Arcade action Games #99

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Transformers: War for Cybertron screenshotTransformers: War for Cybertron 2010
Transformers: War for Cybertron is an original action-adventure starring the living machine characters from the Hasbro toy line. The game is set on their home planet of Cybertron, in the days before the anthropomorphic automobiles first came to Earth. It tells the origin story of the Autobots and Decepticons, in...

Transland screenshotTransland 1996
Not being a kid any more and with a desire to explore the galaxy you pop down to the spaceship sale and get yourself a bargain. After take off something goes wrong and your ship explodes, you crash land safely in your combo escape pod/scooter unit on a strange world....

Trantor: The Last Stormtrooper screenshotTrantor: The Last Stormtrooper 1988
In this game you play the role of a man who has been stranded on an alien planet after his space ship explodes and you must find pieces of it to rebuild it. The gameplay involves you jumping across platforms and shooting at droids and aliens but also ducking to...

Trap Pinball screenshotTrap Pinball 1999
Another excellent game from freeware developer Yamada No Ana Project, who is dedicated to producing games based around the same cast of characters, led by a stubby construction worker and his friends. Like all other games from this group, the game is 100% English, boasts excellent music, offers 2-player hotseat...

Trap Shooting screenshotTrap Shooting 1994
Trap Shooting is an arcade game of shooting at targets (clay pigeons). First, let's have a look to the Configure menu. Select the difficulty of the game (Easy, Moderate or Hard). No surprise Hard mode is the fastest. From this menu you can also enable or disable sound effects, using the...

Trash It screenshotTrash It 1997
Trash It is an arcade action game where player(s) have to destroy buildings with a gigantic hammers. As a player, you take a role of construction worker who has only one mission: To smash everything to bits. Pieces are flying and houses falling as players hack their way through...

Trauma screenshotTrauma 1995
The plot of Trauma is simple, destroy anything that moves in your role as pilot of one of the different empires that are fighting for Earth control. All of them have their own personality and also different strong -and weak- points. Are you ready to try luck with any of...

TRAZ screenshotTRAZ 1989
Transformable Arcade Zone is a Breakout clone with multiple paddles, 64 levels and a built-in level construction set. Each level can have different set of paddles, sometimes one at the top and one at the bottom, sometimes one left one right, sometimes four stacked-up etc. This gives each level a distinctly...

Treasure Hunt screenshotTreasure Hunt 1982
Try to find the treasures someone has dropped down to the maze. There's no enemies or any dangers in the game, so you can examine the maze as slowly and thoroughly as you want. Treasure hunt is a very simple maze game, but what makes it somewhat special is that it's...

Treasure Trap screenshotTreasure Trap 1990
In 1829 The Esmerelda, a cargo ship carrying gold, sinks to the bottom of the ocean. In 1927 a treasure hunter called Howard Kelp dons a diving suit and searches for the bullion in the wreck. Treasure Trap is an isometric action game similar to Head Over Heels, but less abstract...

Tremulous screenshotTremulous 2006
Tremulous is an open source team-based first-person shooter with real-time strategy elements. The game features two teams, humans and aliens, each having to build and protect a base. Victory is achieved by the destruction of the enemy base and by eliminating all members of the enemy team. The gameplay is different...

Tribes 2 screenshotTribes 2 2001
After spending a considerable amount of time in development, Tribes 2 emerges as an entertaining game that doesn't quite live up to its potential, at least not at the time of its release. This disappointment comes from a few technical issues that will be mentioned later in the review. First,...

Tribes: Vengeance screenshotTribes: Vengeance 2004
As online, team-oriented first-person shooters become commonplace, and even single-player games are expected to offer at least some sort of online multiplayer mode, it may be easy to forget that the original Tribes was one of the very first action games to concentrate on online competition and multiplayer teamwork. This...

Trigger screenshotTrigger 1989
Crazy Park is a place not recommended for people who want to have a peaceful existence, because the murderers, thieves and other thugs converted it in their home. But of course, as in every other story where some bad guys take a place which doesn't belong to them, there will...

Triplane Turmoil screenshotTriplane Turmoil 1996
A Sopwith-style WWI action game, Triplane Turmoil allows to take the controls of a biplane or triplane, and fly for the English, German, Finnish, or Japanese air forces. Play against the computer or against other human opponents via a split-screen display. Do well and receive medals, ribbons, and promotions. Form...

Triple Threat: An Arcade Adventure screenshotTriple Threat: An Arcade Adventure 1995
The attack in on! Take your choice- high-tech combat in space, in the skies over hostile territory or on land. Triple Threat: An Arcade Adventure, consists of Quatra Command, F-18 No Fly Zone and Black Rein. It offers fast-paced action, riveting 3D graphics and 16-bit digitized sound- all to heighten the...

Tristan Pinball screenshotTristan Pinball 1991
A pinball simulator for home computers. Tristan Pinball features a single medieval-themed board (hence the title) displayed in a single screen with score and bonus indicators filling the rest of the screen. Includes multiplayer hot-seat support in which each player plays a ball and switches when losing and also features...

Triumph! War 2099 screenshotTriumph! War 2099 2001
One of the best freeware games ever made with Klik & Play game creating program, Triumph! War 2099 is a cute, innovative, and fun mix of no-holds-barred action and real-time strategy genres. At first glance, the game looks no different from the likes of Destruction Carnival: kill all of your...

Trog screenshotTrog 1990
Long ago, back in the days of cavemen and dinosaurs, there was a land called Og. In this land, hungry one-eyed cavemen, called Trogs, loved the taste of eggs. However, two Dino-Mites, Spike and Bloop, were determined to rescue the eggs from certain doom! Up to two players can...

Trojan screenshotTrojan 1986
The world is ruled by a vicious warlord named Achiless and his henchmen. You are Ryu, the master of martial arts and sword-fighting, who has decided that a confrontation with Achilles is in order to bring peace and order back to the world. Your character is equipped with both a...

Trolls screenshotTrolls 1992
This platform game features the small blue-haired cutesy creatures that were popular around the time (although surely not with most computer game buyers?). You play a Troll roaming the levels in the hope of rescuing as many baby trolls as possible - each level gives you a set minimum to...

Tron 2.0 screenshotTron 2.0 2003
Alan Bradley has finally perfected the technology to digitize people, which allows humans to enter the internal world of a computer. His program, "Ma3a," has AI sophisticated enough to store the entire gene code of a person and the mathematical equations necessary to transfer people back and forth between the...

TRON: Evolution screenshotTRON: Evolution 2010
Created and released in conjunction with Disney's feature-film sequel, Tron: Evolution is an action-driven adventure that plays through story events taking place between 1982's original Tron Legacy. The various console and handheld versions of the title are set at different places in the timeline, with the PC game focusing on...

TRON: Light Cycles screenshotTRON: Light Cycles 1992
Based off the Disney movie TRON, this game attempts to recreate the light cycle game. Two colors face off in the attempt to box in and ultimately crash the other opponent using "Light Trails" that spring up behind each machine. A store randomly appears in which you can buy upgrades...

Tronic screenshotTronic 1996
Tronic is a little Breakout-clone with additional bells and whistles. Goal of the game is to use a racket, controlled by arrow keys or mouse, to hit balls that destroy bricks. When all the bricks for a level have been cleared, the player will advance to a next level. The racket...

Troubled Tower screenshotTroubled Tower 1994
You are Jack 'Calculator' Hayes, a mild mannered attorney until one day... Shane Conway Computer Designs, a large company, is also a front for a C.I.A. base held underneath the building. A secret militia group, led by the mysterious Master Dinkins, takes the building by storm. As you are walking...

Trucks screenshotTrucks 1997
Trucks is an interesting driving game that plays like a cross between Interstate '76, Quarantine, and Terminal Velocity, except not nearly as innovative or fun as any of these games. This futuristic game is set on the planet Cooroocoocoo (I am not making this up), where you are an aspiring...

True Crime: New York City screenshotTrue Crime: New York City 2006
Luxoflux invites grown-up players back for another game of "good cop (or) bad cop" in this follow-up to 2003's L.A.-based action-adventure. As in the original True Crime, players take the role of an unorthodox law enforcement officer, and by their actions and in-game choices, determine the character's morality as they...

Trygg-Hansa screenshotTrygg-Hansa 2000
A fun Frogger clone, sponsored by Trygg-Hansa, Sweden's second-largest insurer. Developer E-Game really has a knack for creating game concepts that match the sponsor's business, and Trygg-Hansa is no exception. What better game to represent the importance of insurance than a game in which your life is at stake? ;)...

Tube screenshotTube 1995
Tube is a little known game from Bullfrog which, according to Home of the Underdogs (see links) was originally intended to be a test for a new Bullfrog employee. A unique concept in itself, Tube utilizes an old demo trick to simulate an endless forward-moving tunnel, along with some neat vector...

Arcade action Games:
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