Arcade action Games #64

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Ninja screenshotNinja 1986
Ninja is not a very good game. To put it in real estate terms, if Karateka and Karate Champ are the five bedroom/three bathroom houses of the fighting game world (circa 1984), then Ninja is the equivalent of a cardboard box. If, that is, the cardboard hovel leaks in the...

Ninja Blade screenshotNinja Blade 2009

Ninja Gaiden screenshotNinja Gaiden 1990
Ninja Gaiden begins with a cinematic animation in which 2 ninjas duel to the death; one goes down. It is revealed that the doomed ninja is the father of Ryu Hayabusa. When Ryu learns of this, he embarks on a quest to find out who killed his father and why....

Ninja Gaiden 2: Dark Sword of Chaos screenshotNinja Gaiden 2: Dark Sword of Chaos 1991
A year after the events of the original Ninja Gaiden, a new villain named Ashtar receives word of Jaquio's defeat. Ashtar uses this opportunity to hatch a new plan to plunge the world into darkness. The ninja, Ryu Hayabusa, hits the trail to destroy all manner of vile creatures entering...

Ninja Rabbits screenshotNinja Rabbits 1993
The rabbit you control has ninja skills and an appropriate costume. Ninja Rabbits is a platform game where you usually go to the right, except sometimes you must go down into the sewers or metro and fight there. Enemies on various levels include street thugs, ninjas, bears and frogs. Most screens...

Nisus Missile Master screenshotNisus Missile Master 1994
Another Missile Command clone. You have to defend you town from falling asteroids with limited number of missiles. Using mouse you have to find a place for missile explode location to clear the blue sky from killing menace. ...

Nitemare-3D screenshotNitemare-3D 1994
Nitemare-3D is a horror-themed first-person shooter and a sequel to the adventure game Hugo III: Jungle of Doom. Hugo's girlfriend Penelope is kidnapped by the nefarious Dr. Hamerstein, who intends to conduct terrifying experiments on her. Hugo has to explore the Doctor's twisted mansion, travel through underground caverns, and eventually...

Nitro Family screenshotNitro Family 2004
"Family values" takes on a whole new meaning in this first-person shooter built on the Serious Sam engine. Nitro Family has you tearing through 15 levels of destructive action as you take on 50 different enemies in an attempt to save your son, Red Chief, from an evil corporation. Along...

No Exit screenshotNo Exit 1990
No Exit is a side-view martial arts beat 'em up, similar in style to IK+. Each fight must be won within a time limit. You can specify your character's ability quite precisely, trading off Vivacity against Efficiency and Resistance against Strength. Your character has a special destructive mode, which can...

No Gravity screenshotNo Gravity 1996
No Gravity is a cool 3D space shooter from Realtech VR. Formerly a commercial game, the source code and later the data files were released into the public domain in 2005. Similar to Wing Commander, you control a spaceship from the first-person perspective. Your job is to accomplish missions, with...

No One Lives Forever screenshotNo One Lives Forever 2000
No One Lives Forever is a first-person spy adventure that takes place in a world that we'd all recognize, even if it never really existed. Settings and storylines are reminiscent of early James Bond films, with a healthy dose of Get Smart and Austin Powers thrown in for good measure....

No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way screenshotNo One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way 2002
Contemporary shooters, such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Return to Castle Wolfenstein, generally strive to present a gritty world full of dirt and dead bodies. A few others, like Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, offer a different experience full of color and bad puns. However, most shooter fans...

No Respect screenshotNo Respect 1997
No Respect is one of those games which are never worth full price, but suddenly become good games when released under a budget label. Unfortunately, No Respect never got the chance to be released under a budget line, because Ocean had been acquired by Infogrames and the game basically got...

No Time To Explain screenshotNo Time To Explain 2011

Nocturne screenshotNocturne 1999
Oh no, the Resident Evil series has competition and its name is Nocturne! It's true, Terminal Reality has created something that may just be considered the minimum standard for the year 2000 in terms of quality PC titles. The realism in this game just blows the cover off any other game...

Noggin Knockers 1 screenshotNoggin Knockers 1 1993
"Well, Here's Bloodlust Software's parody of PONG, the classic cheapo paddle game." Just as ugly as our first game, and just as stupid. Now the pong paddles have attitude and special moves, and the ball (now a severed head) bitches when you hit it. As odd as it seems, this...

Noggin Knockers 2 screenshotNoggin Knockers 2 1996
Upset at the injustices rendered upon legions of innocent midgets over the course of Executioners, the first Bloodlust Software game, the sinister French midget "Stumpy", leader of the Great Midget Rebellion, arranges the kidnapping of Lord ][ellbent Deathspew and Smegma, alter-egos of the game's developers. Still with me? Torn at devising...

Noitu Love screenshotNoitu Love 2006

Noitu Love 2: Devolution screenshotNoitu Love 2: Devolution 2008

Noiz2sa screenshotNoiz2sa 2002
RRootage and Noiz2sa are two unique and addictive vertical shooters that breath fresh air into the crowded, clone-proned genre of arcade shooters. What sets both games apart from other shooters are two very innovative design choices: cool abstract graphics, and pitting you against only 'boss' enemy ships without hordes of...

Nomltest FS screenshotNomltest FS 2005
Nomltest FS is one of the best Space Invaders clone you'll ever play, although you won't think it likely from looking at the screenshot. Although the graphics are nothing special (with "ripped" sprites from Space Invaders, no less), what makes Nomltest FS unique and addictive are the cool gameplay modes....

North & South screenshotNorth & South 1990
Based on the Belgian comic book, "Les Tuniques Bleues", this strategy game allows you to replay the American Civil War from both the North and the South sides. In the strategy part of the game, you can move your troops on a map of the US. If two opposing armies enter...

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi screenshotNosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi 2003
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi tells the story of the noble Patterson family who arrive at Castle Malachi in 1912 for the wedding of their eldest daughter. However, the groom is missing and, trapped in their rooms for the night, the Pattersons soon discover several unsavory secrets about their host,...

Notrium screenshotNotrium 2003
Notrium is yet another excellent release from Ville Mönkkönen, Finnish programmer best known for The Forge and Bikez II, as well as several other superb freeware gems. In his own words: "Notrium is a realtime single player survival game. You have crashed on a strange planet filled with aliens, and...

Nova 9 screenshotNova 9 1994
Stellar 7 and its better sequel Nova 9 are two fun 3D action old games that combine furious action with resource management similar to the classic Spectre. Drive futuristic hovercrafts in missions against the evil warlord Drax and prevent him from-- what else?-- controlling the universe. They're fast and fun,...

Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon screenshotNova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon 1991
It has been two years since the Stellar 7 war. Gir Draxon, the villain, has not been found. Nova 9 has just issued a distress call... Captain John Alex, takes the experimental Raven II tank to investigate the distress call... Nova 9 is the sequel to Dynamix's Stellar 7, a...

Novastorm screenshotNovastorm 1994
When Cybertech Corp. first announced almost 50 years ago, that it had discovered a way to take human flesh out of the military equation, there was a monumental sigh of relief among many. The Star Corps Armored Response Battalions (SCARAB) were pitched to a generation ravaged by the scars of...

Nuclear Strike screenshotNuclear Strike 1997
In the 1990s, the Strike series by Electronic Arts distinguished itself in the genre of helicopter action games. It combines a flashy, eye-catching form of presentation with a solid game engine. The series peaked with the release of Soviet Strike. The taut storyline and innovative full-motion video work of the...

Nyet screenshotNyet 1988
Nyet is a freeware Tetris clone using ANSI graphics. The following was taken from the game's readme file: Although I did not invent the game, I did write this implementation from scratch (using Turbo Pascal Version 4.0). I did it mainly for the hell of it, but I improved...

O-DEN2000 screenshotO-DEN2000 2003
O-DEN2000 is a fun, unassuming horizontal shooter from the designer of Akuji the Demon. Like in his better-known platformer, this game sports crisp graphics, smooth animations, and fluid gameplay that will delight G-Type fans. Your craft, as well as all the enemy ships, are well designed in stumpy-head "SD" anime...

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