Arcade action Games #45

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Hive, The screenshotHive, The 1995
The Hive is a fast action-arcade game from Trimark Interactive. A long time ago, the Ancients engineered a mutant race called Hivasects, capable of producing a highly poisonous bio-toxin. The substance was so toxic that it caused the extinction of the Ancients, and it is now feared that the recent...

Hobbit, The screenshotHobbit, The 2003
J.R.R. Tolkien's first published novel is the subject of this home computer release, which follows the adventures of Bilbo Baggins as he stumbles upon The One Ring. The action takes place from a third-person perspective as players guide Baggins around a 3D-modeled Middle Earth. The Hobbit is Texas-based developer Inevitable...

Hocus Pocus screenshotHocus Pocus 1994
Hocus Pocus, our hero, is a young magician who aspires to earn a seat on the Council of Wizards, and marry young Popopa. The head of that august organization, Terexin, insists that before either event occurs, Hocus must first prove his worthiness by passing four arduous tests: Time Tripping, Warped...

Holotz's Castle screenshotHolotz's Castle 2004
Holotz's Castle is a neat Lode Runner-style game that combines the key-collecting, hole-hopping fun of Lode Runner with an interesting plot that features some funny dialogues and interesting NPCs. Your goal in this 2D side-scroller is to find and collect all the keys on each level and make it to...

Home Alone screenshotHome Alone 1991
This is a platform game based on the movie "Home Alone". Kevin's family went on vacation, but they forgot about him, so now he's home alone. Now there are two burglars who want to break into the house. Kevin has to prevent the burglars from kidnapping him, by riddling the...

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York screenshotHome Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992
The sequel to Home Alone. As in the film, this time Kevin McCallister is lost in New York and must avoid the criminals Harry and Marv through 4 levels of gameplay. This version comes con a set of weapons to use against the thugs like the super somersault or the...

Homefront screenshotHomefront 2011

Hong Gildong-jeon 2 screenshotHong Gildong-jeon 2 1995
Hong Gildong-jeon 2 is a follow-up to Hong Gildong-jeon. Like its predecessor, it is based on the classic Korean tale of a boy who is persecuted by his own family and grows up to become a noble-hearted bandit and a hero. Unlike the first game, it is an interactive cartoon...

Hong Pong screenshotHong Pong 1998
Hong Pong is a Pong variant set in five different war zones (including one hidden) and with tanks instead of paddles. Played with two tanks, one on each side of the screen, players need to prevent a spinning nuke from touching their side of the screen, while shooting missiles at...

Hoppop'n screenshotHoppop'n 1998
Hoppop'n is a cute and unique anime action game that is strangely addictive despite repetitive gameplay and level design. From the review at Otaku World: "This is one of those strange games that seem to only originate in Japan. It's an action game: you use the arrow keys to move around...

Horde, The screenshotHorde, The 1994
You are Chauncey, a serving lad who saves his monarch from choking on his meal. The King rewards you with his magical sword, Grimthwacker, and a village, and the mission to go forth and prosper by felling waves of Hordlings, who are bent on eating everything in the province. The...

Horror Zombies from The Crypt screenshotHorror Zombies from The Crypt 1990
Horror Zombies from the Crypt pays homage to the horror genre of the 1950's by creating Count Frederick Valdemar (our hero of the game), the gothic mansion he enters, and the creatures he is going to meet there like vampires, zombies, ghouls and many other scary things that cinema fans...

Hostage: Rescue Mission (a.k.a. Hostages) screenshotHostage: Rescue Mission (a.k.a. Hostages) 1989
Terrorists have overrun an embassy and hold the people inside as hostages. You control six counter-terrorists whose mission is to eliminate the terrorists. In the first part of the game, you have to bring three men into position so they can snipe the building. The second part involves entering the...

Hotline Miami screenshotHotline Miami 2012
Hotline Miami is an action-packed shooter with a distinctive, retro-styled presentation. You'll play as an animal mask-wearing criminal, who receives orders via phone to eliminate occupants of various dwellings and establishments of ill repute. To survive you'll need to think fast and react even faster, because once you set foot...

Hotshot screenshotHotshot 1989
A simple two-player game released to much marketing fanfare, Hotshot places you and another player (either another person or an AI robot) in an arena split down the middle into two save for a hole about half the screen's height for the ball to travel through, with a series of...

Hour of Victory screenshotHour of Victory 2008
In the Hour of Victory three characters entrenched on the battlefields of WWII must use their unique skills to make it through each level alive. Playing as Major Ambrose Taggert, gamers may sneak up on enemies and dispatch them with the sharp edge of a blade. Lieutenant William Ross is...

House of the Dead 2, The screenshotHouse of the Dead 2, The 1998
Based on past industry history, the port of arcade gun shooters to the PC is often an "iffy" process, resulting in the loss of gameplay and flavor in the transition. There's no denying that gun shooters in the arcade and even home consoles can be fun, if played with the...

House of the Dead 3, The screenshotHouse of the Dead 3, The 2005
You may or may not be familiar with the long running and highly popular House of the Dead arcade games. Following a long tradition of lightgun games, HotD 3 pits you against wave after wave of enemies in an on-rails shotgun experience. The games are incredibly simple affairs, with little...

House of the Dead, The screenshotHouse of the Dead, The 1997
The House of the Dead comes to the PC with a bang; it survived the Arcade conversion with a few minor faults. For those unfamiliar with the title, it's an on-rails light gun shooter, meaning players follow pre-designed paths through a spooky mansion filled with the living dead. Because the...

HoverTank screenshotHoverTank 1994
HoverTank is a fun two-player split screen tank battle game, just like Atari's classic Combat, but with better graphics and more power-ups. You start out at either a random or a predetermined location depending on the map that you are on, then you must hunt down the enemy tank, which...

Hovertank screenshotHovertank 1991
One of many games developed by id to fulfill their contract with Softdisk. In Hovertank you play mercenary Brick Sledge, hired to rescue people from cities targeted for nuclear strikes. Get in your Hovertank and get them before the missile hits. ...

Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 2 screenshotHoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 2 1990
The sequel to Hoyle's Book Of Games. There are lots of games in this edition, but all of them are Solitare games. So if you like playing many different versions of solitare, buy volume 2 of hoyles book of games! ...

Huckleberry Hound screenshotHuckleberry Hound 1993
Based on the famous animated series created by Hanna-Barbera Productions about sweet blue dog Huckleberry 'Huck' Hound that speaks with southern drawl and wants to find the appropriate job. So Huck as amateur Hollywood actor should complete many acts in the different scenes (Under World, Sea World, Canyon World, and Sky...

Hugo screenshotHugo 1995
The evil witch Hexana kidnapped Hugo's family and he has to rescue them. This game contains five ported levels from the popular TV show: Level 1/1: Hugo is driving on a draisine and has to dodge oncoming trains and dead ends by changing the tracks. On the right side...

Hulk screenshotHulk 2003
Marvel's muscle-bound monstrosity stars in this PC game, based on locales and characters from Ang Lee's 2003 feature film rather than the comic book series. Playing the role of Bruce Banner and his enraged alter ego, players must fight a number of mutant enemies, avoid military pursuers, and smash through...

Human Killing Machine screenshotHuman Killing Machine 1988
In today's moral climate, it seems that almost everyone is living by the rule 'kill or be killed'. Some people are taking the idea to extremes, plunging into danger just to prove that they are really tough and a lot stupider than the rest. In this game, players control Kwon,...

Humphrey screenshotHumphrey 2004
Humphrey is a great remake of one of Ziggurat's best action games that is basically unknown outside Spain. In the remake author's words: "in 1988, Zigurat released a game that ended up being one of the best Spanish games of all times (although pretty unknown out of Spain): Humphrey. Its...

Hunchback screenshotHunchback 1988
Victor Hugo never could have expected that his creation Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, would run such an obstacle course as is dished up in this game, dodging fireballs and arrows while leaping over pits and pikemen, sometimes with the help of a swinging bell-pull rope, in hopes of...

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The screenshotHunchback of Notre Dame, The 1996
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is an amateur platform game, loosely based on the 1996 Disney movie of the same name. The player controls the hunchbacked Quasimodo who, on each level, must collect five tambourines and then head to the exit. Collecting a bangle gives the player an extra life....

Hunt for The Red October, The screenshotHunt for The Red October, The 1990
Based on the movie of the same name which was adapted from the best-seller by Tom Clancy. As Jack Ryan (a CIA officer) you must find out if Red October's mission is to DEFECT and if that is the situation try to prevent a possible deadly war. Red October is...

Arcade action Games:
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