Arcade action Games #105

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Wings of Fury Remake screenshotWings of Fury Remake 2003
This is a remake of a really popular game of the early ninetees, called Wings of Fury. The new version brings it back in new glory, with enhanced graphics and sounds. The story is well known: you pilot an airplane for the US Air force in the middle of Japan. Your...

Wings of Honour screenshotWings of Honour 2003
This flight sim offers virtual pilots forgiving, arcade-style control over more than 20 World War I-era planes in 20 single-player missions. While the game can be played using a full-featured flight stick, casual gamers can also fly their planes using only a mouse and keyboard. While there's plenty of dog-fighting...

Wings of War screenshotWings of War 2004
Take the role of a rookie pilot to defend the skies from enemy attack. Similar in spirit to Microsoft's Crimson Skies games, Wings of War places players in the cockpits of World War I-style aircraft and pits them in arcade-style dogfights above a re-imagined, early 20th century European countryside. The...

Wingstar screenshotWingstar 1996
You was found guilty against empire, but you are innocent. So you have a choice to spend a rest of your life in colony or become a front-line warrior in the quest to conquer new planets, for the empire. You choose the second. You have to pilot a one of...

WinRoids screenshotWinRoids 1993
WinRoids is a shareware Asteroids clone where you have to destroy every asteroid on the level while avoiding being hit by the debris (asteroids get split into smaller parts when hit) and the occasional flying saucers. The game uses newtonian physics which means that you use your thrusters to accelerate...

WipEout screenshotWipEout 1995
There is no question of the almost immediate positive response this game got when it was first debuted for the Sony Playstation. Psygnosis have repeated the performance with an excellent PC port. Racing games are a genre that has only a couple basic styles -- race for speed, or race...

Wire Hang Redux screenshotWire Hang Redux 2004
Wire Hang Redux is a great fanmade remake of a great Java game called Wire Hang. In this amazingly addictive coffee break title, your job is to help anime heroine named Rinrei-chan climb as high as possible in the sky - to get high scores, in other words. You do...

Wire Robo screenshotWire Robo 2002
Wire Robo is a fun and unique shooter that plays like a cross between a regular vertical SHMUP and Wire Hang Redux, reviewed elsewhere on this site. Instead of piloting a ship, in this game you control an anime-style robot that is equipped with a grappling hook. To destroy enemies...

Witchaven screenshotWitchaven 1995
Grondoval, a knight from the land of Stazhia, has been just chosen to travel to the forbidding Island of Char. An evil witch named Illwhyrin has cast a curse of never-ending darkness on Stazhia, and built her lair, the Witchaven, on the island, sacrificing the few foolish humans who dare...

Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance screenshotWitchaven II: Blood Vengeance 1996
A funny thing happened during the development of Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance. The 3D Realms engine used in the game (as well as it's predecessor, Witchaven), underwent some technological tweaking as evidenced by Duke Nukem 3D. Unfortunately, that release in the computer first-person adventure genre left Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance...

Wizard of Wor screenshotWizard of Wor 1998
Wizard of Wor is an excellent remake of Midway's hit arcade game of the same name. The idea: one or two players move around a variety of line-drawn mazes shooting the creatures that wander within. Eliminating all of the monsters will advance the players to the next level. Creatures called...

Wizball screenshotWizball 1987
In Wizball the player takes the role of the friendly wizard Wiz who can turn himself into a green ball that is able to defend his world against the color-sucking enemies who have turned his once brightly colored Wizworld into a drab planet. With his trusty feline companion Catelite, the...

Wizkid screenshotWizkid 1992
The Wiz and his cat Nifta have successfully restored colors to the world. Both got married (though most probably not to each other) and begot children: the Wiz had a son, Wizkid, and Nifta had eight kittens. Their peaceful life ended when the evil mouse magician Zark kidnapped the Wiz,...

Wkobo screenshotWkobo 2003
Wkobo is a superb fanmade remake of Xkobo, one of the best freeware games for Linux systems. Like Xkobo, Wkobo is a fast-paced multiway scrolling space shooter similar to a cross between Raiden and Asteroid. The game is simple to learn, but is very addictive. Your objective is to destroy...

Wolfenstein screenshotWolfenstein 2009
Picking up where 2001's Return to Castle Wolfenstein left off, Wolfenstein continues the alternate-history World War II storyline starring the heroic BJ Blazkowicz. The Nazis' depraved and twisted experiments in the occult have succeeded. Using portals to a dark dimension known as the Veil, the Nazis now have the capacity...

Wolfenstein 3D screenshotWolfenstein 3D 1992
You'll be cursing the Third Reich every second you're playing Wolfenstein 3d, the definitive first-person shooter from the wizards at id Software. This game was the one that proved PC's were able to handle fast 3D gameplay, and spawned clones galore (including the brilliant Doom, from the same company). In Wolfenstein...

Wolfenstein 3D: Mortal Kombat Edition screenshotWolfenstein 3D: Mortal Kombat Edition 1993
Aside from creating a whole new genre all to its own, id's frag-fest classic Wolfenstein 3D inspired many "unofficial" versions made by dedicated fans. This Mortal Kombat Edition is among the best of these fan-made versions, featuring opponents from fighting classic Mortal Kombat, each with his or her patented moves. ...

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory screenshotWolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2003
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a stand alone game with 20 new single-player missions, new multiplayer maps, and a new squad-based combat system. Enemy Territory is set in 1942 -- a year earlier than Return to Castle Wolfenstein -- and BJ Blazkowicz must uncover a Nazi plan involving...

Wonderful End of the World, The screenshotWonderful End of the World, The 2008

Woody Woodpecker: Escape from Buzz Buzzard Park screenshotWoody Woodpecker: Escape from Buzz Buzzard Park 2001
Players guide Walter Lantz' redheaded veteran of hundreds of cartoons through a new platform adventure marked by fast action and high-stakes in this release for the PC. Not only has the nasty Buzz Buzzard kidnapped Woody Woodpecker's niece and nephew, but he's stolen the remote control for the TV too....

World Rally Fever: Born on the Road screenshotWorld Rally Fever: Born on the Road 1996
Developed by Team 17 and published by Ocean Software, World Rally Fever is probably the only racing game available on the PC to be comparable to what exist on consoles regarding speed and game play. How did Team 17 managed to make this possible? The answer is simple. World Rally...

World War II (a.k.a. Who Dares Win 2) screenshotWorld War II (a.k.a. Who Dares Win 2) 1998
Aaah, those were these days.... Here is a true gem for all you oldtimers who, like myself, have started gaming back when ZX Spectrum or Commodore's C=64 were state of the art. World War II is an amateur remake of the all time classic Who Dares Wins II originally created by...

World War II Combat: Road to Berlin screenshotWorld War II Combat: Road to Berlin 2006
World War II Combat: Road to Berlin casts players as an operative working for the Office of Strategic Services, who is stationed in war-torn Berlin and must use surveillance, stealth, and sharp shooting skills to prevent the Russians from obtaining sensitive information from the German atomic weapons program. The ultimate...

World War II GI screenshotWorld War II GI 1999
Take to the shores during the storming of Normandy beaches in WWII GI from GT Interactive. Fight the German-occupied forces in this first-person D-day shooter whose story revolves around the Allied invasion. Explore German bunkers and undergound trenches through two battle campaigns that inlcude seven missions each. Play against the...

World War II: Sniper - Call to Victory screenshotWorld War II: Sniper - Call to Victory 2004
In this historically based first-person shooter, players take the role of a lone U.S. Airborne soldier who is dropped behind enemy lines. Using stealth tactics, the environment, and a selection of era-authentic weaponry that ranges from the Springfield M1903 rifle to bazookas and grenades, World War II Sniper players provide...

Worlds of Billy, The screenshotWorlds of Billy, The 1997
In The Worlds of Billy a boy named Billy has to cross 100 arcade levels to get back home. But of course there are bad guys who wants him dead and in this case the culprits are fruits. To get rid of them Billy has to dig holes in the...

Worms screenshotWorms 1995
Worms is one of those rare games that steps past all of the high profile multimedia fluff and concentrates on delivering what gamers really thirst for - an entertaining play session. Everything about this title, from its "kill everything that moves" concept to its arrow key control, is designed with...

Worms+ screenshotWorms+ 1995

Wrath of Earth screenshotWrath of Earth 1995
A distress signal was sent from the Aragon mining colony on a planet called Thermadax, taking five years to arrive to the Earth. A cybernetically enhanced fighter protected by an exoskeleton with mounted weaponry is sent to deal with the situation. A few of the colonists are still alive; the...

Wrath of The Demon screenshotWrath of The Demon 1991
The mighty wizard Anthrax, in an attempt to usurp authority over the kingdom, has summoned a horrifying Demon. The Demon makes good on his chartered task by summoning a horde of monsters to lay waste to the kingdom at large. Fortuitously, a random stranger is strolling nearby the kingdom and...

Arcade action Games:
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