Arcade action Games #58

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Max Payne 3 screenshotMax Payne 3 2012
The series that introduced "bullet-time" gunplay for dramatic and artful slow-motion shooting sequences returns after a seven-year hiatus with Max Payne 3. The gritty and vengeful protagonist, whose family was viciously murdered by drug addicts, has left his role as a New York City detective to start a clean slate...

Maxgame screenshotMaxgame 1985
Some strange CGA game. ...

Mayday Squad screenshotMayday Squad 1989
In Mayday Squad, the Lutonian Embassy has been taken over by the Red Legion terror organisation and the ambassador's daughter has been kidnapped. The player takes the role of a group of three special agents which have to save her within a time limit. The player has to choose between...

Maze Adventures screenshotMaze Adventures 1986
This is a pack of 4 different maze games: Diamond Digger, you run around and pick up gems. Block Five, is not quite a maze-game. It's five in row against the computer. Another game is Rogue Runner. In this game you see very short a level with a maze in it....

Maze Wars screenshotMaze Wars 1992
Maze Wars is a strange cross between Wolfenstein 3D and Pacman. You navigate around a 3D maze, shooting and running from enemies that are represented by wireframe pyramids. Once all enemies are dead you can exit the maze and move on to the next one. If you run out of...

Maze!, The screenshotMaze!, The 1996
The Maze! is a shareware Doom clone. The shareware release consists of four levels while the registered version has twenty. There is no story or plot to this game. The player walks, or runs, around a maze looking for the exit and shooting and/or avoiding guards and other creatures that are...

McDonald Land screenshotMcDonald Land 1992
The Hamburglar has stolen Ronald's bag of magic tricks! In this 2D platformer, it's up to you to play as Mick or Mac and get it back. Go across various lands and meet McDonald's characters as you travel to places like Ronald's Clubhouse, Birdie's Treehouse, and the Hamburglar's...

McPixel screenshotMcPixel 2012

MDK screenshotMDK 1997
MDK is a 3rd person action/shooter game in which the objective is to basically shoot everything that moves in six massive cities, each with their own sublevels. Because the world is being invaded by aliens, it is up to you and your sidekick Bones to stop the invasion and single...

MDK 2 HD screenshotMDK 2 HD 2012
Kurt Hectic and companions are back to save the world from marauding aliens in MDK 2 HD, a polished and updated remake of 2000s well-received action title. After saving Earth from the extra-dimensional hordes of aliens and destroying the last of their giant resource-harvesting mine crawlers, Kurt Hectic, his employer...

MDK2 screenshotMDK2 2000
MDK 2 avoids being sucked into obscurity as yet another clone by virtue of its unique gameplay and its light-hearted, tongue-planted-firmly-in-cheek presentation. While it isn't a stellar, must-see game, it is very exciting and a joy to play. With an innovative interface that allows the game to switch between three...

Mean Cuisine screenshotMean Cuisine 2003
Mean Cuisine is another quality freeware gem from Blackeye Software, makers of the outstanding Eternal Daughter. This time, they brought us not another epic platformer, but a nice Pac-Man-style game. The designer's description: "Poo is a strange little blue alien with a BIG appetite, and he's chosen Chef Louis's restaurant...

Meat Boy screenshotMeat Boy 2008

Meat Puppet screenshotMeat Puppet 1997
It's the year 2026, where life is grim and the world looks bleak. You are located in the dirty streets of Los Angeles. Everything is dark and evil. The lust for power and blood surrounds the ghetto. Technology dominates the society in forms of weaponry, bio-engineering, and advanced armor. You...

Mechwarrior screenshotMechwarrior 1989
MechWarrior is a curious historical footnote. It spawns the defining series in 3D real-time giant robot simulators and is itself one of the first PC attempts at 3D graphics. But a few flaws keep it from being the great game it could be; instead it ends up being a foreshadowing...

MechWarrior 3 screenshotMechWarrior 3 1999
Welcome to the Eridani Light Horse, one of the premier outfits in the Inner Sphere. Your job is to assist with the eradication of the Smoke Jaguar Clan. Use any means necessary and any means at your disposal. Any questions? Good. MechWarrior 3 is a quantum upgrade on all fronts from...

MechWarrior 4: Vengeance screenshotMechWarrior 4: Vengeance 2001
MechWarrior 4: Vengeance begins with a strong, enjoyable cinematic introduction that stirs up excitement, a rare commodity when compared to the impatient norm for the genre. Not only does the intro set the plot, but it also features nice direction and action sequences. Does the game deliver on this promising...

Medal of Honor screenshotMedal of Honor 2010
Taking cues from the Call of Duty franchise it helped spawn, EA resurrects its floundering first-person shooter series by moving it from WWII into 21st-century Afghanistan in Medal of Honor. Taking place in 2001, when the U.S. military began combat operations against the Taliban, Medal of Honor puts particular emphasis...

Medal of Honor: Airborne screenshotMedal of Honor: Airborne 2007
Created with historical accuracy in mind, Medal of Honor: Airborne follows the story as told by the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army during WWII. Gamers will navigate their troops through a campaign that begins in Sicily and ends in Germany. As members of this squad, players begin...

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault screenshotMedal of Honor: Allied Assault 2002
Electronic Arts has produced another rock solid, if uninspired, first-person shooter for their Medal of Honor series. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault's seven multi-level missions traverse the European Theater of WWII; you will take out coastal guns in North Africa, scuttle submarines in Norway, and sneak into the heart of...

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault screenshotMedal of Honor: Pacific Assault 2004
Pacific Assault returns Medal of Honor fans and first-person shooter enthusiasts to the Great War, for a tour of duty in the Pacific Theatre. Players take the role of a Marine named Conlin, who survives the attack on Pearl Harbor and embarks on a series of increasingly difficult missions that...

Medal of Honor: Warfighter screenshotMedal of Honor: Warfighter 2012
A direct sequel to EA's 2010 franchise reboot, Medal of Honor: Warfighter once again puts PC gamers in the role of elite Tier 1 operators as they battle the world's most dangerous terrorists in places like the Philippines, Bosnia, and Somalia. The single-player story follows the life of Tier 1...

Medicalat screenshotMedicalat 2002
Another fun "cute flying witch" horizontal shooter from Japan, Medicalat features smooth SVGA graphics and addictive gameplay that recalls the best of IREM's offerings. One of the best features in the game is the rocket that accompanies you, acting as a "wingman" that helps shoot the enemies. When you leave...

Meet the Robinsons screenshotMeet the Robinsons 2007
Based on the 2007 film inspired by the book A Day with Wilbur Robinson, Disney's Meet the Robinsons invites players to take the role of Wilbur Robinson as they help Lewis retrieve his memory invention from the evil Bowler Hat Guy. Gamers will follow their onscreen avatar through a variety...

Mega Blast screenshotMega Blast 1995
Mega Blast is a game based upon simple rules popularized by such classic titles like Dyna Blaster or Bomberman. A couple of players are placed in a maze and each of them have time-bombs at disposal. The goal is to eliminate adversaries; players can achieve this by detonating an explosive...

Mega Man screenshotMega Man 1990
Prior to publishing its own line of PC games, Capcom Entertainment licensed Mega Man to Hi Tech Expressions. The result is a unique version of the game that puts you in the role of the title character, a robot wunderkind created to save the world from Dr. Wily and his...

Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting screenshotMega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting 1992
Dr. Wily seeks once more to conquer the earth with his robotic creations and it's up to Megaman to stop him. This time, Megaman will face the likes of six different robot masters and the monsters within their levels. These bosses are Torch Man, Blade Man, Oil Man, Bit Man,...

Mega Man X screenshotMega Man X 1995
Set 100 years after the events chronicled in Capcom's 8-bit Mega Man games, Mega Man X makes its PC debut as a port of the Super NES cartridge. The Blade Runner-style storyline finds a sentient Mega Man hunting down "Mavericks," robots gone rogue. Yet the core gameplay is virtually unchanged...

Mega Man X4 screenshotMega Man X4 1998
A group of reploids known as the Repliforce, led by Colonel and the huge General, desires independence from the humans that made them, although unlike the Mavericks, they do not wish to harm humans. Even so, a war breaks out between the Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters, who have pegged...

Mega Man X8 screenshotMega Man X8 2005

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