotSnaker 1993
Snaker is a Swedish adaption of the classical concept of snake games. The player uses the arrow keys to control a green snake that is constantly moving through a scrolling labyrinth. The snake has a certain amount of strength at its disposal that decreases by movement and will immediately kill the...

Snarf screenshotSnarf 1988
Snarf is a maze-like game. The objective is to finish all levels. A level contains points, keys, doors, teleporters, enemies, powerups and enemy generators. You can shoot the enemies to make free your path, but they will appear again from the generators. When you reach the right end of...

Sniper Elite V2 screenshotSniper Elite V2 2012
A sequel to the 2005 stealth shooter, Sniper Elite V2 returns players to the battlefields of World War II for solo assignments behind enemy lines. Posing deadly puzzles of tactical positioning and split-second timing, each mission demands preparation, patience, and steel-nerved execution. Reconnaissance is crucial, in order to take the...

Sniper: Art of Victory screenshotSniper: Art of Victory 2007
Players drop into key moments of WWII, look through the scope, and pull the trigger in Sniper: Art of Victory. Gamers must make their way behind enemy lines in order to assassinate the general directing the siege of Stalingrad and head to the Italian peninsula to help break the resistance...

Sniper: Ghost Warrior screenshotSniper: Ghost Warrior 2010
Sniper: Ghost Warrior is a high-definition first-person shooter, with a modern military theme and realistic presentation. The game focuses exclusively on the role of a long-range sniper, in various battle situations. A sophisticated physics model accounts for ballistic factors such as falloff over long distances and the effects of wind...

Snipes screenshotSnipes 1982
Snipes is an arcade style action game. You are in a large maze along with a number of generators. The generators create the enemy Snipes, and to win the game you need to shoot all of the generators and all of the Snipes they create. The game is played using...

Snowball Action Puzzle, The screenshotSnowball Action Puzzle, The 2003
The Snowball Action Puzzle is a neat action/puzzle hybrid from Japan. The idea is simple: you control a 3D duck who must kill all the enemy ducks on each level by throwing snowballs at them while avoiding theirs. While this may sound like a straightforward clone of SnowBrawl, there is...

Snowcraft screenshotSnowcraft 2000
A very simple but still amusing game. The game is simple. You fight against a bunch of kids with snow balls and you have to hit all the other kids in order to win the level. The levels aren't getting much difference as you go through them. It's not very...

Sobor screenshotSobor 1991
One of the first games produced in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sobor is a beat-em-up featuring Russian peasants engaging in bitter hand-to-hand combat through their quest to defeat "Evil Forces", protecting the knowledge that was found contained in ancient scrolls describing Russian Sobor combat system. The game...

Soccer Kid screenshotSoccer Kid 1995
Aliens attempting to steal the World Cup have crashed as they tried to flee, and the Cup has been broken, its pieces scattered around the globe. As Soccer Kid, you must retrieve it. During your journey you will visit Britain, Italy, Russia, Japan, and finally the States. Soccer Kid is a...

Sol Negro screenshotSol Negro 1988
A millenarian spell, transmitted from parents to children, turned the muscular Bully into a fish and the indomitable Mónica into a hawk. Every full moon one of them suffers a transformation and the other recovers his normal form, which prevents them to be together. Only an extraordinary phenomenon can break...

SOL: Exodus screenshotSOL: Exodus 2012

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